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Digital Divide and Digital Multiplication C. L. Liu Taiwan Network Information Center TWNIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Divide and Digital Multiplication C. L. Liu Taiwan Network Information Center TWNIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Divide and Digital Multiplication C. L. Liu Taiwan Network Information Center TWNIC

2 Ubiquitous Computing  All-over  All-around  All-inclusive  All-embracing

3 Ubiquitous Computing  Enable  Encourage  Empower

4 History of Computing History of Sharing  Sharing of Computing Power – Time-shared Computer – Parallel Computer  Sharing of Information – Computer Network – World Wide Web

5 Digital Divide The Haves The Have-Nots

6 Digital Divide  Computer  Network  Man-Machine Interface  Software  Contents

7 Responsibilities  Government  Society  Technical Community  Educational Community

8 Goals  Production not Division  Integration not Differentiation  Whole not Fractions not 1 0.1416 not ∫ d dx

9 Ubiquitous Computing A Sharing Society An Informed Society A Knowledgeable Society A Cooperative Society A Society that Respects Individuals and Personal Privacy A Comfortable and Convenient Society A Creative and Productive Society A Harmonious and Happy Society

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