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24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter1 Metropolis Conference Azores September 13, 2011 Migration and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups at The Labour Market Björn.

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Presentation on theme: "24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter1 Metropolis Conference Azores September 13, 2011 Migration and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups at The Labour Market Björn."— Presentation transcript:

1 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter1 Metropolis Conference Azores September 13, 2011 Migration and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups at The Labour Market Björn Halvorsen Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues

2 ”The Nordic Way” Well organised Working Life Tripartite Cooperation Active Labour Market Policy Universal Social Security Comprehensive Public Services Taxation financed and Redistributive

3 Good Achievements Equality and an egaliterian societies High labour force participation and low unemployment Sustainable Economic Growth, Effectiveness and Competitiveness Stability and Predictability Transparency & Confidence

4 High labour force paricipation in the nordic countries Per cent of all inhabitants 15/16- 64 year old Country 2000 2008 Denmark 76 % 78 % Finland 67 % 71 % Iceland.. 84 % Norway 76 % 78 % Sweden 74 % 76 % Netherlands 73 % 76 % France 62 % 65 % Germany 65 ½ % 70 ½ % Spain app. 60 % 65 % UK 71 % 71 ½ % EU-15 63 ½ % 67 ½ % OECD 64 ½ % 66 ½ % Source: Eurostat / OECD 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter4

5 Unemployment differs substatially across countries Source: OECD Employment Outlook 2009/2010 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter5

6 Vulnerable groups at the labour market Youngsters at risk during transition from school to work ” School dropouts” Young Disabled Immigrant Youngsters Disabled persons (physically and mentally) Low labour force participation. BUT: Many of them for sure want to work – and they can ! Seniors at risk for unintended early retirement How to stimulate – socially acceptable – to higher participation and higher retirement age – for those who prefer so? Immigrants First and second generation (two immigrant parents) Africa Pakistan Iran Iraque etc 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter6

7 Recessions not only hurt lots of people, but also take a long time to restore Unemployment rates in Finland 1970-2005 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter7

8 Low employment rates among disabled persons Employment rates by disability status in the late-2000s (left axis) and trends in relative employment rates since the mid-1990s (right axis) Source: OECD Sickness, Disability and Work – Synthesis Report 2010 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter8

9 Labour force participation rates among youngsters 15-24 years old in the Nordic countries and EU-15 2000-2010 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter9

10 High Unemployment rates among youngsters 15-24 years old in the nordic countries and EU-15 2000-2010 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter10

11 1 of 3 nordic youngsters drops out of secondary school - but almost everybody starts up there - 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter11

12 Main Strategies in the Nordic Countries: ”Jobs for everybody is job number 1” Economic Policy aimed at balanced development in the short and long run Monetary Policies. Fiscal Policies. Tripartite Cooperation Active Labour Market Policy Income security. A wide range of Measures. Quick and substantial expansions and reductions Universal Social Security In case of unemployment, sickness, pregnancy and child care, disability, old age, death / survivors Taylored Inclusion Policies Aimed at vulnerable groups: Youngsters. Disabled. Seniors. Refugees/Immigrants 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter12

13 What about Programme Achievements? Evaluations of Nordic Active Labour Market & Inclusion Programmes conclude that there are: Positive, but modest effects on employment at general Best effects of Taylored Programs for Vulnerable grups Immigrants/refugees. Persons with reduced work capacity. Disabled. Etc Types of Programmed with good “Job Effect”: - Introduction Programme (new immigrants) - “New Chance” ( exeprienced, vulnerable immigrants - On-the-Job Training and practice - Wage Subsidies & other employer supports - Mutual obligations and close following-up - Chaining of Measures

14 Labour Market Inclusion Strategies aimed at Vulnerable Youngsters Early prevention of marginalisation, and intervention if necessary Tailored measures and individual following-up in addition to the universal measures and scheemes. Avoid school-dropouts! Individual ”rights-and-duties-regimes”. Personal coaching Coordination of service providers and stakeholders ”At-work-training” and Supported Employment Reduce Risks and invest in positive Economic Incentives for Employers Listen to the youngsters! Encourage hope and (self)confidence. Help to make dreams be realistic! 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter14

15 24-10-2015Nordens Velfærdscenter15 Metropolis Conference Azores September 13, 2011 My Conclusion: Labour Market Inclusion And Migration Thank you!

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