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Writing About Literature Your Title Your title should reflect your thesis Don’t underline or put your title in quotation marks.

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2 Writing About Literature

3 Your Title Your title should reflect your thesis Don’t underline or put your title in quotation marks

4 Structure Let the structure of your paper take priority over the structure of the text Organize your paper first, and then arrange your notes and evidence to fit that organization

5 Evidence Tie each piece of evidence into your thesis statement Show the connection between the evidence and your thesis statement

6 Interpreting Give your interpretation of a text Do your own reading and develop your own opinions Don’t let the experts do the writing and thinking for you

7 Praising the Author Do not praise the author or text no matter how great they are Concentrate on how an author achieves his/her great effects

8 Referring to the Writer When you first refer to a writer, give his/her first and last name In subsequent references use the last name

9 Quoting Prose Incorporate direct quotes into your sentence Break up quotations with your own words If a quote is longer than 4 lines, set it off from your own writing by indenting five spaces

10 Ellipsis Three spaced periods (...) form an ellipsis The ellipsis shows that you have deleted words from a quotation without changing its meaning

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