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The new Local Area Agreement for East Sussex 2008 - 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The new Local Area Agreement for East Sussex 2008 - 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The new Local Area Agreement for East Sussex 2008 - 2011

2 What is an LAA? A three year contract between central and local government to deliver improvement in a local area Contains up to 35 indicators drawn from a set of 198 national performance indicators (NIS) These indicators are based on local priorities identified in the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) One of a number of action plans to deliver the SCS A way of strengthening partnerships and partnership working, pooling budgets and streamlining performance management

3 The East Sussex LAA Replaces the existing LAA (2006 – 2009) Runs from 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2011 33 national indicators and 16 mandatory education and early years indicators are included Each indicator has, or will have, targets aimed at improving performance and outcomes 65 partners involved in delivery NB. Local indicators will be included in the Sustainable Community Strategy plan/s

4 How we developed our LAA Established basic principles for development such as ensuring the LAA remains focused on making a significant impact for the residents of East Sussex the SCS and existing LAA would be the starting point for choosing which indicators to include Established criteria for the selection of indicators Set up a Project Board to oversee development Set up a Project Team to identify and negotiate the targets to be included, and to identify and secure the partners who would help deliver the LAA Negotiated and agreed indicators and targets with partners and with Government via GOSE

5 The selection criteria We selected indicators that would: Help deliver priorities within the SCS Help deliver district and borough level priorities Require a partnership approach for delivery Address inequality or deprivation, poor performance, service improvement and sustainable development Be supported by robust data and capable of being performance managed Be able to deliver improvement over 3 years

6 Linking strategy to action Economy, jobs and prosperityNew Business Registration rate (NI 171) Transport, access and communications Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling (NI 175) HousingNumber of affordable homes delivered (NI 155) Environment and climate changeAdapting to climate change (NI 188) Education, learning and skillsAchievement of a Level 2 qualification by 19 (NI 79) Health and well-beingCarers receiving needs assessment or review and a carer’s service, or advice and information (NI 135) Community safetyRe-offending rate of prolific and priority offenders (NI 30) Community strength and leadership Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality (NI 4) Culture, sports and leisureAdult participation in sport and active recreation (NI 8) Children and young peopleYoung people’s participation in positive activities (NI 110) Older peoplePercentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living (NI 142)

7 What next Ministerial approval received on 3 July Action plans will be developed for each indicator Performance will be monitored quarterly The first performance monitoring report will be available in November The LAA will be ‘refreshed’ in January 2009 NB. Stretch targets in the ‘old’ LAA will continue to be monitored as part of or alongside the new LAA

8 Further information 01273 481177

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