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Chapter 6-Section 5 Economic & Social Development: The Struggle to Rebuild.

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1 Chapter 6-Section 5 Economic & Social Development: The Struggle to Rebuild

2 World Bank Database… HO8_jDO6U HO8_jDO6U Clip about World Banks data bases /AFRICAEXT/EXTPUBREP/EXTSTATINAFR/0,,contentMDK :22499827~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:8 24043,00.html World Bank Africa Development indicators

3 Structural Adjustment policies SSA’s economic based declined during the 1990’s and was accompanied by heavy pop. growth so overall living standards declined. The IMF & World Bank recommended structural adjustment policies which reduce gov. spending, cut food subsidies & encourage growth of private sectors which all = hardships for the poor – esp. women & kids.

4 ROOTS OF AFRICAN POVERTY… SSA is the poorest & least developed world region. The region is currently experiencing very slow economic growth What are the roots of this region’s poverty? – Slave trade and Imperialism certainly contribute…but there are other factors to consider too.

5 FAILED DEVELOPMENT POLICIES… When a country achieves its independence one formidable task facing the new leadership is devising economic growth or development policies. Despite their best efforts & some early success, most of these policies failed leaving countries further in debt.

6 FOOD POLICIES… GOAL: Keep a cheap and long-term supply of staple foods; make the food affordable in comparison to people’s wages, & stability will occur. Unfortunately, poor geography, an inability to produce enough food and population explosions made this goal unachievable and famine and deeper economic debt occurred.

7 CORRUPTION… Low wages make it easier to bribe civil servants; Many SSA nations have been referred to as “kleptocracies” – a state in which corruption is happening at every level of government and politicians are stealing a huge % of the country’s wealth.

8 Why is SSA disconnected from the world economy? 1) Overall level of trade with the rest of the world is low; 2) Poor Infrastructure 3) Their greatest connection to the global economy is through aid (meaning loans from other countries or from international lending institutions) rather than investment.

9 Links… 825.stm 825.stm Congo & kleptocracy /blog/16018 /blog/16018 another kleptocracy article us AID TO AFRICA

10 Regional trade blocs SADC – South African Development Community ECOWAS – Economic Community of West African States CEEAC – Economic Community of Central African States All have been less effective than desired mostly attributable to political instability.

11 MEASURING SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT… Literacy: Improving…better for men than women but lower than global figures. LIFE EXPECTANCY: Average is 51, but in some countries it is much lower…37 in Angola. This reflects years of conflict & political disorder. Contributing factors: AIDS, poverty, & other diseases

12 HEALTH ISSUES… High mortality levels…too few doctors & health facilities; Severe disease environment (lots of insect borne illnesses & serious diseases like TB & malaria) AIDS

13 Status of Women… Tough to gauge – in some areas women have a lot of political & economic power; Polygamy is prevalent in some areas; Some areas still won’t allow women to inherit property Women are discriminated against – Most women still live in rural areas with little education.

14 BUILDING FROM WITHIN… Support groups & networks across the region support women & have the potential to transform the region. Women are given loans to start small businesses; farm labor groups support women’s market associations; The goal is to create local networks to help solve women’s problems & community problems too (this lessens dependence on outside assistance) Africa's Economic Future

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