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Chapter 24 Section 3 Eisenhower as President.  Recession: A period when the economy slows down  Interstate Highway System: A network of roads built.

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1 Chapter 24 Section 3 Eisenhower as President

2  Recession: A period when the economy slows down  Interstate Highway System: A network of roads built and cared for by the U.S. govt.

3  Dwight D. Eisenhower: ◦ Elected President ◦ Republican:  Ended 20 year democrat rule ◦ Nicknamed Ike  Held office for two terms: ◦ Defeated democrat Adlai Stevenson both times

4  He told Republicans: ◦ Control govt spending  He told Democrats: ◦ Keep some of FDR’s “New Deal” programs

5  Built public housing in poor neighborhoods  Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: ◦ Ran programs on food and drug safety ◦ Health and education ◦ Social Security programs  Economy did well during Eisenhower’s terms: ◦ Recession during term 2:  Economy slows down  People spend less  Fewer jobs

6  Eisenhower thought U.S. needed better roads: ◦ I.H.S. ◦ Cross country roads:  No stop lights 1956  Federal-Aid Highway Act: ◦ $31 billion for 41,000 miles of new highways

7  I.H.S. changed U.S. economy and peoples lives: ◦ Trucking-fastest and cheapest way to carry goods ◦ People drove to work ◦ Drove to vacations ◦ Businesses along the highways

8  Railroads lost business: ◦ Quit or cut back services  Communities near the interstates grew  Communities far from interstates lost business  More people moved to suburbs: ◦ Easier to drive to work  Pollution increased

9  Eisenhower ended the Korean War: ◦ Cold War continues  Met with leaders from S.U. and others countries

10  `56: Hungary revolts against S.U.:  Many Hungarians killed  Soviets put down revolt  Eisenhower sided with Hungarians: ◦ Did not send U.S. troops  `59: Communists took power in Cuba: ◦ Cuba close to U.S. ◦ Tried to stop takeover ◦ Cut off relations with Cuba

11 Chapter 24 Section 3 Crossword -Eisenhower as President

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