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CAASSP Overview 2014. STAR Testing Window 2014 Elementary/Intermediate April 8 th – April11 th CAPA April 8 th – April17 th Includes make-ups.

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Presentation on theme: "CAASSP Overview 2014. STAR Testing Window 2014 Elementary/Intermediate April 8 th – April11 th CAPA April 8 th – April17 th Includes make-ups."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAASSP Overview 2014

2 STAR Testing Window 2014 Elementary/Intermediate April 8 th – April11 th CAPA April 8 th – April17 th Includes make-ups

3 STAR Tests California Standards Test: CST Students in grades two through eleven are required to take the CSTs unless they have an IEP designating that they take the CMA or CAPA. California Modified Assessment: CMA A student with an IEP in grades three through eleven may take the CMA in one or more content areas if they meet the eligibility criteria and the is listed in the IEP. California Alternate Performance Assessment: CAPA Students with a significant cognitive disabilities in grades two through eleven with IEP’s stating an alternative form of assessment is required. Standards Test in Spanish: STS English Learners with primary language Spanish who have been in U.S. schools less than one year. NOTE: Students taking the STS must also take the CST and/or CMA.

4 What is new this year? Testing only 5 & 8 Science CST/CMA Grades 2-8 CAPA One version of CAPA STS (Optional) Continuous Enrollment Definition A student is considered continuously enrolled if the student was enrolled in the same School or District from the Fall Census Day (first Wednesday in October) to the first day of testing, without a gap in enrollment of more than 30 consecutive calendar days.

5 STAR Test Coordinator: Training Video

6 Test Site Coordinators Responsibilities Test Security Train Test Examiners Making sure that the school has the proper testing materials Distributing and collecting testing materials daily. Answering questions from test examiner Monitor test administration Verify materials are marked correctly to ensure correct student scores Packing and returning materials to the district. See Page 8 of the STAR coordinators manual for additional information.

7 Before Testing: Managing Test Security STAR Test Security Agreement must be signed and returned by School Test Site Coordinator. (Please sign agreement and return if you have not already done so) STAR Security Affidavits must be signed by all teachers, proctors, and anyone else with access to the test. Provide copies to Evaluation & Research when you return your materials.

8 Before Testing: Delivery Elementary – March 31 st April 1 st Middle School– April 2 nd Please inform your custodians that they will be required to verify the quantity of boxes being delivered to your site.

9 Before Testing: Taking Inventory Place all materials in a secure and locked area and retain all boxes. Inventory materials to confirm counts match packing list within 48 hours. o Please be sure to open boxes from the top. Keep all boxes, they will be need to return your materials.

10 PLEASE NOTE: o If you will require additional testing materials please contact us immediately. o Please verify that you have received Special Versions (Braille and/or Large Print) for special needs students. Please contact us immediately if you require these materials because we will have to place a special order. The last day to place an order will be March 17 th. Any orders placed after this date will not be guaranteed in time for testing. Before Testing: Additional Materials

11 Before Testing: Pre-Id and Hand-slugged answer documents All students enrolled as of January 6, 2014 should receive a Pre-Id answer document. Student enrolled starting on February 26, 2014 will require a hand-slugged answer document.

12 Before Testing: Getting Prepared Plan all test administration logistics for your school site: Notify Parents of Test Schedules. Notices will be available for all school sites Please send Tele-parent to all 5 & 8 grade parents reminding them of the assessment Prepare a testing schedule within the District testing window. Prepare and/or supervise the hand-marking of any blank answer documents. Review IEP’s for any students taking the CMA or CAPA. Identify any STS students. Prepare a check-in/check-out system.

13 Before Testing: Training Test site coordinators must train all test examiners, proctors, and scribes. o Examiner Training PowerPoint Available on Wiki at: o The 2014 STAR Pre-Test online video clips are linked at: CAPA Training o CAPA Training for Special Ed. Teachers will be at Washington February 25 th

14 Before Testing: Getting Prepared Ensure that testing rooms are appropriately prepared for administering the test. No instructional material directly related to the content of the test should be visible. 14

15 Each testing location to include: o DFA (Forthcoming) o Answer Documents and Booklets. o Two No. 2 pencils with erasers per student. o Do not Disturb Signs o No unauthorized electronic devices sign 15 Before Testing: Getting Prepared

16 2013 STAR Pre-Test Workshop || Slide 16

17 Test Administration Make sure students are taking the appropriate version of the test; CST, CMA or CAPA. o Verify all IEP’s prior to testing. Tests are not timed. Estimated times: Appendix J M-105

18 CMA Students may take the CMA test if they: o Have an IEP that specifies that they take the CMA. o Scored below basic or far below basic in a previous year on the CST with or without modifications and/or took the CMA in a previous year. o CMA Tests Available for: Science – Grades 5, 8 and 10 (Life Science) o Student may take the CST and CMA test in different subject areas. M-74

19 CMA Students shall not take the CMA if they: o Do not have an IEP o Are eligible to take the CAPA. o Have not scored below basic or far below basic in a previous year on the CST’s. M-74

20 CAPA Available for students with significant cognitive disabilities enrolled in grades two through eleven. Students designated to take the CAPA must take the grade-assigned CAPA level or CAPA Level 1. o CAPA levels are listed on Table 5 on page 14. Examiners must be trained annually. 10% of CAPA students for each level must have a second observer. M-13

21 STS (Optional) English Learners with Spanish as their primary language who have been in U.S. schools less than one year. This test is not administered to EO, I-FEP, or R-FEP students If a student takes the STS they must also take the CST and/or CMA. M-14

22 Accommodation vs. Modification Accommodations o Change conditions, but not measurement o Count as-is; no impact on API & AYP Modifications o Change conditions and measurement o Count as far below basic for API o Do not count as proficient or as a participant for AYP Students may only use accommodations or modifications specified in IEP’s or section 504 Plans during the test. If students use accommodations or modifications, test examiners are responsible for marking Section A3b on students’ answer document immediately after testing. If a student has an IEP or Section 504 plan but does not use accommodations or modifications only mark section A3a. Note: No Audio CD are available. 22

23 During Testing Monitor test administration o Use a Test Site Inventory Form to check materials out to and in from test examiners each day of testing. o Distribute Student Absence logs to test examiners. Keep completed forms on file at school site. o Visit classrooms Make sure all teachers are reading directions verbatim Ensure all instructional materials directly related to the content of the test are covered during testing. Students are marking the correct test taken and version number Student desks are cleared during testing No Cell Phones Ensure security is being maintained Inform test examiners of where to send students who need more time to test. 23 M-63

24 REMINDER Materials must be checked in and out each day of testing! NO exceptions

25 During Testing All Students must complete, even if Pre-ID was used. 25 M-63

26 Reminders: Examiners, proctors, scribes, and school administrators CANNOT: ◦ Review test questions or passages independently, with students, or with any other person before, during, or after testing. ◦ Copy, scan or transmit any part of the test(s) or test materials. ◦ Review students’ answers to coach, advise, or alert students of wrong answers or to check answers. During Testing

27 o Report testing irregularities or incidents to Evaluation and Research Irregularity and Incident forms are on page 82 and 83 of STAR coordinators manual. Contact E&R prior to completing. 27

28 After Testing: Collecting and Processing Test Materials Verify all testing materials have been returned. Separate scorable materials from nonscorable materials. o Scorable Documents Include Pre ID Answer Documents Hand-Slugged Answer Documents Parent Exemptions CAPA Second Raters M-64

29 After Testing Examiners cannot erase any marks in response circles. Do NOT darken response circles inside answer documents of grade two and three test booklets. Avoid teaching students in second and third grade to mark through answer circles to eliminate answers. Such marks MAY NOT be erased by adults Erase NOTHING in answer circles

30 Mark Discrimination Analysis An automated process completed at the time of answer document scanning Identifies erasures to determine if the response has changed from: o correct to wrong, or wrong left wrong o wrong to wrong, or correct left correct o wrong to correct, or no response From the analyses a report is produced and forward to the CDE who in turn requests districts to conduct an investigation based on the analyses

31 After Testing: Scorable Answer Documents Separate scorable answer documents from all other materials. Separate by grade level and exam: CST, CMA, CAPA and STS. (page 57) o Grade 5 & 8 CST and CMA are on the same answer document. o Grade 2-8 CAPA are separate answer documents.

32 After Testing: Scorable Answer Documents Verify that the correct version number has been marked on the inside of the answer document for grades 5 & 8. For students in grades 5 & 8 who took the CMA for any subjects, ensure box 7c is marked for the correct CMA content area. Ensure all Large Print or Braille documents are transcribed to regular answer documents. Documents that are not transcribed will not be scored. Ensure all demographic information has been completed. Ensure that students taking science end-of-course tests in grades seven through eleven mark the specific content area name and test booklet version number on answer documents. No Bubble = No Score

33 After Testing: Scorable Answer Documents Carefully check Sections A2, A3, and A4 and verify that answer documents have been marked appropriately by the test examiner. Ensure all stray marks on answer documents are erased. Ensure there are no stray marks along left hand tick marks.

34 After Testing: Scorable Answer Documents CAPA Documents o Verify all documents have a signature o Verify CAPA level is marked in Box 7a o Ensure 10% of each CAPA level have a second rater Fields to be bubbled on student answer documents for 2 nd rater –1 - Name, etc. –3 - Date of Birth –5 - Name –6 - Gender –7a - CAPA Level –7b - Grade –11 - Student ID –12 - SSID M-49

35 Version Number – Test Taken Test will not be scored if left blank

36 Box A3 Accommodations and Modifications Box A3-a To be completed for all students that have an IEP or 504 plan regardless if they use an Accommodation or Modification. o Pre-ID and hand slugged documents Box A3-b To be completed only if a student used an accommodation or modification as specified in the students IEP or 504.

37 37 School and Grade Identification Sheet - SGID Complete one SGID for each grade level per test: CST/CMA (together), and STS. Complete one SGID for all CAPA answer documents. --- Include 2 nd rater documents in count Grades 2-8 must complete the back of SGID sheet for each grade level with the instructional materials codes provided

38 38 Master File Sheet Complete one Mater File Sheet. This document is used to record the number of SGID Sheets and Scorable Documents at each grade level. Note: Fill in Zeros for grade levels not testing at your site.

39 Return all documents within an administration in same shipment Separate scorables (with SGID) from nonscorables: make sure grade on answer documents matches grade on SGID. Page 53 Ensure correct school code correct (not correctable later) After Testing Documents to Return

40 Whittier City Specific Include in Box 1 o Test Site Packing List from ETS o Site Inventory Control Sheet o Site Daily Control Forms - 1 per teacher o Additional Materials Received o Reconciliation Form o Attendance Records - 1 per teacher o Exemption Letters

41 Returning Materials to E&R Non-Scorables: (page 58) Unused blanks answer documents Voided answer documents Test booklets Grade 5 & 8 test booklets Special Version CAPA examiners manual 41

42 After Testing: What is a non-scorable answer document? The following answer documents are to be marked void and returned with the non-scorable materials: o Absences Mark “Void-Absent” o Student no longer at your school mark “Void-Student Moved Prior to Testing” o Damaged Booklets: Mark “Void Damaged-Document Transcribed” o Wrong student Information Mark “Void-Wrong Pre-ID Info.” Damaged Document Transcribed”

43 After Testing: Packaging Non-Scorable Materials Separate all non-scorables by grade level and exam: CST, CMA, CAPA and STS using the Non-scorable packing lists. Place the Green non-scorable shipping labels on the boxes.

44 Reference Pages in STAR Manual Answer Document Demographic Codes Appendix E Pages 73-81 Primary Disability Codes Appendix E Pages 82-83 Primary Language Codes Appendix EPage 84 Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations & Modifications Appendix A2 A3 A4 Pages 105 Examiners TrainingPage 40 o Irregularity Reports Page 64

45 To do... Distribute and collect affidavits Get familiar with paperwork on Wiki and manual (forthcoming) Set up examinee training Build momentum for SBAC testing at site

46 Ext. 3028 Resources

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