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New York Forest By, Kimberly Kalmar, Mariah Maldonado, Dakota Raponi, Kai Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "New York Forest By, Kimberly Kalmar, Mariah Maldonado, Dakota Raponi, Kai Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York Forest By, Kimberly Kalmar, Mariah Maldonado, Dakota Raponi, Kai Jackson.

2 Economic benefits for a home owner The economic benefits you need to survive, is your going to you need fire wood and water to survive.

3 Economic benefits for a farmer The economic benefits for a farmer is, food, shelter, water, trees. But it would be very hard if farmers lived in a valley because then it would be really windy and the nutrients and crops would fly everywhere, and it wouldn't be good then because there wont be any crops to eat and survive on and you wont be making any money.

4 Economic benefits for a business owner A good economic business is lumber yard. A lumber yard is a retail location for lumber and wood related products used in construction and/or home improvement projects. Lumber yards can also provide services such as the use of a planer and other large machines.

5 What federal laws are in place to protect this ecosystem? The pollution prevention act focused on industy,goverment and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act supports the use of deep geologic repositories for the safe storage and disposal of radioactive waste.

6 What do these laws require of the people who live, work, or recreate in this ecosystem? They have to reduce the amount of pollution, Noise control and they cannot carry out any activities that may harm the forest. html html

7 Who enforces these laws? The Department of Environmental Conservation enforce environmental laws.

8 What state laws are in place to protect this ecosystem? The Environmental Conservation law Addresses complaints of poaching, the illegal sale of endangered species and checking hunters, anglers, trappers and commercial fishermen for compliance.

9 What do these laws require of the people who live, work, or recreate in this ecosystem? People who or recreate in this ecosystem must have Permits, Sporting licenses and Pesticide Certification and Business Registration.

10 Who enforces these laws? Park Rangers or Forest Rangers are authorized to enforce these laws.********


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