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Data – making it count! Lorna Piper

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1 Data – making it count! Lorna Piper

2 Objectives for this session To consider how Ofsted uses school data before and during the inspection To understand how to prepare for inspection and what inspectors are looking for

3 Information the team look at before they arrive data from RAISEonline, the sixth form PANDA report, the Level 3 Value Added data and available data about success rates the previous inspection report the findings of any recent Ofsted survey and/or monitoring letters responses from parents on Parent View issues raised about, or the findings from, the investigation of any qualifying complaints about the school information available on the school’s website, which may include a prospectus and other information for parents.

4 The use of data during the inspection Handbook page 13: Inspectors should use a range of data to judge a school’s performance, including that found in RAISEonline, and examination or key stage results where available. No single measure or indicator determines judgements. The data, including that provided by the school, should be used to: check the accuracy of the school’s assessment of pupils’ progress and attainment levels, particularly where there are no externally marked test/examination results check the robustness and accuracy of the school’s self-evaluation, particularly on achievement, teaching, and behaviour and safety

5 When evaluating achievement of pupils, inspectors consider how well: pupils make progress relative to their starting points pupils learn, the quality of their work in a range of subjects and the progress they have made since joining the school pupils develop a range of skills, including reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills, and how well they apply these across the curriculum pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education, training and / or employment disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs have achieved since joining the school gaps are narrowing between the performance of different groups of pupils, both in the school and in comparison to those of all pupils nationally pupils attainment, taking into account the standards they attain by the time they leave the school, including their standards in reading, writing and mathematics and, in primary schools, their attainment in reading by the end of KS1 pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium have achieved since joining the school.

6 So what does ‘good’ look like? Taking account of their different starting points, the proportions of pupils making and exceeding expected progress compare favourably with national figures. Where the proportion making expected progress overall is lower than that found nationally, it is improving over a sustained period. Progress across year groups in a wide range of subjects is consistently strong and evidence in pupils’ work indicates that they achieve well. Pupils read widely and often. Pupils acquire knowledge and develop understanding quickly and securely in a wide range of subjects. They develop and apply a wide range of skills, in reading, writing, communication and mathematics. This ensures that they are well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment. The learning and progress of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, those who have special educational needs, and those for whom the pupil premium provides support, are good. Where attainment, including attainment in reading in primary schools, is low overall, it is improving at a faster rate than nationally, over a sustained period.

7 EYFS What data should I have? How can I show ‘good’ progress?

8 EYFS to KS1 Draft guidance on measuring progress For now you can use the progress matrix and look at: - the proportion of ‘average’ pupils who reach level 2b+ - the proportion of high ability pupils who reach level 3

9 KS1 to KS2 Analysis of the 2012 progress matrix – why did some pupils not make ‘expected progress’? KS2 test level No of pupils included in progress No achieving 2+ levels % pupils 2+ levels National % pupils making >2 levels % pupils making >2 levels National % W123456 KS1 level Other/ no prior 0N/A WA66G32 1B88H54 2cC82I9 2bD94J20 2aE99K47 3F83L0 Total8926

10 KS1 to KS2 What data do I need on current pupils? How can I show good progress?

11 W12c2b2a3c3b3a4c4b4a5c5b 2012 % making 2+ levels KS1 levels W72 1ABC83 2cDE,FG81 2bHI,JKLM93 2aNPQ99 3RST,U89 48 End of Year 4 Which pupils have not made one level from KS1?

12 KS2 to KS4 Analysis of the 2012 progress matrix – why did some pupils not make ‘expected progress’? What data do I need on current pupils? How can I show good progress?

13 Buckinghamshire assessment reporting - BAR This package provides all the analysis Primary schools need and is easy to use. Pre requisites Data must be in SIMS Assessment data is held in Capita standard mark sheets and aspects:

14 Data distribution sheet whole school

15 CES distribution sheets

16 Termly progress reports

17 Individual progress

18 Next steps Identify one action point on your analysis of data to help you work towards a ‘good’ judgement.

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