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7 March 2014 10/24/20151.  MassDEP convened WNTAG to advise the Department on how to craft an effective regulatory & policy response to Wind Turbine.

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Presentation on theme: "7 March 2014 10/24/20151.  MassDEP convened WNTAG to advise the Department on how to craft an effective regulatory & policy response to Wind Turbine."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 March 2014 10/24/20151

2  MassDEP convened WNTAG to advise the Department on how to craft an effective regulatory & policy response to Wind Turbine noise impacts  Scope: ◦ Potential revision to existing noise policy ◦ Pre-construction impact assessment ◦ Pre-construction permitting process ◦ Post construction compliance sampling 2

3  Approaches to Determining Compliance with Noise policy  Pre-Construction Permitting  Additional Recommendations  Next Steps 10/24/20153

4  Retain the10 dBA above background limit  Approach For Discussion:  Leq + Adjustment Factor- L90 ≤ 10dBA ◦ Adjustment Factor to be determined (to be protective) ◦ Collect at least 15 minutes of data Turbine “On” and Turbine “Off” under comparable wind conditions ◦ “A’ Weighted sound collected on “Fast” setting 10/24/20154

5  Alternative Raised: ◦ Collect 1 Second LAFmax withTurbine “On” and Turbine “Off” ◦ Compare L90 of 1 Second LAFmax Turbine “Off” to 1 second LAFmax Turbine “On” + Adjustment Factor ◦ Adjustment factor value tbd. ◦ Collect at least 15 min data Turbine “on” and Turbine “off” under comparable wind conditions 10/24/20155

6  Permit Required ◦ 1 MW and greater ◦ Public review and comment  Self Certification ◦ 0.1 MW(100 kW) to 0.999 MW ◦ Option to apply for permit  Conditions: ◦ Pre-construction impact evaluation (modeling). ◦ Demonstrate ability to comply with 10 dBA threshold ◦ Post-construction monitoring required 10/24/20156

7  Attended sampling preferred/required. Input sought on how unattended sampling could be used for Leq data.  No specific limit on the amount of allowable amplitude modulation included; Adjustment Factor used to address modulation  More comprehensive guidance on pre and post construction sampling will be issued in addition to regulations.  Use of Preconstruction background data for post construction compliance determination. 10/24/20157

8  All of the input from WNTAG to be considered as MassDEP drafts a new regulation and Technical Support Document  Some of the Technical Issues also informed by the final RWSTA Report (Spring/ Summer 2014)  MassDEP to draft and issue additional guidance on monitoring and modeling wind projects  Regulations will go out to public hearing and comments considered before final adoption. 10/24/20158

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