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CHIT TRAINING LT Kelley. Objectives What is a chit How to fill out a chit How to route a chit How to review a chit How to maintain a chit When a chit.

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Presentation on theme: "CHIT TRAINING LT Kelley. Objectives What is a chit How to fill out a chit How to route a chit How to review a chit How to maintain a chit When a chit."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives What is a chit How to fill out a chit How to route a chit How to review a chit How to maintain a chit When a chit is required

3 References NROTC University of Florida Midshipman Handbook, 2011, Chapter 9 Regulations for Officer Development (ROD) for the NROTC (NSTC Instruction 1533.2A)

4 What is a Special Request Chit (SRC)? SRCs are a means of communicating with the chain of command Can be submitted to: Request absence from a unit event Request special liberty Request to drop a class

5 Filling out a SRC




9 Filling out a SRC “REASON FOR REQUEST” This is a critical block Be as detailed as possible. Assume the person reading this block has no background knowledge. If you need more space, continue on an additional page. Supporting documentation should be attached (stapled). For example: Doctor’s notes, for a medical chit Flight itinerary, for a special liberty chit Class schedule, for a special liberty chit

10 Routing a SRC “Battalion Matters” Drafter Squad Leader Company Commander Battalion XO Company Officer (Final Approval) “Academic/Unit Matters” Drafter Academic Advisor Unit XO Unit CO (Final Approval)

11 Battalion Matters vs. Academic Matters Academic Matters shall be defined as follows: Chits for conflict drill Chits to change your academic major Chits to withdraw a class Battalion Matters shall be defined as follows: Chits to be excused from a drill period Chits to be miss class Chits to leave the country Medical/Light duty chits The lists above are not meant to be all-inclusive. If in doubt, ask yourself, “Should my Company Commander know about this?”

12 Routing a SRC Guidance comes straight from the Handbook: “Expedition of the chit through the chain of command is the responsibility of every person who signs the chit. No person should hold the chit longer than 24 hours.” “In order to ensure the chain of command has enough time to route the chit, anyone routing a chit should do so as soon as an issue arises or they know that they need to miss an event. At a minimum, SRCs need to be routed one week in advance of the date of the event.” “No student should assume that his or her chit was approved. Until a student has a signed copy of an approved chit, the request is not approved.”

13 Reviewing a SRC What you should look for: Format “Reason for Request” – does this explain the request in sufficient detail? Supporting documentation Ask questions IMPORTANT: You will be held accountable for anything with your signature on it Your signature is your certification

14 Maintaining a SRC What does this mean? Updating your Midshipmen Chain of Command and Company/Academic Advisor Examples: Medical chits Chits to miss Battalion events Chits to drop class

15 Application You have an approved chit to miss Thursday drill due to a class field trip. On Thursday morning, your professor informs you that the trip has been canceled. Are you required to attend drill? Yes. It is late February. The CO asks you what your plans for Spring Break are, and you tell him that you intend to go to Cozumel, Mexico. He tells you to, “Have fun, and be safe.” Are you required to route a chit? Yes.

16 Questions?

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