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College of Business San José State University Business Assessment Test Spring 2005.

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1 College of Business San José State University Business Assessment Test Spring 2005

2 About the CSU BAT Business Assessment TestBusiness Assessment Test –Developed as lower-cost alternative to the ETS major field test Categories of questionsCategories of questions SJSU COB - Scores range from 14 to 61 out of 79SJSU COB - Scores range from 14 to 61 out of 79 AccountancyBusiness LawEconomicsFinance ManagementMarketingMISStatistics

3 BSBA Program Assessment By CSU Campus BAT Mean Score: 39.42 Score

4 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area (N=443) questions answered correctly

5 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area (N=443) questions answered correctly Compared with ETS 2002 51.3% 46.1% 37.8% 38.2% 47.3%

6 Percent of questions answered correctly by Concentration questions answered correctly N=53 N=65 N=18 N=73 N=13 N=86 N=113

7 Score by Enrollment & Work Hours Score N=361 N=72 N=110 N=91 N=120 N=74 N=33

8 Score by Language & Transfer Status Score N=339 N=31 N=65

9 Score by Ethnicity Score N=216 N=7 N=44 N=10 N=1 N=94 N=28 N=8

10 Scores by Gender/Age (Overall) Score N=211 N=218 N=327 N=62 N=15 N=7 N=7

11 Scores by Gender/Age Males Females Score Age N=155 N=32 N=9 N=5 N=3 N=172 N=30 N=6 N=2 N=4

12 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area (N=443)

13 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area Accounting Majors (N=53) questions answered correctly

14 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area Finance & Corp. Finance Majors (N=65 ) questions answered correctly

15 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area HRM Majors (N=18) questions answered correctly

16 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area MIS Majors (N=73) questions answered correctly

17 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area International Business Majors (N=13) International Business Majors (N=13) questions answered correctly

18 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area Management Majors (N= 86) questions answered correctly

19 Percent of questions answered correctly within each subject area Marketing Majors (N= 113) questions answered correctly

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