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Earth: The Water Planet Water, Water Everywhere!! Where is water found on our planet??

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Presentation on theme: "Earth: The Water Planet Water, Water Everywhere!! Where is water found on our planet??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth: The Water Planet Water, Water Everywhere!! Where is water found on our planet??

2 Earth: The Water Planet Distribution of Earth’s Water Most of Earth’s water–roughly 97 percent–is salt water found in oceans. - Water on Earth

3 Earth: The Water Planet Define Key Terms TermDefinition AquiferAn underground layer of rock or soil that holds water. GroundwaterWater that fills the cracks and pores in underground soil and rock layers. GlacierA huge mass of ice and snow that moves slowly over land. ReservoirA natural or artificial lake that stores water for human use.

4 Earth: The Water Planet Identifying Main Ideas Earth’s water is distributed among oceans, ice, rivers and lakes, and groundwater. Oceans in the form of salt water, in which 97 percent of Earth’s water is found. Ice in the form of icebergs and glaciers near the North Pole and South Pole. Rivers and lakes, which contain the smallest amount of fresh water on Earth. Main Idea Groundwater, which fills cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers. Detail - Water on Earth

5 Earth: The Water Planet Distribution of Earth’s Water Only three percent of Earth’s water is fresh water. - Water on Earth

6 Earth: The Water Planet Freshwater vs. Saltwater TermDefinition Salinity p.127 The total amount of dissolved salts in a water sample. DensityEqual to a materials mass per unit volume. (D = m/V) Boiling pointThe temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas. Freezing pointThe temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid.

7 Earth: The Water Planet Changing State Ice is solid water, the familiar form of water is a liquid, and the water vapor in the air is a gas. - The Properties of Water

8 Earth: The Water Planet Changing State - The Properties of Water Water moves between the liquid and gaseous states by evaporation and condensation. Water moves between the liquid and solid states by freezing and melting.

9 Earth: The Water Planet The Water Cycle (p. 33) In the water cycle, water moves from bodies of water, land, and living things on Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back to Earth’s surface. - Water on Earth

10 Earth: The Water Planet Profile of a River System (p. 48-49) A river and all of its tributaries make up a river system. - Surface Water

11 Earth: The Water Planet Understanding Watersheds TermDefinition Watershed p. 44 The land area that supplies water to a river system. Divide p. 45 A ridge of land that separates one watershed from another. Wetland p. 59 An area of land that is covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year. Estuary p. 160 A coastal inlet or bay where freshwater from rivers mixes with salty ocean water.

12 Earth: The Water Planet River Systems (p. 44) The land area that supplies water to a river system is called a watershed. #1-3 (p. 7) - Surface Water

13 Earth: The Water Planet Pennsylvania’s Watersheds (p. 7, #4-8)

14 Earth: The Water Planet Importance of Wetlands TermDefinition/Description Wetlands p.59 An area of land that is covered by shallow layer of water during some or all of the year. Marsh p.60 A grassy area covered by shallow layer or stream of water. Swamp p.60 An area that looks like a flooded forest with trees and shrubs growing in the water. Bog p.60 A wetland common in cooler climates; water tends to be acidic. Eutrophication p.57 The process by which nutrients in a lake build up over time, causing an increase in growth of algae.

15 Earth: The Water Planet How Lakes Can Change - Surface Water In addition to seasonal changes, a lake can undergo long- term changes that may eventually lead to its death. These long-term changes are called eutrophication.

16 Earth: The Water Planet The Everglades: A Wetland Water is the key to the Everglades, a unique region of grassy wetlands. The Everglades is a shallow stream of water that moves slowly over the land from Lake Okeechobee south to Florida Bay. - Wetland Environments

17 Earth: The Water Planet - Wetland Environments A rich variety of living things make their homes in the Everglades. The Everglades: A Wetland

18 Earth: The Water Planet Wetlands Summary What are the types of wetlands?The three types of wetlands are marshes, swamps, and bogs. What is the Everglades? The Everglades is a region of wetlands stretching from Lake Okeechobee south to Florida Bay. How are wetlands important? They provide habitats for many living things and have many functions useful to people. - Wetland Environments AnswerQuestion

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