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MeetingDateMaterial 102/04/2015Penn State PSC Overview 202/11/2015Pulsar Properties 302/18/2015Game Show Review 402/25/2015Poster Assignment Introduction/Summer/

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Presentation on theme: "MeetingDateMaterial 102/04/2015Penn State PSC Overview 202/11/2015Pulsar Properties 302/18/2015Game Show Review 402/25/2015Poster Assignment Introduction/Summer/"— Presentation transcript:


2 MeetingDateMaterial 102/04/2015Penn State PSC Overview 202/11/2015Pulsar Properties 302/18/2015Game Show Review 402/25/2015Poster Assignment Introduction/Summer/ Next Year/Plots 503/04/2015Elections/Plot Review 603/18/2015Test 1 703/25/2015Test 2 804/01/2015Introduction to Database 904/08/2015Analyze Plots 1004/15/2015Analyze Plots 1104/22/2015Work on Poster 1204/29/2015Complete Poster

3 5 pointings (ea. person) Due: 04/21/2015 The poster is a combined effort from Penn State PSC. Tasks may be delegated within team.

4 Brief summary of pulsars and why they are important. What are the team goals in looking at the data? Brief summary of what the team did and any conclusions. This part should be a paragraph long and contain no graphs or plots. Poster Requirements

5 How many pointings did the team look at? How were the pointings distributed in the sky? How were the plots distributed between RFI, noise, known pulsars, pulsar canidates? How did the team distinguish between these types of plots? Did the team find any interesting plots such as pulsar candidates? Poster Requirements

6 Example


8 Poster Requirements

9 Example






15 Outreach: Recruitment Involvement Fair Freshman Seminar STEM Outreach Event Week Night ASTROFEST Movie Night High School Outreach Team Research: College Credit Available PSC Plot Categorizing/Pulsar Searching Pulsar Timing Trips: Green Bank (Fall), West Virginia University (Spring)


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