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Gurudwara Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha Soho Road, Birmingham.

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2 Gurudwara Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha Soho Road, Birmingham

3 Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (HQ) Marg Sat Santokh Community Co-operative Nishkam Education Trust Nishkam Nursery Nishkam Civic Association Retail Units Temple Row House Possible Health Development Nishkam School Trust Nishkam High School GNNSJ Developments Nishkam School Trust Nishkam Primary School Nishkam Health and Social Care Nishkam Healthcare Centre

4 MSS RETAIL OUTLETS MARAG SAT SANTOKH MSS GURUDWARA GNNSJ NISHKAM CIVIC CENTRE © GNNSJ 2007 SPIRITUAL GNNSJ GURUDWARA Place of worship ‘A Faith based community organisation responsible day-to-day management and running of one of the largest places of worship in the U.K. COMMUNITY CO-OPERATIVE MARG SAT SANTOKH MANUFACTURING (MSS) LTD Specialist joinery cooperative established during peak unemployment period in 1979 to enable community members to self help and be reliant in earning their livelihoods. EDUCATION GURU NANAK NISHKAM EDUCATION TRUST (GNNET) Addressing the changing educational agenda for the 21 st century, positioning itself to provide exemplary education from nursery through to university level underpinned by a faith ethos. An ‘all inclusive’ regime that actively promotes inclusiveness and not exclusion. A site has been acquired. CIVIC NISHKAM CIVIC ASSOCIATION (NCA) The NCA provides the civic need of both the Sikh and wider local community, including wellbeing, welfare, adult education and a Sikh Cultural & Heritage Centre. ELDERLY CARE CENTRE FOR THE COMMUNITY’S ELDERLY & YOUTH This faith inspired project is currently in the planning stage. A site has been acquired THE GNNSJ APPLYING THE SIKH ETHOS IS ACHIEVING ITS VISION OF FIVE CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE IN BIRMINGHAM UK Five Centres of Excellence

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