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UNIT 6 Disease, Population Growth, & Technological Innovations.

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1 UNIT 6 Disease, Population Growth, & Technological Innovations

2 Unit 6 Journals (2)10 pts MANIA NOTES10 pts Russian Revolution10 pts Treaty of Versailles/impact10 pts Great Depression/Stalin10 pts Disease, technology…10 pts Nationalism chart10 pts

3 Warm UP Discuss @ least 3 Diseases that have impacted World History. Discuss its impact and consequences on World History Bubonic Plague 12 th- 14th centuries (1/3 of the population died) Spanish Influenza 1918 Aids 2oth century Plague helped bring down Roman Empire in 5 th century CE Small Pox ravaged Han China (60 million to 45 million)

4 What factors have allowed the Earth’s population rise?

5 Medical Advances Polio vaccination ( Jonas Salk 1955), antibiotics, improved surgical procedures, & Cancer treatments all lengthened life expectancy New Methods of Birth Control “The Pill”( 1950’s & 1960s) Gave women a sense of having control of their own destinies Sparked women’s rights movement F Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin 1940s

6 Medical advances-artificial Heart (1971)

7 Advances in Agriculture Green Revolution- development of powerful fertilizers & pesticides and hybrid crops which boosted food production With more food population has also skyrocketed

8 Criticisms of the Green Revolution Overuse of pesticides and fertilizers Tendency to plant monocrops (wheat, corn, soy) instead of a variety of crops Unprecedented population growth Rachel Carson wrote “Silent Spring” warning against the use of DDT

9 Disease Spanish Influenza- An estimated 30-50 million people died 3% of the worlds population Video

10 HIV/Aids As many as 25 million people have died from AIDS in the 21 st Century In 2007 2.8 million people died of Aids, 2 million were in Africa “Barely a single ( Sub-Saharan family remains untouched”


12 Which colonies achieved their independence peacefully? Violently? Non-ViolenceNon-Violence & violence Violence IndiaKenya- Jomo Kenyattta used nonviolence, Mau Mau revolt Algeria Ghana –led Kwame Nkrumah (influenced by Gandhi) Egypt-NasserVietnam led by Ho Chi Minh S. Africa- Mandela becomes 1 st black president Palestinians

13 What were the causes of the WWI? M.A.N.I.A

14 What do Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong have in common? Both led communist revolutions Both were victorious

15 What impact did medical innovations such as the polio vaccination and artificial heart have on humans? They allowed humans to live longer

16 Name @ least 2 advances in military technology in time period 6 Tanks(WWI) Poison Gas (WWI ) Nuclear Weapons ( dropped on Japan, twice!)

17 Which of the following is not one way in which India and Pakistan differed? A) Pakistan was a democracy, while India was not B) Pakistan defined itself according to religion and was under military leadership C) India had a larger portion of the industrial and educational resources D) India was larger and was 90 percent Hindu E) India was a secular republic

18 After independence in 1947 the Indian subcontinent was partitioned into different countries based primarily on A) natural geographic boundaries B) economic development C) political differences D) religious identities E) language groups

19 The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa means that A) millions of children have been orphaned B) life expectancy is expected to drop from 59 to 45 years C) the most productive members of African society have been struck down with the disease D) limited resources have been exhausted trying to cope with the epidemic E) all of the above

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