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DO NOW: List 3 influence to American law that we spoke about yesterday in class!

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: List 3 influence to American law that we spoke about yesterday in class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: List 3 influence to American law that we spoke about yesterday in class!

2 Review ANICIENT LAW: Hammurabi’s Code: 1 st legal code! 282 Laws. “Eye for an Eye” 10 Commandments: Moral laws. Don’t lie, cheat, steal, kill Draconian Law: Greek laws w/harsh punishments. Justinian’s Code: “corpus juris civilis” (body of civil law). Took all the Roman laws and made one law code for the empire. Created “jurisprudence,” the study of law by publishing a textbook about studying law.

3 Review English Law Magna Carta (1215): laws which limited the king’s power. English Common Law: courts used previous cases to decide crimes and punishments PRECEDENT: previous court decisions.  English common law created the precedents that became America’s civil laws. English Bill of Rights: extended rights to citizens. “Right to bear arms”

4 Early American Influence

5 8. Mayflower Compact -First American Social Contract = agreement between people and their government -People agreed to live under a government in order to have safety and be a part of a society

6 9. VA House of Burgesses -1st bicameral (2 house) legislature -1 st representative democracy

7 10. Zenger Trial -Peter Zenger prints something inappropriate about the NY Governor in a newspaper -okay because it is truthful -case that set precedent for freedom of speech Where do we get precedent from?

8 11. Declaration of Independence -Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness  American ideals! -Right of people to overthrow a bad government.

9 12. Articles of Confederation -America’s first Constitution that was weak -Couldn’t CAT (regulate commerce/trade, raise an army, or collect taxes)

10 Think-pair-share Out of the 5 influences, choose ONE of them and explain to your partner why you think it is the most important influence on our law today! I will call on people to share

11 13. The US Constitution -set up the rules for our government to follow -protects individuals and states and limited the governments power -tells how to make laws -can be amended to keep up with society

12 Freedom of speech Zenger Trial

13 Social Contract Mayflower Compact

14 American Ideals Declaration of Independence

15 America’s First Constitution Articles of Confederation

16 Bicameral Legislature House of Burgesses

17 Laws for Government to follow US Constitution

18 American Founding Documents Articles of Confederation: America’s 1st Constitution-fails and is replaced by… US Constitution: laws for government to follow and protection of individual rights.

19 TOPIC: Write about three ways the Constitution was influenced by an earlier document or legal tradition. STEP 1 List the three examples you want to use first. 1. 2. 3. STEP 2: Complete the paragraph by explaining how each of your three examples influenced our laws and the US Constitution Starter sentence: The US Constitution was influenced by many different documents and legal traditions.

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