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SANGEET VIDYALAYA Vedic Cultural And Educational Centre Inc. ( Learning is a change of behavior ) How do we meticulously and prudently use our acquisition.

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Presentation on theme: "SANGEET VIDYALAYA Vedic Cultural And Educational Centre Inc. ( Learning is a change of behavior ) How do we meticulously and prudently use our acquisition."— Presentation transcript:

1 SANGEET VIDYALAYA Vedic Cultural And Educational Centre Inc. ( Learning is a change of behavior ) How do we meticulously and prudently use our acquisition of knowledge for the benefit our ourselves, our families and our communities ??? Sanskaar Vidhi of Maharshi Dayaanand Saraswati and Bhagwat Gita of Maharshi Krishna Dwaipaayan Veda Vyaas August 2014

2 BHAGWAT GITA SHYLOK Shree Krishna Janma Ashtmi 2014….. ( The birth of Shree Krishna ) Yadaa Yadaa hee Dhar-masya, Glaa-nir Bhawati Bhaa–rata A-bhyut-thaa-nam a-dhar-mas-ya, tadaan maanam sri-jaam yaham Whenever society decays and falls in standard, I, Shree Krishna, takes form in a human body, to re-establish truth and protect Dharma ( good conduct and Vedic way of living) Teachings of Shree Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagwat Gita: God, Soul and matter, Good conduct, Performing our duties without attachment, defending Dharma, Being in good company etc.

3 VEDA / RAAMAAYAN / GITA Arjuna was a friend of Shree Krishna who was about to enter into a war in defense of Dharma Bhagwat Gita is only part of a larger story called the Mahaabhaarat, ………it is part of the 16 th. Chapter of the recording of the events of the families of the Paandawas and the Kauravas. Note: Verses of Vedas are called Mantras, Of Raamaayan ( Raam-cha-rit-maanas) ….. Dohas and Chowpaa-ees and Of Bhawat Gita …. Shylokas.

4 RECOGNIZING THE “QUALITIES OF DEMONIC NATURE OF SOULS” Dambho darpo’bhi-maanash cha Krodhah paa-ru-shyam eva cha A-jyaanam chaa’bhi-jaatasya Paartha sam-padam aa-sureem Chapter 16 … Bhagwat Gita

5 RECOGNIZE AND AVOID Ostentation – Dambha Arrogance – Darpa Egoism – Abhi-maana Anger – Krodha Pretending to be virtuous, but living a sinful life. An excessively false pride that stems from having abundant literal knowledge and abundant wealth, or from being associated with upper class family and friends. Arrogant people live in a world of imagined self-importance, which none but they can see. People who are ostentatious, arrogant and egoistic are always angry

6 RECOGNIZE AND AVOID Harshness – Paarushya Ignorance -- Ajyaan Anger in the mind contributes to harshness in tone and speech, and in countenance and image. Ignorance is the lack of discrimination, the inability to decide between right and wrong.

7 QUALITIES MAKING UP DIVINE NATURE Shri Bhagavaan uvaacha : Abhayam sattwa-san-shuddhir, Jyaana Yoga vya’wasthi-tih Daanam damash cha yajyash cha, Swaadhyaayas tapa aarjavam Ahinsaa saytam akrodhas, Tyaagah shaantir apaishunam Dayaa bhooteshwa’lo-lup-twam, Maardavam hreer achaa-palam Tejah kshamaa dhritih shaucham, Adroho naa’ti-manitaa Bhawanti sampadam daiveem,Abhi-jaatasya bhaarata

8 GROWING WITH VIRTUES 1. Purity Of Heart – Sattwa San-shuddhu : Making the heart clean enough for God to be felt. 2. Knowledge – Jnaan Knowing the pure to be pure, impure to be impure, Soul to be Soul, God to be God, and Matter to be Matter, etc. 3. Charity – Daana : Appropriate sharing of one’s material possessions with those who deserve.

9 GROWING WITH VIRTUES 4. Study – Swaadhyaaya : Studying Wisdom found in God-inspired texts. 5. Rectitude – Aarjava : Interacting with everyone in an honest, sincere, and straightforward manner, never seeking to conceal anything that they should legitimately know

10 GROWING WITH VIRTUES 6. Non-Injury – Ahinsaa : Not denying anyone the right and the means to live with dignity – not causing harm to any living creature. 7. Truthfulness – Satya : Describing a person, thing or occurrence, exactly as it is, or as it takes place. 8. Absence of Anger -- Akrodha : Immediately counteracting anger that arises when one faces unfavorable circumstances.

11 GROWING WITH VIRTUES 9. Compassion -- Dayaa: Sympathizing with people and seeking to alleviate their sorrow. 10. Modesty -- Hree : Possessing a moderate estimate of one’s merits, being free from showy extravagance, and having due regard for decencies of behavior, speech and dress.

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