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Social Studies 9 Lesson 2. Do Now! Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Use all of.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies 9 Lesson 2. Do Now! Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Use all of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies 9 Lesson 2

2 Do Now! Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Take 5 minutes to do the following in your notebook: Use all of the following words to write at least 2 sentences to show me you understand what we covered in class yesterday: Use all of the following words to write at least 2 sentences to show me you understand what we covered in class yesterday: Source, primary source, secondary source, artifact, textbook Source, primary source, secondary source, artifact, textbook

3 Review Primary Source vs Secondary Source Primary Source vs Secondary Source What is an example of a primary source? What is an example of a primary source?

4 Artifact….. Is a PRIMARY SOURCE Is a PRIMARY SOURCE Yesterday when you looked at my artifact kit you practiced using primary sources. Yesterday when you looked at my artifact kit you practiced using primary sources.

5 Now let’s see yours! Share student artifact kits Share student artifact kits

6 Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Do you think seeing your classmates’ artifact kits helped you learn more about them? 1. Do you think seeing your classmates’ artifact kits helped you learn more about them? 2. Do you think seeing your classmates’ artifact kits taught you EVERYTHING there is to know about them? 2. Do you think seeing your classmates’ artifact kits taught you EVERYTHING there is to know about them?

7 Drawbacks of only using primary sources ONLY using primary sources, like artifacts, can be tricky. ONLY using primary sources, like artifacts, can be tricky.

8 SO….. We use many different types of SOURCES to make sure that we have the most accurate understanding of something. We use many different types of SOURCES to make sure that we have the most accurate understanding of something.

9 Today We are going to use a type of SECONDARY SOURCE to learn about our first unit of study: We are going to use a type of SECONDARY SOURCE to learn about our first unit of study:

10 The Industrial Revolution! We are going to use the textbook (secondary source) to get an introduction to the Industrial Revolution. We are going to use the textbook (secondary source) to get an introduction to the Industrial Revolution.

11 But before we start to use the textbook We should learn how to use it in the best possible way. We should learn how to use it in the best possible way. That is why you will work with a partner to complete a textbook scavenger hunt. You will try to find some of the most valuable tolls in your textbook. That is why you will work with a partner to complete a textbook scavenger hunt. You will try to find some of the most valuable tolls in your textbook.

12 Introduction to Unit 1 Before we begin to read, we need to start to think about what we are going to learn. Before we begin to read, we need to start to think about what we are going to learn. Do Now: Look around the room. List as many things as you can in one minute that were made in factories by machines. Do Now: Look around the room. List as many things as you can in one minute that were made in factories by machines.

13 A great change Almost everything in this room has been made in a factory. Almost everything in this room has been made in a factory. BUT, only about 200 years ago, most things were made by people in their homes! BUT, only about 200 years ago, most things were made by people in their homes! The great change from things being made by hand, to things being made by machines is a result of the Industrial Revolution The great change from things being made by hand, to things being made by machines is a result of the Industrial Revolution

14 Learning Targets For each unit we study in this class, I will give you a set of learning targets or goals for what we want to learn by the end of the unit. Every once in a while we’ll check in to see what you have learned along the way.

15 Question for Today We want to find out the answer to the following question: We want to find out the answer to the following question: How did new inventions and the growth of factory production change the way people lived? How did new inventions and the growth of factory production change the way people lived?

16 Before we start to read We need to define some vocabulary. We need to define some vocabulary. You have 15 minutes to work in pairs to find the definitions of the following words. You have 15 minutes to work in pairs to find the definitions of the following words. Once you have your definitions written down, write down the “Before You Read” questions from the beginning of the “New Inventions” lesson in your text book. Page 366. Once you have your definitions written down, write down the “Before You Read” questions from the beginning of the “New Inventions” lesson in your text book. Page 366.

17 Vocab words from Lesson 1 1. Invention 1. Invention 2. Industrial Revolution 2. Industrial Revolution 3. industrialization 3. industrialization 4. industry 4. industry 5. flying shuttle 5. flying shuttle 6. spinning jenny 6. spinning jenny 7. cotton gin 7. cotton gin 8. technology 8. technology 9. transportation 9. transportation 10. steamboat 10. steamboat 11. telegraph 11. telegraph 12. internal combustion engine 12. internal combustion engine 13. Eli Whitney 13. Eli Whitney 14. Thomas Edison 14. Thomas Edison 15. Alexander Graham Bell 15. Alexander Graham Bell 16. railroad train 16. railroad train 17. telephone 17. telephone

18 Before you Read Take a look at the “Before You Read Questions” Take a look at the “Before You Read Questions” Answer these questions in your notebook and we’ll write some ideas on the board: Answer these questions in your notebook and we’ll write some ideas on the board: 1. Why do people invent new things? 1. Why do people invent new things? 2. How might new sources of power chance people’s lives? 2. How might new sources of power chance people’s lives?

19 Important Reading Vocab Main Idea- Most important point Main Idea- Most important point Example- Gives more information to support the main idea Example- Gives more information to support the main idea Detail- Specific information to support the main idea Detail- Specific information to support the main idea Inference- Understanding something not clearly stated by using evidence or clues Inference- Understanding something not clearly stated by using evidence or clues Summarize- Briefly rephrasing the main idea in your own words Summarize- Briefly rephrasing the main idea in your own words Event- Something that has happened Event- Something that has happened

20 As we read you should be able to answer The questions on the worksheet I give to you. Be sure to keep the worksheet for your notes! The questions on the worksheet I give to you. Be sure to keep the worksheet for your notes!

21 Homework Fill in the concept Reading a Chart worksheet. Fill in the concept Reading a Chart worksheet.

22 Last time…. You read an introduction to The Industrial Revolution. Today we’re going to review what you learned last time. You read an introduction to The Industrial Revolution. Today we’re going to review what you learned last time. But first………. But first……….

23 Let’s see what you remember! QUIZ! QUIZ! Define the following vocabulary terms in your own words: Define the following vocabulary terms in your own words: 1. Industrial Revolution 1. Industrial Revolution 2. transportation 2. transportation 3. steamboat 3. steamboat 4. industry 4. industry 5. cotton gin 5. cotton gin

24 Summary of Industrial Revolution Revolution: something that changes the way most people live Revolution: something that changes the way most people live What is one way the Industrial Revolution changed that way people lived? What is one way the Industrial Revolution changed that way people lived?

25 Industrialization When big factories began to replace cottage industries. When big factories began to replace cottage industries.

26 How things used to get made: Cottage Industry: people lived AND worked at home. Families had to work together to eat and live. Cottage Industry: people lived AND worked at home. Families had to work together to eat and live.

27 Factories During the Industrial Revolution many new technologies and inventions were created. During the Industrial Revolution many new technologies and inventions were created. Different machines made production of stuff a lot easier. Different machines made production of stuff a lot easier.

28 Revolution good? The Industrial Revolution made people’s lives easier. The Industrial Revolution made people’s lives easier. Detail: New inventions made it possible to make things faster and easier Detail: New inventions made it possible to make things faster and easier Example: The cotton gin made it easier to harvest (or pick cotton and take the seeds out) cotton so it could be shipped to factories and made into clothes. Example: The cotton gin made it easier to harvest (or pick cotton and take the seeds out) cotton so it could be shipped to factories and made into clothes.

29 Cotton with a bunch of stuff in it

30 How they picked out the seeds BEFORE the cotton gin

31 The NEW way

32 Today

33 So… Inventions made life easier Inventions made life easier = Hard

34 = Easy

35 Other “good” things New sources of power: New sources of power: STEAM! STEAM!

36 Textiles (cloth) easier to make SPINNING JENNY

37 Transportation IMPORTANT because that’s how you get cloth and other goods to buyers IMPORTANT because that’s how you get cloth and other goods to buyers Steamboat invented by Robert Fulton Steamboat invented by Robert Fulton

38 Steam engine train Using steam for transportati on on land. Using steam for transportati on on land. George George Stephenson’s “Rocket” First railroad train!

39 Other inventions Telegraph Telephone

40 Changes Poster Today we are going to review about changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution. Today we are going to review about changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution. You will get a notecard with one change from the Industrial Revolution. You will get a notecard with one change from the Industrial Revolution. Your job is to copy the sentence from your notecard onto A4 paper and draw a picture of the change underneath. Your job is to copy the sentence from your notecard onto A4 paper and draw a picture of the change underneath. Then you must tape your drawing to the poster with the right change category (Transportation, communication, textiles, or Other Inventions) Then you must tape your drawing to the poster with the right change category (Transportation, communication, textiles, or Other Inventions)

41 Follow up: Answer the following question: Answer the following question: Try to not use your notes or book and fill in the Concept Web with supporting statements for: Try to not use your notes or book and fill in the Concept Web with supporting statements for: “New Inventions made during the Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived and worked.” “New Inventions made during the Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived and worked.”

42 Do Now: How did new inventions make life easier for people? Give an example of a new invention made during the Industrial Revolution and explain how it made life easier. How did new inventions make life easier for people? Give an example of a new invention made during the Industrial Revolution and explain how it made life easier.

43 Inventions! First Project Assignment: First Project Assignment: The Industrial Revolution: The Age Of Inventions. The Industrial Revolution: The Age Of Inventions.

44 Effects of the Industrial Revolution

45 Cottage Industry We know that the Industrial Revolution led to more factories being built, but what does that really mean? We know that the Industrial Revolution led to more factories being built, but what does that really mean? How was life different for people after Industrialization How was life different for people after Industrialization

46 How things used to get made: Cottage Industry: people lived AND worked at home. Families had to work together to eat and live. Cottage Industry: people lived AND worked at home. Families had to work together to eat and live.

47 How does a cottage industry work? 1. Merchants (The people who SOLD stuff like textiles) delivered the raw materials (things like thread and cotton that were used to make finished products like clothes) to people’s homes. 1. Merchants (The people who SOLD stuff like textiles) delivered the raw materials (things like thread and cotton that were used to make finished products like clothes) to people’s homes.

48 And then……. 2. Families worked together to make clothes and other finished products. They needed to be skilled at their work. 2. Families worked together to make clothes and other finished products. They needed to be skilled at their work. Children helped out and did household chores too. Children helped out and did household chores too.

49 Finally…… The merchant or guy that sells the finished product picks up the product from the home! The merchant or guy that sells the finished product picks up the product from the home! 3D184218%26article%3D3183127&h=373&w=500&sz=31&hl=en&start=4&usg=__1zagngQ5oopS_DyTI9VIGDIb5Ro=&tbnid=t34C8UII9VQD0M:&tbnh=97&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpacking%2Bup%2Bthe%2Bcar%2Bfor%2Bvacation%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den

50 Problems with the Cottage Industry Cloth making requires lots of SKILL! Cloth making requires lots of SKILL! It’s hard to learn and takes a long time. It’s hard to learn and takes a long time. Children were too small to work a loom so if an adult got hurt and couldn’t work, the whole family was in trouble because kids couldn’t take their place. Children were too small to work a loom so if an adult got hurt and couldn’t work, the whole family was in trouble because kids couldn’t take their place.

51 How do you think new machines….. would help fix the problems of Cottage Industry? would help fix the problems of Cottage Industry?

52 Factory vs. Cottage industry So how did factory production compare to the old cottage industries? So how did factory production compare to the old cottage industries?

53 Factory Work Factory work was divided into many separate EASY to learn tasks. Factory work was divided into many separate EASY to learn tasks. Each worker did ONE task Each worker did ONE task This is called an Assembly Line. This is called an Assembly Line.

54 For example: Worker 1: screws a screw Worker 1: screws a screw Worker 2: hits a hammer Worker 2: hits a hammer Worker 3: Paints Worker 3: Paints

55 Now let’s try it! Craftsmen vs Factory Line Activity! Craftsmen vs Factory Line Activity!

56 So what do you think? Are factories better than cottage industries? Why? Write in your journal for 3 min about it Are factories better than cottage industries? Why? Write in your journal for 3 min about it

57 With factories being built and faster/easier production….. With factories being built and faster/easier production….. Things changed! Things changed!

58 Big cities were created That’s where the factories and industries were. That’s where the factories and industries were. Urbanization (the move from the country to the city) was going on. Urbanization (the move from the country to the city) was going on.

59 Move to the city! Because workers had to leave their homes to work in big factories, they moved into the cities where the factories were. Why? To make money to sent home to family. Because workers had to leave their homes to work in big factories, they moved into the cities where the factories were. Why? To make money to sent home to family.

60 Do Now: Answer the following question in your own words: Answer the following question in your own words: 1. Do you think the Industrial Revolution was a good thing? List 3 good things that happened during the Industrial Revolution 1. Do you think the Industrial Revolution was a good thing? List 3 good things that happened during the Industrial Revolution

61 Some ideas New Inventions made it easier to travel places faster. New Inventions made it easier to travel places faster. It was faster/easier to make things because of the assembly line. It was faster/easier to make things because of the assembly line. Big cities were built with lots of exciting things to do in them Big cities were built with lots of exciting things to do in them People could finish their work faster so they had more free time to have fun! People could finish their work faster so they had more free time to have fun! New medicines were invented to help people live longer. New medicines were invented to help people live longer.

62 Define the following vocabulary words in your notebook: Cottage Industry Cottage Industry Assembly Line Assembly Line Factory Factory Urbanization Urbanization Standard of living Standard of living Leisure Leisure Child labor Child labor Strike Strike communism communism

63 Effects of the Industrial Revolution Reading Lesson #2 Reading Lesson #2

64 Before you read Answer the following questions in your notebook: Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Look at the following picture of women working in a factory: How might the Industrial Revolution have made their lives worse? 1. Look at the following picture of women working in a factory: How might the Industrial Revolution have made their lives worse?

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