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Created by Joey Meffen and Matthew O’Connor Computers 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Joey Meffen and Matthew O’Connor Computers 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Joey Meffen and Matthew O’Connor Computers 8

2 2 types: Simple (sugar) Complex (starches) Simple Sources: Fruits, dairies, candies Complex Sources: Grains CARBOHYDRATES

3 Provides energy Simple  quick energy Complex  long energy Too much simple can cause diabetes Complex makes you feel full CARBOHYDRATES (CONT.)

4 Helps us grow Many functions Found in most foods Travel around your body Two types Water soluble Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Etc... Fat soluble Vitamin A vitamin D vitamin E vitamin K Can be store when not needed VITAMINS

5 Vitamins A Helps eye sight Found in dairy, vegetables Vitamin B Helps generate energy dairy, vegetables Vitamin C Protects bones, teeth, gums Found in citrus fruits VITAMINS (CONT.)

6 Vitamin D Makes bones stronger Found in dairy products Vitamin E helps lungs aids red blood cells Grains, vegetables etc.. VITAMINS (CONT.)

7 2 types: Unsaturated: Good for your heart Saturated: Raises cholesterol Sources: Unsaturated: fish, plants Saturated: animal products, coconut/palm oil FATS

8 Makes you feel full Helps absorb vitamins Should eat mostly unsaturated Saturated leads to heart disease Fats aren’t always bad FATS (CONT.)

9 Help us Have lots of functions Found in different things Two types Silicate Minerals Non-Silicate Minerals MINERALS

10 There are different minerals Calcium Helps your bones grow Found In dairy products Iron Transports oxygen Found In meats etc.. Potassium Helps your nervous system working Found in fruits, vegetables etc… MINERALS (CONT.)

11 Zinc Fights illnesses & heals wounds Found in seafood etc… Magnesium Converts blood sugar to energy lowers high blood pressure Found in leafy vegetables etc… MINERALS (CONT.)

12 Makes amino acid, maintains body 2 types: Complete: has all amino acids Incomplete: missing some amino acids Sources: Complete: Meats, dairies Incomplete: Vegetables PROTEIN

13 Makes hemoglobin, transports oxygen Build cardiac muscles Eat 1 gram per kg. you weigh Vegetarians can miss some proteins Variety of protein rich veggies fix it PROTEIN (CONT.)

14 2 types: Water soluble: lowers blood sugar Insoluble: promotes bowel movement Sources: Water: oats, beans, fruits, etc. In: plants, brans, veggies Water can lower cholesterol FIBRE

15 Makes half of your body Need it to survive Comes from fruits as well Helps fight illness Transports nutrients and oxygen Only one type WATER

16 For carbs, fats, proteins and fibres. BIBLIOGRAPHY

17 For vitamins, minerals and water. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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