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Network and Systems Laboratory

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1 Network and Systems Laboratory

2 Network and Systems Laboratory Administration Week 17 (6/8): Term Project workshop No class, I will be here to help you work on your term project Deadline for the lab exercises Demo and turn on your codes before 2008/6/8 23:59

3 Network and Systems Laboratory Outline More peripherals Watchdog Timer Supply Voltage Supervisor (SVS) Direct Memory Access (DMA) Flash Memory Controller External 8Mbit Flash Memory: M25P80 Temperature/humidity sensor: SHT11 Low Power Modes MSP430 Software Coding Techniques

4 Network and Systems Laboratory Watchdog Timer Most embedded systems need to be self-reliant watchdog timer is a hardware that can watch for system hang reset the processor if any occur It is a counter counts down from some initial value to zero must select a counter value periodically restarts the counter before it counts to zero If it counts to zero trigger a system reset

5 Network and Systems Laboratory Watchdog timer on MSP430 16-bit timer, four software-selectable time intervals (clock source)/32768, (clock source)/8192, (clock source)/512, (clock source)/64 Can be configured into watchdog mode or interval mode Watchdog mode: generate a reset when timer expired Interval mode: generate a interrupt when timer expired When power up, it is automatically configured in the watchdog mode Initial ~32-ms reset interval using the DCOCLK. Must halt or setup the timer at the beginning

6 Network and Systems Laboratory Usage Stop watchdog timer WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; Change watchdog timer interval WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTCNTCL+(interval) Periodically clear an active watchdog WDTCTL |= WDTPW+WDTCNTCL ClockSource/32768: ClockSource/8192: WDTIS0 ClockSource/512: WDTIS1 ClockSource/64: WDTIS0 + WDTIS1 Password-protected: must include the write password

7 Network and Systems Laboratory Example Select clock source: ACLK Select timer interval: (clock source)/8192 = 32768Hz/8192 = 4Hz Select timer interval: (clock source)/8192 = 32768Hz/8192 = 4Hz Reset watchdog counter

8 Network and Systems Laboratory Supply Voltage Supervisor Monitor the AVCC supply voltage or an external voltage Can be configured to set a flag or generate a reset when the supply voltage or external voltage drops below a user-selected threshold Comparison 14 threshold levels for AVCC External input: SVSIN compared to an internal level of approximately 1.2 V

9 Network and Systems Laboratory SVS Register SVSCTL VLDx This bit will set to 1 if the voltage is below threshold

10 Network and Systems Laboratory Example

11 Network and Systems Laboratory Direct Memory Access Transfers data from one address to another, without CPU intervention Increase throughput and decrease power consumption DMA on MSP430 Three independent transfer channels Configurable transfer trigger selections Timer, UART, SPI, ADC, ….. Byte or word and mixed byte/word transfer capability Single, block, or burst-block transfer modes Block sizes up to 65535 bytes or words

12 Network and Systems Laboratory DMA Addressing Modes Source/destination address can be configured to be unchange/increment /decrement after each transfer

13 Network and Systems Laboratory DMA Transfer Modes Six transfer modes Single transfer, block transfer, burst-block transfer, repeated single transfer, repeated block transfer, repeated burst-block transfer Single transfer Each transfer requires a separate trigger, DMA is disable after transfer Must re-enable DMA before receive another trigger Repeated single transfer: DMA remains enable Another trigger start another transfer Block transfer Transfer of a complete block after one trigger, DMA is disable after transfer Repeated block transfer: DMA remains enable, Another trigger start another transfer Burst-block transfer Block transfers with CPU activity interleaved, Repeated burst-block transfer: DMA remains enable Keep transferring CPU executes at 20% capacity

14 Network and Systems Laboratory DMA Triggers A transfer is triggered when the CCIFG flag is set A transfer is triggered when USART0 receives new data A transfer is triggered when USART0 is ready to transmit new data A transfer is triggered by an ADC12IFGx flag.

15 Network and Systems Laboratory Initialization And Usage Example (DMACTL0) Configure transfer trigger (DMACTL1) Select transfer mode, addressing mode, and/or other setting, and enable DMA (DMA0SA) Configure source address (DMA0DA) Configure destination address (DMA0SZ) Configure block size Use DMA to transfer a string to UART buffer, send it out through UART Repeated single transfer Source address is incremented source byte to destination byte DMA enable

16 Network and Systems Laboratory Others About DMA DMA Transfer Cycle Time DMA transfers are not interruptible by system interrupts

17 Network and Systems Laboratory Flash Memory Controller MSP430 flash memory is bit-, byte-, and word- addressable and programmable Segment erase and mass erase Minimum VCC voltage during a flash write or erase operation is 2.7 V Program code are stored in the flash Unused flash memory can be use to store other data

18 Network and Systems Laboratory Flash Memory Characteristics Write in bit-, byte-, or word; erase in segment MSP430F1611 segment size Information memory: 128 bytes Main memory: 512 bytes Erase Make every bit in the segment as logic 1 Write Generate logic 0 in the memory Flash endurance Maximum erase/write cycles In MSP430 datasheet Minimum: 10000 cycles Typical: 100000 cycles

19 Network and Systems Laboratory Flash Memory Operation Read, write, erase mode Default mode is read mode Write/erase modes are selected with the BLKWRT, WRT, MERAS, and ERASE bits Flash Memory Timing Generator Sourced from ACLK, SMCLK, or MCLK Must be in the range from ~ 257 kHz to ~ 476 kHz Incorrect frequency may result in unpredictable write/erase operation

20 Network and Systems Laboratory Flash Memory Erase Example (FCTL2) Setup timing generator (FCTL3) Unlock flash memory (FCTL1) Configure the operation Disable all interrupts and watchdog Dummy write (FCTL3) lock flash memory Re-enable interrupt and watchdog Wait until erase complete Password protected

21 Network and Systems Laboratory Example Flash Memory Write (FCTL2) Setup timing generator (FCTL3) Unlock flash memory (FCTL1) Configure the operation Disable all interrupts and watchdog Write to specific memory address (FCTL3) lock flash memory Re-enable interrupt and watchdog Wait until write complete Password protected

22 Network and Systems Laboratory Outline More peripherals Watchdog Timer Supply Voltage Supervisor (SVS) Direct Memory Access (DMA) Flash Memory Controller External 8Mbit Flash Memory: M25P80 Temperature/humidity sensor: SHT11 Low Power Modes MSP430 Software Coding Techniques

23 Network and Systems Laboratory M25P80 External Flash storage on Taroko 8 Mbit Flash Memory SPI Bus Compatible Serial Interface Memory organization 16 sectors Each sector containing 256 pages Each page is 256 bytes Operations Erase: set all bit to 1 Program(write): reset some bits to 0 Read: read the content of the flash

24 Network and Systems Laboratory Signals And Connections

25 Network and Systems Laboratory SPI Master–Slave mode Synchronous protocol All transmissions are referenced to a common clock Clock generated by the master (MCU) Four main signals Master Out Slave In (MOSI): data from master to slave Master In Slave Out (MISO): data from slave to master Serial Clock (SCLK or SCK): clock Chip Select (CS): select particular peripheral when multiple peripherals are connected to master

26 Network and Systems Laboratory Memory organization

27 Network and Systems Laboratory Instruction Set

28 Network and Systems Laboratory Operation Read Data Bytes (READ) Read data from memory Page Program Write bytes to a page Up to 256 bytes each time Sector Erase sets all bits to 1 inside the chosen sector Bulk Erase Erase (sets to 1) all memory data

29 Network and Systems Laboratory Device Driver Download here 09/labs/m25p80Driver.rar 09/labs/m25p80Driver.rar Important functions in hal_m25p80.c void halM25p80Init(void) void m25p80PowerUp(void); void m25p80PowerDown(void); void m25p80PageWrite(UINT16 add, UINT8 *buff, UINT8 size); void m25p80PageRead(UINT16 add, UINT8 *buff, UINT8 size); void m25p80SectorErase(UINT8 add); void m25p80BulkErase(void);

30 Network and Systems Laboratory Functions void m25p80PageWrite(UINT16 add, UINT8 *buff, UINT8 size); address range from 0x0000 to 0x0fff (4096 pages in total) At most 256 bytes Always write from the beginning of the page void m25p80PageRead(UINT16 add, UINT8 *buff, UINT8 size); address range from 0x0000 to 0x0fff (4096 pages in total) At most 256 bytes Always read from the beginning of the page void m25p80SectorErase(UINT8 add); address range from 0x00 to 0x0f (16 sectors in total) Each sector is 65536 bytes

31 Network and Systems Laboratory Example

32 Network and Systems Laboratory Outline More peripherals Watchdog Timer Supply Voltage Supervisor (SVS) Direct Memory Access (DMA) Flash Memory Controller External 8Mbit Flash Memory: M25P80 Temperature/humidity sensor: SHT11 Low Power Modes MSP430 Software Coding Techniques

33 Network and Systems Laboratory SHT11 Relative humidity and temperature sensors Digital output Manufacturer defined interface two wires bi-direction 1.Use a GPIO pin as clock (SCK), it is always output direction 2.Use another GPIO as DATA, dynamic setting it to input(read) or output(write) direction

34 Network and Systems Laboratory Taroko Connections

35 Network and Systems Laboratory Start Transmission and Send Command How to start What are the commands available

36 Network and Systems Laboratory An Example: SHT11 Timing diagram Pull-up Data pin in output direction Set data pin to input direction, then SHT11 controls the DATA line

37 Network and Systems Laboratory Software Implementation

38 Network and Systems Laboratory Software Implementation

39 Network and Systems Laboratory Software Implementation

40 Network and Systems Laboratory Convert to Physical Values 12-bit humidity, 14-bit temperature Temperature Humidity

41 Network and Systems Laboratory Device Driver Download here 09/labs/sht11Driver.rar 09/labs/sht11Driver.rar Important functions in SHT1x_sensirion.c void sht1xInit(); void sht1xReset(); char sht1xMeasure(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode); void sht1xCalculate(float *p_humidity,float *p_temperature);

42 Network and Systems Laboratory Functions char sht1xMeasure(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode); mode: { TEMP, HUMI } Store measured value to *p_value Store 8-CRC checksum to *p_checksum void sht1xCalculate(float *p_humidity,float *p_temperature); Convert measured value to physical value Put the measured value in *p_humidity, *p_temperature Result will also place in *p_humidity, *p_temperature (overwrite)

43 Network and Systems Laboratory Example

44 Network and Systems Laboratory Outline More peripherals Watchdog Timer Supply Voltage Supervisor (SVS) Direct Memory Access (DMA) Flash Memory Controller External 8Mbit Flash Memory: M25P80 Temperature/humidity sensor: SHT11 Low Power Modes MSP430 Software Coding Techniques

45 Network and Systems Laboratory MSP430 digitally controlled oscillator Low-frequency/high- frequency oscillator high-frequency oscillator (optional) MSP430 Clock System LFXT1CLK XT2CLK DCOCLK Clock Modules MCLK: Master Clock SMCLK: Sub-main clock ACLK: Auxiliary clock Clock Signals CPU Peripherals: Timer, UART, … 32.768KHz fixed rate

46 Network and Systems Laboratory MSP430 Power Consumption Characteristics Current increase with clock frequency Current increase with supply voltage Supply voltage vs frequency More active peripherals means more current consumption

47 Network and Systems Laboratory Operating Modes MSP430 has six operating modes The operating modes take into account three different needs Ultralow-power Speed and data throughput Minimization of individual peripheral current consumption Turn off different clocks in different operating mode

48 Network and Systems Laboratory Operating Modes

49 Network and Systems Laboratory Typical Current Consumption

50 Network and Systems Laboratory Low Power Modes Different low power mode disable different clocks Peripherals operating with any disabled clock are disabled until the clock becomes active Wake up is possible through all enabled interrupts Returns to the previous operating mode if the status register value is not altered during the ISR

51 Network and Systems Laboratory Code Flow

52 Network and Systems Laboratory Enter/Leave LPM Intrinsic function

53 Network and Systems Laboratory Which LPM To Enter? Depends on your configuration MSP430 has a flexible clock system Clock signal can select different clock source Peripheral can be configure to use different clock signal Which clock signal still require when system goes to sleep Remember the peripherals that use the clock signal will also be disabled

54 Network and Systems Laboratory Cautions Wakeup latency Clock module require some time to get stable DCO: less than 6 μS Low frequency oscillator (32.768KHz): hundreds of milliseconds Temperature drift DCO change with temperature If temperature is possible to changes significantly, re-calibrate DCO when leaving low power mode If DCO varying too large, some peripherals might not function correctly, ex. UART

55 Network and Systems Laboratory MSP430 digitally controlled oscillator Typical Configuration LFXT1CLK XT2CLK DCOCLK Clock Modules MCLK: Master Clock SMCLK: Sub-main clock ACLK: Auxiliary clock Clock Signals CPU Peripherals: Timer, UART, … 32.768KHz fixed rate

56 Network and Systems Laboratory Useful Mode LPM0 CPU, MCLK off DCO, SMCLK, ACLK on Power consumption: 60 μA (Taroko) SMCLK still required Ex. UART use SMCLK LPM3 CPU, MCLK, DCO, SMCLK off ACLK on Power consumption: 7 μA (Taroko) Only ACLK required Timer use ACLK (time keeping)

57 Network and Systems Laboratory Principles for Low-Power Applications Maximize the time in LPM3 Use interrupts to wake the processor and control program flow Peripherals should be switched on only when needed Use low-power integrated peripheral modules in place of software driven functions For example: Timer PWM, DMA

58 Network and Systems Laboratory MSP430 Software Coding Techniques Using these methods can greatly reduce debug time and/or provide additional robustness in the field Some should be used in every program, while some are situation dependent

59 Network and Systems Laboratory Techniques First Things First: Configure the Watchdog and Oscillator Configuring the watchdog should be among the first actions taken by any MSP430 program Using a low-frequency crystal on LFXT1 with a device from the 4xx or 2xx families, the code should configure the internal load capacitance (not for MSP430F1611)

60 Network and Systems Laboratory Techniques Always Use Standard Definitions From TI Header Files This is what we do Using Intrinsic Functions to Handle Low Power Modes and Other Functions Intrinsic function

61 Network and Systems Laboratory Techniques Write Handlers for Oscillator Faults In MSP430F1611, you can only delay for some time to ensure the low frequency oscillator to stable The other MSP430 family has specific circuit to detect Increasing the MCLK Frequency Make sure you have enough voltage level to operate at the frequency you set Or unpredictable behavior can occur

62 Network and Systems Laboratory Techniques Using a low-level initialization function Problem By default, when a C compiler generates assembly code, it creates code that initializes all declared memory and inserts it before the first instruction of the main() function In the event that the amount of declared memory is large The time required to initialize the long list of variables may be so long that the watchdog expires before the first line of main() can be executed Solution Disables the initialization of memory elements that don't need pre-initialization __no_init int x_array[2500]; Use a compiler-defined low-level initialization function

63 Network and Systems Laboratory Techniques In-System Programming (ISP) If using the MSP430 ISP functionality to write to flash memory 1. Set the correct timing value (257 kHz to ~ 476 kHz) 2. Set the flash lock bit after the ISP operation is complete 3. Take care that the cumulative programming time 4. Provide sufficient VCC Using Checksums to Verify Flash Integrity Flash memory data may corrupt, use checksum to verify flash integrity periodically

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