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WELCOME TO ADVISORY. WHAT IS ADVISORY? ADVISORY IS…  Advisory is a process of connecting students to each other and the adults that work with them.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO ADVISORY. WHAT IS ADVISORY? ADVISORY IS…  Advisory is a process of connecting students to each other and the adults that work with them."— Presentation transcript:



3 ADVISORY IS…  Advisory is a process of connecting students to each other and the adults that work with them.

4 PURPOSE  The purpose of Advisory is to promote the students sense of belonging in the school; build character; help develop the student’s sense of self understanding; assist the students in the development of effective interpersonal relationships; and to guide the students decisions related to future growth.

5 WHEN DO WE MEET?  Advisory groups meet twice a month on Thursday’s during Advisory block.  10:05 – 10:35  September 12, 19 January 9, 30  October 10, 31 February 13, 20  November 7, 21 March 13, 20  December 12, 19 April 3, 10

6 WHAT IS OUR GOAL?  The goal of Advisory is to build a strong relationship between Advisor and advisee and the group as a whole.

7 FOCUS  We will be focusing on lots of different topics (examples: personal growth, making good choices, trust, friendships, goal setting, etc.).

8 ADVISORY TOPICS  Advisory topics are based on the needs/wants of students. Please remember to share with your counselor if you would like a certain topic addressed.

9 POSITIVE IMPACT  These topics are all related to Piedmont’s focus on making a Positive Impact by being Respectful, Responsible, and Resourceful.

10 ADVISORY AND ME o Complete the needs assessment. All information will be kept confidential and if there is anything not on the form that they want you to know, you can write it on the bottom. o Write your Home Base teacher and Advisory teacher’s name on the form.

11 BUILDING GROUP ACTIVITY  Go up to the poster and write something or draw pictures to represent each area for them. This is done graffiti style, free form.

12 DISCUSSION o Are there any themes? o What are common interests? o Are there any shared dreams? o What do we feel strongly about? How do these relate to school? Are there similarities? o Any common problems? Are these typical problems for your age group? o Where does the group want to go? How do these responses differ? o Why is this activity important? What can we, as a group learn from this? o Is it OK to display



15 What is Bullying?

16 Bullying is…  “Bullying” is behavior that may reasonably be perceived by the target or bystander observing the behavior as based on a real or perceived characteristic such as race; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; gender; socioeconomic status; academic status; gender identity/expression; physical appearance; sexual orientation; physical, mental, developmental or sensory disability; creed; political belief; age; linguistic or language difference; height; weight; marital status; parental status; or because of an association with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics. 

17 TYPES OF BULLYING  Physical  Verbal  Written  ·Cyber

18 BULLYING PARTICIPANTS  Aggressor: Conducts the intentional or perceived, harmful behavior where someone hurts another person on purpose and the person doing it has more power.  · Target: Is on the receiving end of bullying and harassment.  · Instigator: Intentionally helps the aggressor by inciting a bullying situation or bullying actions.  · Bystander: Watches or observes bullying behavior and does nothing.  · Up-stander: Watches or observes bullying behavior and does something about it. 

19 DISCUSSION  The issue of bullying is an issue of character. Let’s listen to some quotes about character and discuss what we think they mean.

20 WHAT IS CHARACTER?  Character is achieved and not received. It is the product of constant action, daily striving to make the right choice. - NJHS definition of character.

21 PERSONALITY  Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open - Elmer Letterman

22 CHARACTER  Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. - Theodore Roosevelt, American adventurer and 26th president (1858-1919)

23 YOUR THOUGHTS  Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. – Unknown

24 CHARACTER  Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. - J. C. Watts

25 CHARACTER & REPUTATION  Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. - John Wooden

26 WHO IS IT?  What individuals in your life (school, family, friends, community, world, etc…) do you admire because of their character? Who and why?

27 DEVELOPING CHARACTER  If you are working to develop a strong character, how have you, will you, or should you react when faced with:  · The temptation to bully someone else or serve as an instigator?  · A situation where you are the target of bullying?  · The choice to be an up-stander or bystander?

28 PART 2

29 IB  IB Learner Profile Traits of Caring and Principled. Two of our IB Learner Profile traits offer particular guidance on how we view bullying and our reaction to it.

30 CARING  Caring: A caring person shows empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment.

31 PRINCIPLED  Principled: A principled person acts with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

32  If you strive to be caring and principled, how have you, will you, or should you react when faced with:  The temptation to bully someone else or serve as an instigator?  A situation where you are the target of bullying?  The choice to be an up-stander or bystander

33 PART 3

34 POSITIVE IMPACT.  Our Piedmont theme this year is Positive Impact. What are 2 things you can do to make a Positive Impact to prevent bullying?

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