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1 „Gender Mainstreaming – Peer Review“ May 9th – 10th, 2007 Martin Haidvogl The Implementation Process of Gender Mainstreaming at the City of Graz.

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Presentation on theme: "1 „Gender Mainstreaming – Peer Review“ May 9th – 10th, 2007 Martin Haidvogl The Implementation Process of Gender Mainstreaming at the City of Graz."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 „Gender Mainstreaming – Peer Review“ May 9th – 10th, 2007 Martin Haidvogl The Implementation Process of Gender Mainstreaming at the City of Graz

2 2 accompanied by accompanied by Basic Structure of Gender Mainstreaming in the City of Graz Analyses and actions taken on the level of internal structures Analyses and actions taken on the level of products and services for the citizens The STEERING GROUP the Mayor of Graz the Mayor of Graz the Councilwoman for social welfare, children, families, youth welfare and women the Councilwoman for social welfare, children, families, youth welfare and women the Councilman for sports, economy and touristic development the Councilman for sports, economy and touristic development the chairpersons of the political parties in the City’s council the chairpersons of the political parties in the City’s council the head of public administration/the chief executive the head of public administration/the chief executive the heads of the department for youth and families and for sports the heads of the department for youth and families and for sports the project leaders the project leaders

3 3 of the products of two departments (during 2003 to 2005): two objectives: of the products of two departments (during 2003 to 2005): two objectives: Implementation at the external level: Implementation at the external level: startet with ANALYSES The Department for Children, Youth Welfare, Families and Women The Department for Children, Youth Welfare, Families and Women The Sports Department The Sports Department followed by PROJECT-TEAMS members on senior level members on senior level 20 departments split into four teams (inner administration, services for citizens, subsidies, city planning and building) 20 departments split into four teams (inner administration, services for citizens, subsidies, city planning and building) build up gender expertise on senior level throughout the organisation build up gender expertise on senior level throughout the organisation analyses of products and services in the respective department analyses of products and services in the respective department

4 4 Implementation at the internal level: Implementation at the internal level: CONSULTATION at REQUEST for all members of the administration and for all politicians for all members of the administration and for all politicians e.g. for cross-departmental projects, such as „Healthy Employees“ e.g. for cross-departmental projects, such as „Healthy Employees“ HUMAN RESOURCES Management analysis of all data concerning employees analysis of all data concerning employees training of all concerned with recruiting training of all concerned with recruiting new recruiting procedure for senior positions (gender-sensitive assessment center) new recruiting procedure for senior positions (gender-sensitive assessment center) the INDEPENDENT AUDIT COURT of the City of Graz The Independent Audit Court of the City of Graz has to examine and audit the financial conduct of the City of Graz. As a result of the Gender Mainstreaming implementation process at the City of Graz the Audit Court has included gender-relevant aspects in the respective audits.

5 5 LESSONS learned productes and services human resources management human resources management processes processes finances finances at the center of interest are always: at the center of interest are always: And these aspects are also the four pillars of the Balanced Score Card, which is the City‘s strategic management-tool. And these aspects are also the four pillars of the Balanced Score Card, which is the City‘s strategic management-tool.

6 6 Managing Gender Mainstreaming with Contract Management based on the Balanced Score Card

7 7 Status-analysis MissionVision Critical success factors Balanced Scorecard Globalbudgeting Contract Reporting Concept of Contract management in Graz?

8 8 a management concept for strategic performance management Balanced Scorecard approach is charac- terized by its branch-independency by setting strategic and operative goals to a balanced set of perspectives Customer perspective Financial perspective Business process perspective Learning and staff perspective The BALANCED SCORECARD Don‘t forget „Gender Mainstreaming – questions“!

9 9 PORTFOLIO-analysis What are the demands of men and women?? STAKEHOLDER-analysis Are the customers boys or girls and how can you include them in your decisions?? TREND-and-FIELD analysis Are there new trends regarding the product- specific behavior of men or women? Produkt-Portfolio  2,5 55 00 55 Competitiveness Deman on the „market“ Product 1Product 2 field 1field 4 field 3field 2

10 10 STRENGTHS-WEAKNESSES-analysis Admit, that usually it is not not only coincidence that men and women are different types of customers! Strategy FUNDAMENTALS Strategy FUNDAMENTALS Try do find a slogan for men and women! Vision Mission Output Slogan

11 11 Strategic goals Mid- and longterm objectives to translate the vision into action Operative goals The strategic goals are put in concrete operative yearly goals Indicators or key figure quantify the goals by defining target levels ELEMENTS of cause-and-effect-models e.g. Increase the participation of girls in summer sports courses by 10 percent e.g. Enhance the sports-offers for girls and boys e.g. Percentage of girls / boys in summer sports courses

12 12 Gender Mainstreaming aspects should be a binding element of the BSC or at least of the BSC-process! It helps to implement GeM in the organisation as a part of regular management. Globalbudgeting Contract Reporting and Controlling BSC Next steps

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