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Country Case: Pakistan National Strategy and Vision for Higher Education By Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi Executive Director Higher Education Commission,

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Presentation on theme: "Country Case: Pakistan National Strategy and Vision for Higher Education By Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi Executive Director Higher Education Commission,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Case: Pakistan National Strategy and Vision for Higher Education By Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi Executive Director Higher Education Commission, Islamabad

2 Outline of Presentation Background  Higher Education Commission Formation  Function of the HEC National Strategy & Vision Impact of HEC The next 5 years

3 Higher Education Commission Background: Peril and Promise: Higher Education in Developing Countries, World Bank, 2000 Task Force on Higher Education in Pakistan, Report (2001) Steering Committee on Higher Education, Report (2002) Higher Education Commission Constituted on September 11, 2002 under Ordinance No. LIII, 2002 Autonomous: Prime Minister of Pakistan: Controlling Authority Chairman HEC: Status of Federal Minister Executive Director, HEC  Has status of Federal Secretary  Is the Principal Accounting Officer of the Commission

4 Functions of the HEC Higher Education Development & Promotion Policy  Formulate policies, guiding principles and priorities for higher education Institutions Financial Responsibilities  Submit to the Federal Government the recurring and development budgets for public sector Institutions  Allocate funds to public sector Institution out of bulk financial provision received from the government and other resources on performance and need basis Facilitate the introduction of educational programmes that meet the needs of the employment market

5 Functions: Quality Assurance Prescribe conditions for opening and operating HEIs in the private sector Cause evaluation of the performance of Institutions; Carry out accreditation of Institutions including their departments, faculties and disciplines by giving them appropriate ratings Determine the equivalence and recognition of degrees, diplomas and certificates ….;

6 HEC Mission To Facilitate Institutions of Higher Learning to serve as an Engine of Socio-Economic Development of Pakistan

7 Key Areas of Improvement Access  Low enrollment in higher education Quality  Poor standard of faculty and lack of training / capacity building  Low quality of teaching & research and lack of relevance to national needs  Poor governance of universities Relevance  Minimal relevance of higher education to national needs

8 HEC Plan of Action Infrastructure Development: Physical, Technology Good Governance & Management Quality Assurance: Standards, Assessment, Accreditation Faculty Development Improving Access & Learning Excellence in Research Relevance to National Priorities Core Support

9 Training the Brightest! Massive Foreign scholarship programs  Focus on European Countries & China  World’s largest Fulbright Scholarship program for the US Indigenous PhD programs  Strict criteria for PhD Studies  Complete Scholarship package Stipend, research support, tuition etc. Huge Local Scholarship Programs for Undergraduate level studies

10 Attracting the Brightest Faculty! Changing the Environment  Transforming UGC  New University buildings, laboratories, facilities  Access to information  Access to sophisticated instrumentation Change in Salary Structures  under “Tenure Track” system salaries of Professors raised dramatically  Research Productivity Allowance (based on Cumulative Impact Factors during the preceding year)

11 Attracting the Brightest! Research Funding  Competitive – Peer Reviewed  Grants to Attend Conferences  Grants to host conferences 75% Reduction of Income Tax for all academics Reversing the Brain Drain  Guaranteed Jobs to fresh PhD.s with higher salary structures under tenure track system  Short Term Foreign Faculty Hiring  Long Term Foreign Faculty Hiring

12 A Focus on Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Structure  Defining QA Procedures  Establishing Standards  Capacity Building Degree Verification Statistics Compilation & Ranking Liaison with  Professional Accreditation Bodies  Provinces  International QA Agencies

13 Quality Assurance Criteria 4 Year Undergraduate Program Eligibility Criteria for Faculty Appointment Tenure Track System Criteria for Recognition of Journals College Affiliation Criteria Quality Criteria for PhD Program  Course Work at MPhil./PhD level  International Refereeing of Dissertation  International Publication

14 HEC’s Major IT Initiatives INFRASTRUCTURE IT Reforms in Universities Pakistan Education & Research Network (PERN) PAKSAT-1 Virtual University SERVICES PROVIDED HEC Website Digital Library E-books Pakistan Research Repository MIT Open Courseware http://mitocw.pern.e http://mitocw.pern.e

15 Higher Education Web Portal

16 National Digital Library 20022003200420052006 No. of Institutions given Access --110170250 Training of NDL-- 5100750010000 No. of Journals ( Online) -- 145002000022000+ Articles Downloaded -- 450000 + 665000 + 1200000 + Research Output 788890104812571500+

17 Curriculum Division Before 2004, Bachelor’s programme was of 2-year duration. 2004 Initiation of 4-year BS programme was taken up in 2004 and HEC designed a uniform curricula for about 60 disciplines by the year 2006. 2006Template for Agriculture was designed and implemented in various Agric. Disciplines April 2007 Uniform Template for Engineering, Basic and Social Sciences was designed. Development of uniform curricula, in line with the templates developed, for the following disciplines are in progress. 7 disciplines of Basic Sciences 2 disciplines of Humanities 14 disciplines of Engineering

18 Development Funding UGC in 2002HEC in 2007 Total Development Funding Rs. 4.3BRs. 14.3B Total Development Projects 147354 Total Funds Released in Past 5 Years Rs. 1.881BRs. 33.309B Total Funds Utilized in 5 Years Rs. 1.88Rs. 26.68B Number of Institutions Funded 4576

19 Development Funding

20 Recurring Funding UGC in 2002HEC in 2007 Total BudgetRs. 3.39BRs. 14.48B Number of Funded Students132,226256,994 Number of Funded Institutions6999 Inter Univ. Acad. Activities Budget Rs. 4MRs. 590M Promotion of Research BudgetRs. 46MRs. 650M Number of MPhil/PhD Students6,74412,856 Percentage Self Generated Funds 48%55% Library Budget (Incl. Dig. Lib)-Rs. 230M Recurring Funding per StudentRs. 25,629Rs. 56,345 Funding per COE/ASCRs. 5.641MRs. 20.362M Funding per ChairRs. 0.936MRs. 3.136M


22 Pakistan Research Output 2001-2006

23 Human Resource Development Description UGC in 2002HEC in 2007 Indigenous Scholarship Projects Total Number of Projects24 Scholarships Availed3422861 Overseas Scholarship Projects Total Number of Projects015 Scholarships Availed01428 (1131) Post Doctoral Fellowships Total Number of Projects11 Fellowships Availed45259 Foreign Faculty Hiring Program Total Number of Projects03 Total Number of Faculties hired0258 (175 st.)

24 Quality Assurance UGC in 2002HEC in 2007 Ranking of UniversitiesNot AvailableAvailable Quality Enhancement Cells030 Accreditation Councils711 Quality Assurance AgencyNoneEstablished Approved Journal CriteriaNoneNotified Approved Journals077 Tenure Track Faculty0110 MPhil/PhD Award CriteriaVariedStandardized Eligibility Criteria for appointment of faculty members VariedStandardized Affiliation CriteriaVariedStandardized Tenure Track StatutesN/AStandardized

25 HEC IT Evolution UGC in 2002HEC in 2007 Total HR250750 Basic IT Aware employees8550 IT HR243 Servers015 Computers + Laptop7+0500+72 Printers5150 Network0750 nodes LinksNoAir link, Fiber Internet56kbps8 Mbps Web site (Hits)100200k+/month Email ServerNoYes Digital LibraryNoYes Video ConferencingNoYes

26 Learning Innovation Short Term Professional Development Courses 530 4249 Long Term Professional Development Courses 0 3399 Open/Customized Workshops/Seminars 0 295 Lectures/Seminars by Foreign Experts 0 190 Training through HEC Capacity Building Programs 0 428 ICDL Training imparted 0 246 ICDL Resource Centers 0 05 __________________________________________________________________ GRAND TOTAL 530 8807 No. Of Faculty Trained UGC in 2002HEC in 2007

27 The Next 5 Years

28 Projecting HE enrollment and population age group 200720112016 Age 17-23 pop 21.425.430.2 univ enrollment in 000 (Incl. Distance Education) 5749551840 colleges enrollment 000 310377480 univ+colg enrol 000 88413322320 % univ enrol/pop % colg enrol/pop % HE (univ+colg) enrol/pop

29 Source: WB HE Assessment Report (2006) Are there Students ?

30 Additional Faculty Required (Public Sector)

31 Financial Realities Education lies at the heart of development  2% of GDP  4% of GDP  Higher Education at least 20% of Education expenditure The Government can not do it all  Universities must enhance own income  Private Sector Role is Crucial  Distance Education

32 HEC: The Next 5 Years 2007-2012 Institutional Ownership  Quality Assurance Governance Recruitment of Faculty Mega Development Projects Public – Private Partnership

33 Conclusion Higher Education in Pakistan  has a new lease on life !  Vital to sustainable poverty reduction  Key to building Pakistan’s Human Capital HEC Focus on  Good Governance and Management  Efficient Implementation: Capacity Building  Relevance to National Priorities Higher Education Commission Fuelling National Growth

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