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JUnit test and Project 3 simulation. 2 JUnit The testing problems The framework of JUnit A case study Acknowledgement: using some materials from JUNIT.

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Presentation on theme: "JUnit test and Project 3 simulation. 2 JUnit The testing problems The framework of JUnit A case study Acknowledgement: using some materials from JUNIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUnit test and Project 3 simulation

2 2 JUnit The testing problems The framework of JUnit A case study Acknowledgement: using some materials from JUNIT tutorial by Hong Qing Yu (

3 3 The Testing Problems programmers Should write few Do Why? I am so busy It is difficult

4 4 The Testing Problems Programmers need such kind of tool: “Writing a few lines of code, then a test that should run, or even better, to write a test that won't run, then write the code that will make it run.” JUnit is that kind of tool!

5 5 JUnit The testing problems The framework of JUnit A case study

6 6 The Framework of JUnit

7 7 JUnit The testing problems The framework of JUnit A case study

8 8 A Case Study Lab3Queue: enQueue method deQueue method

9 Include junit library in eclipse 9

10 10 How to Write A TestCase using Junit (available in Eclipse 3.1 or later) Step 1:Create a JUNIT test case (File -> New -> Junit Test Case

11 Create a test case 11

12 Create a test case import junit.framework.*; public class Lab3QueueTest { public void setUp() throws Exception { } public void tearDown() throws Exception { } 12

13 Create a test case import junit.framework.*; public class Lab3QueueTest extends TestCase { Lab3Queue testQueue; int queueSize; public void setUp() throws Exception { testQueue = new Lab3Queue(); queueSize = testQueue.getSize(); } public void tearDown() throws Exception { } 13

14 Create a test case For each method that you are going to test: Write a corresponding test method named: test in the test case 14

15 Create a test case public void testenQueue() { int newItem = 1; queueSize = testQueue.getSize(); testQueue.enQueue(newItem); Assert.assertEquals(queueSize+1, testQueue.getSize()); int actualItem = ((Integer) testQueue.getLastNode()).intValue(); Assert.assertEquals(newItem, actualItem); } 15

16 16 Assert assertEquals(expected, actual) assertEquals(message, expected, actual) assertEquals(expected, actual, delta) assertEquals(message, expected, actual, delta) assertFalse(condition) assertFalse(message, condition) Assert(Not)Null(object) Assert(Not)Null(message, object) Assert(Not)Same(expected, actual) Assert(Not)Same(message, expected, actual) assertTrue(condition) assertTrue(message, condition)

17 17 Structure setUp() Storing the fixture's objects in instance variables of your TestCase subclass and initialize them by overriding the setUp method tearDown() Releasing the fixture’s

18 Writing a test suite Step 2: Create a test suite by choosing 18

19 Writing a test suite 19

20 Writing a test suite import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class AllTests { public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for AiportSimulation"); //$JUnit-BEGIN$ suite.addTestSuite(Lab3QueueTest.class); //$JUnit-END$ return suite; } 20

21 Running a test 21 AllTests -> choose Run -> Run As -> Junit Test

22 Running a test 22

23 23 Design Test Cases The real world scenarios The number boundaries

24 24 Tips Testcases must extend TestCase All ‘test’ methods must include at least one call to an assert method or to fail: assertEquals (String message,...) assertNotNull (String message, Object obj) assertNull (String message, Object obj) assertSame (String message, Obj exp, Obj actual) assertTrue (String message, boolean condition) fail (String message) Remove System.out.println after test cases are working and rely on Junit assert methods to determine success/failure.

25 25 Dynamic Run Since JUnit 2.0 there is an even simpler dynamic way. You only pass the class with the tests to a TestSuite and it extracts the test methods automatically. suite.addTestSuite(Lab3QueueTest.class);

26 Project 3 - Algorithm 26

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