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Amy Millspaugh, Andrea Sowell Shanqueetay Easley, Yoneko Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Amy Millspaugh, Andrea Sowell Shanqueetay Easley, Yoneko Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amy Millspaugh, Andrea Sowell Shanqueetay Easley, Yoneko Washington

2  School Counselors working with parents to create a safe environment for students


4 How much do you know about Bullying?

5 Identify the indicators of Boys and Girls Bullying Identify the indicators of Cyberbullying Identify the responsibilities of school, staff, and parents Identify interventions to help prevent bullying

6 One incident of bullying happens every seven minutes According to National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, bullying affects nearly one out of every three U.S. children in grades 6-10. 55% of 8-11 year-olds and 68% of 12-15 year-olds say bullying is a big problem.

7 A nationwide survey highlighted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 6.6 percent of students in grades 9-12 had missed at least one day of school during the 30 days preceding the survey because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to or from school. A review of 1999 data collected by the Federal government on school safety among 12- to 18-year- old students found that approximately 36 percent of students reported seeing hate-related graffiti at school.

8 Adults are not as responsive to bullying as we should be (and as children want us to be) Adults overestimate their effectiveness in identifying bullying and intervening. Bullying can occur anywhere—even where adults are present.

9 School Bullying Cyberbullying

10 Bullying-An aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power and strength Cyberbullying – the act of bullying online consisting of one person or small group of people attacking each other via an internet-enabled desktop computer

11 Studies show that children identified as bullies by age 8 are six times more likely to be convicted of a crime by age 24. 60% of kids characterized as bullies in the 6th- 9th grade had at least one criminal conviction by age 24. Bullies are five times more likely to end up with a serious criminal record by age 30.

12 Treat others the way you want to be treated. Stand up for someone when he or she needs it, and when you need it, someone will stand up for you.

13 Who Is A Bully? Some common characteristics: Impulsive, confrontational, domineering, easily irritated, lack compassion Struggles with being compliant to rules Views violence in a positive manner Tend to be physically stronger than other children

14 Types of bullying… Physical any physical harm to include: hitting, punching, kicking and destruction of other child’s property Verbal includes teasing, name-calling, taunting and racial slurs, as well as spreading gossip or malicious rumors Cyberbullying includes harassing e-mails or instant messages, as well as intimidating or threatening Web sites or blogs Relational aggression not allowing the person to speak to other children or be spoken to (primarily seen among girls)

15 The Bully…

16 Statistics… Some studies suggest that 1 out of 7 children in the United States have either been the victim of bullying or has been the perpetrator of bullying against another student.

17 Statistics cont…. 60 % of boys identified as bullies in grades 6 to 9 had one criminal conviction and 40% had three or more. Those identified as bullies at age 8 had a one in four chance of having a criminal record by 30. (Norm is one in 20) (Eron and Huessman, 1987)

18 Who is targeted?… Two types of victims: the passive victim, the shy child who is viewed as weak and… the provoking victim, the child that may initiate negative interactions with others

19 The Bullying Circle

20 Signs of child being bullied… Damaged or missing personal belongings Unexplained bruises or injuries Few friends Reluctance of going to school Poor school performance Headaches, stomachaches or other physical complaints Difficulty sleeping or eating

21 Victims of bullying suffer from… Fear of going to school Headaches & stomachaches Difficulty concentrating on schoolwork Long-term bullying causes: Higher rates of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and other mental health conditions. Suicidal ideation and suffer from lingering wounds in adulthood

22 Why do bullies bully? Sometimes they may… think they will win or get what they want want to impress or entertain friends enjoy power over others because sometimes they are being bullied lack awareness that they are hurting others

23 Family influence of bullies… Parents that show little affection and involvement Extremely lenient parenting Very little supervision Severe physical discipline Bullying behavior at home

24 Message for bullies…

25  Previous methods  Current methods  Chatrooms  Blog sites  Cell phones  Internet  MySpace  Facebook (Angela)

26 What is the goal? -to control -to threaten -to intimidate -to invade privacy -to scare -to annoy and harass -to spread rumors -to gossip -to be cruel -or to damage someone’s reputation

27 Students ? Friends

28  Most common school bullies are the same bullies in cyberspace.  Most common school victims are the same victims in cyberspace.  The bullying behavior transfers from the internet to the school  There are no boundaries in cyberspace, anything goes (Netiquette).  It is a misdemeanor for any bullying behaviors over cyberspace, including texting, chatrooms, blogs, sexting, and cyberstalking. (VT, OH)

29  Starts spending excessive time on the internet late at night  Starts receiving phone calls late at night  Child minimizes pages quickly  Hiding conversations  Withdrawing from families, friends, or school activities


31 1.Keep a record of contacts from the harasser. 2.Report harassment to your internet service provider (ISP). 3.Get the school involved and aware of what is going on. 4.Notify the police online crimes department. 5.If the harassment is severe, contact the local FBI. 6.NEVER plan to meet the harasser!! 7.Do not leave your computer logged in unattended. 8.Get in the habit of changing your password frequently. 9.Check their email signature for personal information. 10.Do NOT panic!

32 -monitor your child’s usage -learn about this technology and how it fits in their life -help understand what is appropriate/inappropriate -adjust your privacy settings -Google your child’s name and monitor what comes up


34 Bullying: Help your child handle a school bully (2010). Children’ s Health (25). Retrieved from Cyberbullying (July 16, 2010). Retrieved on July 21, 2010 from For Kids (2005). Stop bullying now. Retrieved from For Parents (2005). Stop bullying now. Retrieved from ml ml For Teachers (2005). Stop bullying now. Retrieved from

35 Greco, J., Carneval, K., Cary, J., Laurenza, C. (2008). Partnering to prevent k-5 bullying. ASCA 2008 Annual Conference. Susan Kuchinskas bully?gclid=CKK0peP7_aICFRRsswodhUl0dQ Susan Kuchinskas teach-kids-about-bullying onPreventionandInterventionStrategies.htm onPreventionandInterventionStrategies.htm

36 riskbehaviors/bullying?utm_campaign=parentfurther- search&utm_medium=search&utm_source=google&utm_term=bullyin g riskbehaviors/bullying?utm_campaign=parentfurther- search&utm_medium=search&utm_source=google&utm_term=bullyin g Http:// lesson_plans Http:// lesson_plans U. S. Department of Health(2010). Stop bullying now. Retrieved on July 21, 2010 from Wilson, K. (2007). Cyberbullying: A seven-step model to prevention. Retrieved from

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