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Provenance & Context Workshop - Guiding Documents.

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1 Provenance & Context Workshop - Guiding Documents

2 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. Outline: OAIS Reference Model USGCRP Guidance PREMIS Metadata Standard

3 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. The OAIS Reference Model A CCSDS and ISO standard detailing:  The responsibilities of an archive  A functional model describing how to preserve information and make it available to users  An information model describing what ancillary information is needed to ensure that future users understand and can use the information preserved  A common set of terminology that can be used to describe the above

4 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. OAIS Archive Responsibilities Negotiate with information providers to receive and obtain sufficient rights to appropriate information to ensure long-term preservation Designate a community which should be able to understand the information preserved Ensure that the information is independently understandable to that community Document procedures and policies regarding data preservation and access Make the information available

5 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. OAIS Functional Model OAIS Archive IngestAccess Archive Data Mgmt Administration Producer Preservation Planning Consumer MANAGEMENT

6 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. OAIS Information Model Content Information Preservation Description Information Descriptive Information About Package 1 Package 1 Packaging Information

7 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. OAIS Information Model - Content Info. Data Object - the information to be preserved Representational Information - allows a user to understand the data  Structure (e.g., flat binary file, ASCII table, net-CDF file, HDF, etc.)  Content (e.g., a table of station IDs, dates, latitude, longitude, incidence angle, brightness temperature)

8 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. OAIS Info. Model - Preservation Description Provenance - documents the history of the object Reference - documents object identifiers and their generation mechanisms Fixity - documents methods used to ensure there are no undocumented changes Context - the relationship of the object to its environment

9 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009.

10 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. Presented by R. Duerr at the Summer Institute on Data Curation, June 2-5, 2008 Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Provenance and Contextual Information Instrument/sensor characteristics including pre-flight or pre-operational performance measurements (e.g., spectral response, noise characteristics, etc.) Instrument/sensor calibration data and method Processing algorithms and their scientific basis, including complete description of any sampling or mapping algorithm used in creation of the product (e.g., contained in peer-reviewed papers, in some cases supplemented by thematic information introducing the data set or derived product) Complete information on any ancillary data or other data sets used in generation or calibration of the data set or derived product 10

11 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. Presented by R. Duerr at the Summer Institute on Data Curation, June 2-5, 2008 Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Provenance and Contextual Information (cont.): Processing history including versions of processing source code corresponding to versions of the data set or derived product held in the archive Quality assessment information Validation record, including identification of validation data sets In the case of earth based data, station location and any changes in location, instrumentation, controlling agency, surrounding land use and other factors which could influence the long-term record A bibliography of pertinent Technical Notes and articles, including refereed publications reporting on research using the data set Information received back from users of the data set or product 11

12 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Where did it come from? PREMIS = PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies Developed by an OCLC and RLG sponsored international working group  Representatives from libraries, museums, archives, government, and the private sector. Based on the OAIS reference model

13 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - What’s its purpose? Provide a core preservation metadata set with broad applicability across the digital preservation community  Supported by a data dictionary  XML schema  Examples are provided

14 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - What’s its status? Maintained by the Library of Congress Editorial board with international membership User community consulted on changes through the PREMIS Implementers Group Version 1 was released in June 2005 Version 2 was released in March 2008

15 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. Rights Events Agents “a coherent set of content that is reasonably described as a unit” For example, a web site, data set or collection of data sets “a coherent set of content that is reasonably described as a unit” For example, a web site, data set or collection of data sets “a discrete unit of information in digital form” For example, a data file “a discrete unit of information in digital form” For example, a data file “assertions of one or more rights or permissions pertaining to an object or an agent” e.g., copywrite notice, legal statute, deposit agreement “assertions of one or more rights or permissions pertaining to an object or an agent” e.g., copywrite notice, legal statute, deposit agreement “an action that involves at least one object or agent known to the preservation repository” e.g., created, archived, migrated “an action that involves at least one object or agent known to the preservation repository” e.g., created, archived, migrated “a person, organization, or software program associated with preservation events in the life of an object” e.g., Dr. Spock donated it PREMIS - Entity-Relationship Diagram Intellectual Entities Objects

16 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Types of Objects Representation - “the set of files needed for a complete and reasonable rendition of an Intellectual Entity” File Bitstream - “contiguous or non- contiguous data within a file that has meaningful common properties for preservation purposes”

17 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Object Metadata objectIdentifier  objectIdentifierType  objectIdentifierValue preservationLevel objectCategory* objectCharacteristics  compositionLevel  fixity o messageDigestAlgorithm o messageDigest o messageDigestOriginator  size  format o formatDesignation  formatName  formatVersion o formatRegistry  formatRegistryName  formatRegistryKey  formatRegistryRole  significantProperties*  inhibitors o inhibitorType o inhibitorTarget o inhibitorKey

18 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Object Metadata (continued) creatingApplication  creatingApplicationName  creatingApplicationVersion  dateCreatedByApplication  CreatingApplicationExtension originalName storage  contentLocation o contentLocationType o contentLocationValue  storageMedium signatureInformation  signatureInformationEncoding  signer  signatureMethod  signatureValue  signatureValidationRules  signatureProperties  keyInformation signatureInformationExtension

19 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Object Metadata (continued) environment  environmentCharacteristic  environmentPurpose  environmentNote  dependency o dependencyName o dependencyIdentifier  dependencyIdentifierType  dependencyIdentifierValue  software o swName o swVersion o swType o swOtherInformation o swDependency  hardware o hwName o hwType o hwOtherInformation

20 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Object Metadata (continued) relationship  relationshipType  relationshipSubtype  relatedObjectIdentification*  relatedEventIdentification* linkingEventIdentifier* linkingIntellectualEntityIdentifier* linkingRightsStatementIdentifier*

21 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Object Metadata Notes Not all fields are mandatory Not all fields apply to all types of objects Some fields are repeatable

22 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Event Metadata eventIdentifier  eventIdentifierType  eventIdentifierValue eventType eventDateTime eventDetail eventOutcomeInformation  eventOutcome  eventOutcomeDetail linkingAgentIdentifier  linkingAgentIdentifierType  linkingAgentIdentifierValue  linkingAgentRole linkingObjectIdentifier  linkingObjectIdentifierType  linkingObjectIdentifierValue  linkingObjectIdentifierRole

23 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Agent Metadata agentIdentifier  agentIdentifierType  agentIdentifierValue agentName agentType

24 Overview of Guiding Documents - R. Duerr ESIP Federation Meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2009. PREMIS - Rights Metadata rightsStatement  rightsStatement Identifier o rightsStatement IdentifierType o rightsStatement IdentifierValue  rightsBasis  copyrightInformation*  licenseInformation*  statuteInformation*  rightsGranted o act o restriction o termOfGrant  startDate  endDate o rightsGrantedNote  linkingObjectIdentifier  linkingAgentIdentifier rightsExtension

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