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4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Climbing the RFID Learning Curve RFID World Sydney Aug 4-6, 2004 Alfio Grasso General Manager RFID Automation.

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Presentation on theme: "4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Climbing the RFID Learning Curve RFID World Sydney Aug 4-6, 2004 Alfio Grasso General Manager RFID Automation."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Climbing the RFID Learning Curve RFID World Sydney Aug 4-6, 2004 Alfio Grasso General Manager RFID Automation Research Associate Auto ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE

2 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Overview Brief RFID history RF regulations RFID in Australia RFID implementation plan Assessment criteria Data issues Human issues Champion

3 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Brief RFID History RFID used in WWII “friend or foe” Commercial application in Automatic Data Capture Early RFID applications in closed loop applications Vehicle toll Asset management Time and Attendance AutoID Center, formation and EPC (2000) Gillette purchase (2003) Walmart mandate (2003)

4 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RF Regulations Regulators Classify RFID as Industrial, Scientific and Medical use ISM bands 125-134 kHz (ISO 18000-2) 13.56 MHz or HF (ISO 18000-3) 433 MHz (ISO 18000-7) 860 to 960 MHz or UHF (ISO 18000-6) 2.45 GHz (ISO 18000-4) 5.8 GHz (no ISO standard)

5 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE EPCGlobal 13.56 MHz HF Class 1 UHF UHF Class 0 UHF Class 1 UHF Class 1 Generation 2 Common world UHF usage 902 to 928 US 865 to 868 Europe (proposed) 956 to 960 Japan (test) 918 to 926 Australia

6 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RFID in Australia – closed loop Vehicle Identification Passenger and commercial vehicles Rail Passenger, Sugar, Minerals, Steel Waste Management Domestic and Industrial Access Control Time and Attendance, Vehicle Manufacturing Library

7 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Electronic Toll Collection

8 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Extended Read Range

9 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Vehicle ID, Sugar Industry Photos courtesy of Mirrabooka Systems

10 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Steel Production

11 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Hot-Axle Detection and RFID Photo courtesy of Sugar Research Institute

12 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Location ID

13 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Location ID

14 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Industrial Waste Management

15 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Domestic Waste Management

16 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Manufacturing Photo taken at Hendersons Automotive Technologies Pty Ltd

17 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Library Photos courtesy of the National Library Board Singapore

18 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Photo taken at Carlton & United Beverages Warehouse Management

19 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Photo taken at Carlton & United Beverages

20 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Implementation Plan The need, mandate compliance, ROI Define your RFID implementation Compliance Reduce Inventory Stock Visibility Reduce Costs Increase asset utilisation Reduce shrinkage Reduce/eliminate shipping errors

21 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Investigate world standards ISO or EPC Choose frequency of operation 13.56 HF or UHF Extensive pilot or test plan Develop assessment criteria for solution providers

22 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Evaluate Solution Providers Tag Manufacturers Reader Manufactures IT infrastructure Installation Commissioning Maintenance Upgrades

23 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE IT System impacts Interface to existing system, or new system! Accuracy of that data Accumulation of much more data Decision processes with that data, making the data USEFUL!

24 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RFID issues in your environment RF Interference  LAN, Other RFID Readers, EMI, Bluetooth, 802.11 Metal Moisture Allow time for experimentation Expansion Duplication

25 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RFID Design Hardware Systems Fixed or portable RFID readers? Business processes Simulation?

26 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Equipment Supply Development Manufacture lead times Engineering work and preparation Deployment of infrastructure Readers and Antennas IT Systems Ancillary equipment

27 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Tags Supply Initialisation (EPC code and data) Database update Installation Verification Training Employees, Managers, IT development

28 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Integration into IT systems Database design Scalability New/Existing Interim period  Exceptions, when no tag applied! Evaluation of performance Fine adjustments Upgrade path

29 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Other partners Suppliers Customers Competitors Finally Rollout Duplicate (other sites, divisions) Expand (RFID applications) Leverage (RFID infrastructure)

30 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Assessment Criteria Range of Hardware Tags, Readers, Volume, Vendors, Standards, Frequency, Host platforms, Ancillary equipment, Upgrades, Expansion Range of IT Solutions Integration into legacy systems Privacy Expansion Services Global or Local Site Inspection, Design, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance Partner networks (hardware, middleware)

31 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Relevant experience in your industry Testing ISO 18047-X Conformance Test Methods ISO 18046 Performance Test Methods Vendor test Facility Testing your products in your installation(s) Development/Customisation Tags and Readers, ancillary sensors Packaging, Cost, IP issues Maintenance

32 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Reader Issues Reader location is important, but local Antenna  Tunnel/Portal (multiple antennas)  Circular Vs Linear Host Interface, online Remote restart Alarm/alerts/Heartbeat Self diagnostic tests Upgrades

33 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Location Location Location Tag location will be crucial for performance Want global use for product/tag life Optimal location for RF Tag may not be the same as the location for a human readable tag/label Consider composition of the object If lots of metal, then look for gaps! Metal surface can be used to extend the read range λ/4 Life time environmental exposure

34 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Consider a change to the process flow How package is handled, stored and pallet stacked Change packaging to be RFID friendly Test tag after application Metal, moisture, damage

35 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Data RFID data Once installed, no real additional cost to read a tag Sensor data Temperature, Weight, etc Savants – filters/concentrators RFID enabled enterprise applications Database maintenance Legacy data Accuracy of data Exchange data with partners Vendors and Customers UCCnet Global Registry Scalable

36 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Human Issues Privacy Establish a privacy committee Consider all users, employees, contractors, customers, vendors, supply chain personnel Employees Explanation Efficiency, bottom line benefits Training

37 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Champion Approval from the TOP Realistic Expectations Start small but think big  Small enable fine adjustments (experiment)  Big so as to leverage RFID throughout the business Don’t oversell External/Internal expertise Partner with both suppliers and customers Possible change to business processes Other infrastructure Sensors, EAS, anti-counterfeit, engineering Periodic assessment

38 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Web Subscribe to online publications Journals, Newsletters, Manufacturers, Industry Associations Favourites Http:// Other sources

39 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RFID Solution Providers (alphabetical order) Alien Technologies AMSKAN Ltd Applied Wireless Indentifications (AWID) Connecterra Consultancy Services International

40 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Datanet EM Microelectronic Feig Electronic High Tech Aid IBM

41 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Impinj Integral RFID Infineon Technologies AG Interlogic Intermec

42 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Magellan Technology MeadWestvaco Intelligent Systems Mirrabooka Systems QED Systems Radio Terminal Systems

43 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE RedPrairie RFID Automation RF Code RFIP Solutions Scanology

44 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Texas Instruments ThingMagic Tyco/Sensormatic UPM Rafsec webMethods

45 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Conclusion RFID ≡ Automatic Data Capture RFID is about management Lots of RFID experience in Australia Plan Educate users employees, customers, suppliers

46 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Start Today!

47 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE Further Information Alfio Grasso General Manager RFID Automation Auto ID Laboratory, Adelaide University of Adelaide Web: Email : Ph: (08) 8303 6473 Mob: 0402 037 968

48 4 August, 2004Auto-ID Laboratory, ADELAIDE

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