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UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2012 PROGRAMME Day 1 – 23 rd April 2012 (Monday ) Time Topic/Speakers Opening Session 8.45 am Arrival of Hon.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2012 PROGRAMME Day 1 – 23 rd April 2012 (Monday ) Time Topic/Speakers Opening Session 8.45 am Arrival of Hon."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2012 PROGRAMME Day 1 – 23 rd April 2012 (Monday ) Time Topic/Speakers Opening Session 8.45 am Arrival of Hon. Minister accompanied by Vice Chancellor 9.00 am Opening address by Vice Chancellor, Tan Sri Ghauth Jasmon 9.10 am Speech by Hon. Minister 9.30 am MOU Signing Ceremony and UM Books Launch 9.45 am Tea Break (Press Conference & Tour of Exhibits with Minister) 10.15 am Plenary Talk by Science Advisor to the Malaysian Government 11.15 am UM Research Roadmap - Prof. Dr. Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman & Prof. Dr. Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman 11.35 am UM High Impact Research - Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Lam Sai Kit Session 1 - University of Malaya’s HiCOEs Presentation 11.55 am Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC) - Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Abd Rahim 12.15 pm Photonics - Prof. Dr. Harith Ahmad 12.35 pm Nanotechnology & Catalysis - Prof. Dr. Sharifah Bee O.A Abd Hamid 12.55 pm Discussion Session 1.10 pm Lunch Break Session 2 - Multidisciplinary Research in UM 2.00 pm Team Approach for Meaningful Research Collaboration in Infectious Diseases– Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar 2.20 pm Indigenous Knowledge – Prof. Dr. Edmund Terence Gomez/Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid 2.40 pm Finding a Common Direction Through Multidisciplinary Research : The Elder Project -Prof. Dr. Norchaya Hj Talib /Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman 3.00 pm Green Building/Low Carbon Footprint – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhaslina Hassan/ Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohd. 3.20 pm Discussion Session 3.35 pm Tea Break Session 3 - High Impact Research in UM 4.00 pm Functional Molecules for Life-style Diseases - Prof. Dr. S. Vikineswary Sabaratnam 4.20 pm Nanomaterials: From Synthesis to Applications - Prof. Dr. Saadah Abd Rahman 4.40 pm Unified Scalable Information Hiding – Dr. Wong Kok Sheik 5.00 pm Functional Analysis of Burkholderia Secretory Virulence Factors - Prof. Dr. Jamunarani Vadivelu 5.20 pm Discussion Session Day 2 - 24 th April 2012 (Tuesday) TimeTopic/Speakers 9.00 am Assessing Research Excellence -Thomson Reuters Representative Session 4 - Internationalization 9.30 am International Collaborations and Research Grants – Prof. Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar 9.50 am Social & Economic Integration : A Model for Malaysian-Cambodian Collaboration- Prof. Dr. Hamzah Hj Abdul Rahman / Prof. Dr. Azirah Hashim 10.10 am Establishing RNA Deep-sequencing Transcriptomics Technology As A Revolutionary Platform For Agricultural Enhancement - Prof. Dr. Zulqarnain Mohamed (CEBAR- Beijing-Genome Institute) 10.30 am Discussion Session 10.45 am Tea Break 11.00 am Synchotron – Prof. Dr. Chia Swee Ping (UM- University System Taiwan) 11.20 am Addressing Local Problems Through International Partnerships – Prof Adeeba Kamarulzaman (The UM-Yale-Columbia Research Collaboration in HIV) 11.40 am The Future of Algae Biofuel – Prof. Dr. Phang Siew Moi (UM-Cambridge University) 12.00 pm Managing Learning and Innovation– Prof Rajah Rasiah 12.20 pm Global Science: The Importance of Tropical Polar Connectivity - Prof. Dato' Dr. Azizan Hj Abu Samah 12.40 pm Discussion Session 12.55 pm Lunch Break Session 5 - Commercializing Research 2.00 pm Commercializing Research – Dr. Yusniza Kamarulzaman 2.20 pm Zecttron, From Strength to Strength – Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor 2.40 pm Transportation : Issues & Challenges – Prof. Dr. Mohamed Rehan Karim 3.00 pm Discussion Session 3.15 pm Tea Break Session 6 - Promoting Malaysian Studies 3.30 pm Malay Identity and Its Manifestations in Malaysia and in the Nusantara Region – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hashim Ismail/Dr Mahmud Hasan Khan 3.50 pm Elections and Democracy in Malaysia- Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman 4.10 pm Educating people with special needs to recite the Quran – Dr. Nazean Jomhari/Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli Bin Mohd Yusoff 4.30 pm Biodiversity in Malaysia – Prof. Dato’ Dr. Sofian Azirun/ Prof. Emeritus Dr. Yong Hoi Sen 4.50 pm Pedagogical Models for and Learning Styles of Malaysian Students – Prof. Dr. Saedah Siraj/Dr. Norlidah Alias/Dr. Zaharah Hussein 5.10 pm Discussion Session 5.25 pm Closing Address by DVC (R&I) Prof. Dr. Hamzah Hj Abdul Rahman

2 University Of Malaya Researchers’ Conference 2012 Secretariat Address: Address: Research Cluster Office, Level 7, Kompleks IPPP dan Kemudahan Makmal Penyelidikan Berpusat, University of Malaya. Tel : +603-7967 7805/ 7802/ 7806 Fax : +603- 7967 7813 E-mail: Website: REGISTRATIONANNOUNCEMENT UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2012 TOWARDS RESEARCH EXCELLENCE: TAKING SCHOLARSHIP IN NEW DIRECTIONS To commemorate the launching and opening of its new Institute of Research Management and Monitoring building, the University of Malaya will be hosting its inaugural UM Researchers’ Conference 2012 on the 23 rd & 24 th April 2012. This conference showcases UM’s research niche areas that have the capacity to contribute to new methods of undertaking research. With such innovative forms of scholarship the University of Malaya will be well placed in its endeavour to be positioned in the top 50 universities in the world ranking by 2020. To realize this promotion of new form of scholarship, the University has made efforts to strengthen its research with the formation of research clusters and the allocation of large research grants for high impact research. Recognising the need to establish global networking, collaborative partnerships have also been forged with more than 100 international institutions working on diverse multidisciplinary topics from HIV-Aids, infectious diseases, biodiversity, nanotechnology to law, intellectual property, culture, religion, gender studies and poverty eradication studies. It is hoped that in the coming years, the University will see a further quantum leap in high quality research activity and publications as a result of the initiatives taken. Entrepreneurship is also strongly promoted in the University where innovative schemes managed by Centre for Technology Transfer & Commercialization will help create a society that is innovative and competitive on the international stage and contribute to the development of new technologies. As such UM is taking strides to ensure Malaysia becomes a more holistically developed nation, not only in science and technology and economically but also in social justice, ethical and moral values, quality of life, political stability and efficient government administration. The UM Researchers’ Conference 2012 provides a platform for discussion, sharing and the creation of new ideas and expertise in various fields to be shared between local researchers, the public, private and industrial sectors. Among the presenters are several of the University’s distinguished and award winning academics, including recipients of the Mahathir Science Award 2006 and the Merdeka Award 2010. The conference is made up of 6 sessions covering various aspects of research. The University of Malaya Research Roadmap The UM Higher Institution Centres of Excellence (HICOE) High Impact Research Multidisciplinary Research Internationalization Commercializing Research Malaysian Studies Registration Fee includes conference materials, tea breaks & luncheon. Payment can be made using crossed cheques, bank drafts or local orders made payable to BENDAHARI UNIVERSITI MALAYA to be sent to: UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA RESEARCHERS’ CONFERENCE 2012 Secretariat UM Researchers’ Conference (UMRC) Research Cluster Office Level 7, Kompleks IPPP dan Makmal Kemudahan Penyelidikan Berpusat Participants are advised to register in advance, preferably before 1 April, 2012. Please fill in the entry form and submit to the Conference Secretariat. Registration Fee: UM Campus Community – F.O.C Non UM Participants – RM 500 Non UM Participants (Student) – RM 200 Registration Form Name : ___________________________________ Position : _________________________________ Organisation : _____________________________ Address : _________________________________ _________________________________________ Contact: (H/P) ______________ (O)____________ Fax : _____________ E-mail : _________________

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