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Why learn presentation skills? Definition and rationale.

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1 Why learn presentation skills? Definition and rationale


3 Why learn presentation skills

4 Public speech differs from private speech Impression through speech, appearance, personality and skills Personal and private dimensions Special techniques and rhetoric Face – threatening act

5  Speech differs from writing Seize the moment Face it alone Prepare for the unexpected Coordinate multiple activities Look out for audience and time

6  Context and culture dependence Match the occasion, time and audience Socially constructed activity Culture dependent  Author-friendly  Audience-friendly style

7  Presentation skills are transferable Personality development Management and technical skills Body language awareness Speech awareness

8 Metaphors of presenting  Music Learnable skills and gift Emotional and rational appeal

9 “The problem with improvisation is that it needs so much preparation.”  Acting Seeing and hearing Hard work and improvisation Authority and personality

10  Driving Peripheral attention: automatization Focal attention:new skills and info

11 A theoretical perspective  An academic student presentation is a STRUCTURED TALK given FORMALLY or SEMI-FORMALLY by an individual before fellow-students and instructors, who constitute an AUDIENCE, with the AIM of giving information about, analysing or arguing and justifying a viewpoint in relation to a subject area.


13 Key features  Aims Explicit Implicit  Speech acts Informative Organisational Territorial Cooperative

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