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SAT Words 47-51 Root 10. 47. erratic The event is erratic and unpredictable, but it occurs roughly every three to seven years.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT Words 47-51 Root 10. 47. erratic The event is erratic and unpredictable, but it occurs roughly every three to seven years."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT Words 47-51 Root 10

2 47. erratic The event is erratic and unpredictable, but it occurs roughly every three to seven years.

3 erratic (er-RAT-ik) adjective Sounds like: ear attic Picture… a house. The owner has installed giant ears on either side of the house, up near the attic. The neighbors across the street are looking at the ears and discussing the owner of the house. One neighbor: “He’s always been kind of unpredictable, but this is strange, even for him.” Other form: erratically (adverb) Definition: unpredictable; differing from what is normal or expected

4 48. eulogize They interviewed as many high ranking officials they could find to eulogize the memory and power of a popular and powerful man of the world.

5 eulogize (YOO-luh-jize) verb Sounds like: your large eyes Remember: In our culture, a eulogy is most often a speech given at a person’s funeral. So picture the brother of the person who has dies, speaking “to” his sister at her funeral (he’s really speaking to the congregation, telling them about her). “What I’ll always remember about you is your large eyes, filled with love and laughter. Other forms: eulogy (n); eulogistic (adj.) Definition: to praise highly; to extol

6 49. evasive Of course, you should be suspicious if the seller is evasive about any answers that you need.

7 evasive (ee-VAY-siv) adjective Looks like: Eva’s hive Picture…a bumble bee who has flown his date, Eva, home. She lives in a condominium of hives and doesn’t want him to know which one is hers. “So,” he says, “which hive do you live in, Eva?” “Oh, one of those over there,” she answers evasively. “Well, anyway, I better get some rest. Give me a buzz some time.” Other forms: evade (verb); evasiveness (noun) Definition: tending to avoid giving direct answers

8 50. exalt In brief, trust not in any who exalt you, but in those who humiliate you.

9 exalt (egg-ZAWLT) verb Sounds like: eggs salt Picture: Hard-boiled eggs are worshipping a salt shaker. As they glorify the salt, it is raised into the air, elevated by their praise. Other forms: exalted (adjective); exaltation (noun) Definition: raise in rank; elevate; praise

10 51. extol For someone who continues to extol his education and employment status, you are surprisingly ill-informed.

11 extol (ex-TOLE) verb Sounds like: eggs toll Picture: A giant egg is working as a toll collector. The driver must praise the egg before he’s permitted to pass through the gate. Other form: extolment (noun) Definition: praise

12 Root 10: omni No one is omniscient; there's a limit, so have some humility when presenting your case and maybe you'll find more receptive ears.

13 omni Meaning: all, every Sample words: omnipotent (unlimited in ability, all-powerful) omniscient (knowing all things) omnipresent (present everywhere); omnivorous (eating everything, taking in everything)

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