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Warm Up: Mon. 3/17  What is your favorite piece of technology and why? At least 4 sentences why.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Mon. 3/17  What is your favorite piece of technology and why? At least 4 sentences why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Mon. 3/17  What is your favorite piece of technology and why? At least 4 sentences why.

2 Objective and DOL  IWBAT explain what technology is and evaluate potential answers to the unit essential questions.  What is technology?  Provide an example of what is and what is not. ObjectiveDOL Notes Title: Unit 10: Benefits of Technology

3 KWL Chart  KWL Chart: Technolgy  What do you “know” about technology?  What do you “want” to know about technology?/what questions do you have about technology?

4 Technology  Technology: 0-5  Technology- 1) the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, and technique to solve a problem, improve solutions, and achieve goals.  2) The use of science in industry, engineering, etc to invent useful things or to solve problems  Think-Pair-Share: What is an example of technology? What is a non- example of technology?  What are problems with technology?

5 Questions for Discussion Answer each question in your notes (complete sentences) before discussing with your partner.  1. What are the most significant world advances in technology throughout history?  2. What have been some implications and consequences of technological advancements in our society? What might you predict of future technological advances?

6 Questions for Discussion Answer each question in your notes (complete sentences) before discussing with your partner.  3. Have advances in technology been a more productive or destructive force in societies? Provide an example to support your opinion.  4. Is it possible for the entire world to live as technologically advanced as the US? Or Do limited resources reinforce the system of haves and havenots?

7 Questions for Discussion Answer each question in your notes (complete sentences) before discussing with your partner.  4. Can advanced technology continue to sustain itself and help solve the problems of the future?  5. What are the ethical implications and consequences of advancements in medicine?

8 DOL  What is technology?  Provide an example.  What questions are you excited to discuss this unit?

9 Warm up: 3/18/14  1. What is technology in your own words?  2. What have been some implications and consequences of technological advancements in our society? What might you predict of future technological advances?


11  er_detailpage er_detailpage  As you watch the video take at least 3 notes on the printing press on your DO NOW.  The printing press was so important because… 1. It made information about religion available to all people and not just the rich or the clergy. 2. It spread information to a large area in a short amount of time and made it cheaper to own so it was accessible to all people. 3. The printing of maps and the explorer’s reports spurred on further exploration.  What did the speaker mean when he said it was the end of the artisan era and the beginning of the manufacturing era? How is this both productive and destructive? Now for some notes

12  The Industrial Revolution (0-5)  The rapid development of industry in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries, brought about by the introduction of machinery.  It was the movement away from manpower and animal power to machine made goods.  It happened in Britain 1 st in 1750, then spread gradually throughout Europe and eventually the United States. The steam engine: Driving force behind the industrial revolution

13  Cizj5c&feature=player_detailpage Cizj5c&feature=player_detailpage  How was the Industrial Revolution powered by the steam engine?  What sort of things were accomplished using steam power?  Why was the steam engine such an important invention?  Which do you think is more significant in history– the printing press or steam engine? Now watch this short video

14 Check for understanding  What would the world be like if we didn’t have the industrial revolution?  What have you used or done today that depends on the technology of the steam engine?

15  Electricity? 0-5  A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation...  The supply of electric current to a house or other building (for heating, lighting, or powering appliances)  re=player_detailpage#t=59s re=player_detailpage#t=59s  Answer the following questions as you watch the video:  Where did it all begin?  Who was the guy in 1600 that discovered more about electricity? How did he inspire other thinkers?  Which 3 sources do we generate energy from the most? Harnessing Electricity

16  1F8Fm8qqpU&feature=player_detailpage# t=58s 1F8Fm8qqpU&feature=player_detailpage# t=58s  As you watch the video take at least 5 notes about electricity and how it is harnessed, important inventors, etc. More on electricity

17  ufbbOI&feature=player_detailpage#t=59s ufbbOI&feature=player_detailpage#t=59s  As you watch this video take 5 notes on the following things More on electricity

18  77NP_A 77NP_A  This is a parody– Do you agree?  What are some of the benefits of the internet? The internet

19  Defend the following statements with 3 arguments each:  The Printing press was the most important technological advancement in history because…  Harnessing electricity was the most important technological advancement in history because…  The Internet was the most important technological advancement in history because… DOL:

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