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Hosted by Type your name here 100 200 400 300 400 Text Features Genres Question Stems Poetry 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Type your name here

3 100 200 400 300 400 Text Features Genres Question Stems Poetry 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 bold print What is writing that is thick and heavy?

5 1,2 fiction What are selections that are not based on facts and are read for story elements?

6 1,3 selection What is a piece of writing that can be any genre?

7 1,4 speaker Who is person speaking in a poem?

8 2,1 italics What is writing that is thin and slanted?

9 2,2 non-fiction What are selections that are based on facts and are read for information?

10 2,3 mainly What is a synonym for primarily?

11 2,4 stanza What is a part or section of a poem?

12 3,1 caption What is the writing under a picture or photograph?

13 3,2 biography What is a story about a person’s life?

14 3,3 similar to What means very much alike?

15 3,4 simile What is a comparison of 2 unlike things using the words “like” or “as”?

16 4,1 parentheses What are brackets used around words to set them apart from a sentence?

17 4,2 realistic fiction What is a make-believe story that could really happen?

18 4,3 phrase What is part of a sentence or an incomplete sentence?

19 4,4 metaphor What is comparing 2 unlike things by saying one is the other?

20 5,1 cut-away What is a drawing that shows part of the inside of something?

21 5,2 fable What is a type of folk tale that teaches a moral or lesson?

22 5,3 probably What means most likely?

23 5,4 personification What is to give human characteristics to objects?

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