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Stairway to Excellence (S2E) Mathieu Doussineau European Commission Joint Research Centre REGIONAL INNOVATION FAIR November 12, 2014 Expo Arad International.

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Presentation on theme: "Stairway to Excellence (S2E) Mathieu Doussineau European Commission Joint Research Centre REGIONAL INNOVATION FAIR November 12, 2014 Expo Arad International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stairway to Excellence (S2E) Mathieu Doussineau European Commission Joint Research Centre REGIONAL INNOVATION FAIR November 12, 2014 Expo Arad International Arad, West Region, Romania

2 Presentation outline S2E introduction and main activities S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies S2E and Synergies S2E next steps 2

3 S2E introduction and main activities Key Information Initiator: Pilot Project from the European Parliament Implemented by JRC IPTS for DG REGIO through an Administrative agreement Launch conference held in Prague 2-3 October 2014 Length: 15 months (until august 2015) Definition: Cohesion Policy and the synergies with the research and development funds

4 Support to enhance the value of two key European Union (EU) funding sources for RDI (ESIF and H2020) by promoting their combination. Two main objectives: 1. Assistance to regions and countries that joined the EU since 2004 (EU13 – New EU Member States) in closing the innovation gap, in order to promote excellence in all regions and EU countries 2. Stimulate early and effective implementation of national and regional Smart Specialisation Strategies. 4 S2E introduction and main activities

5 UE13 (% of FP7) UE15 (% of FP7) FP7 EC Contribution (in M€) 1 883.6 (4.2%) 37 852.2 (85.3%)44 364 EC contribution per inhabitant (in €) 17.895.2 78.9 (UE28) Number of participations10 637 (8%)105 731 (79.8%)132 382 Number of coordinations1 011 (4%)20 301 (81%)25 052 General FP7 indicators EU13 is representing only 4.2% of FP7 budget with a decreasing trend along the period 2007-2014. S2E introduction and main activities

6 Share of EC FP7 contribution received between 2007 and 2014 (starting from FP6) S2E introduction and main activities

7 Presentation outline S2E introduction and main activities S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies S2E and Synergies S2E next steps 7

8 S3 is a dynamic and evolutionary process – "not a structure"- deeply grounded in an entrepreneurial discovery process where governments are rather facilitators than in a position of command and control. S3 is about concentration of resources by developing distinctive and original areas of specialisation based on existing strengths, but not only local resources. S3 is a legal requirement for investing ERDF in R&I (Regulation (EU) 1303/2013). 24 October 2015 S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies

9 H2020 (Also COSME, Erasmus+, etc) ESI Funds RIS3 Source: Synergies between the transport component of Horizon 2020 and the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Expert Group Report S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies

10 Synergies & smart specialisation are linked … via the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process  Reiterative process  Creative thinking & new combinations  External view needed Business manufacturing and services, primary sectors, financial sector, creative industries, social sector, large firms, SMEs, young entrepreneurs, students with business ideas, cluster and business organisations, etc. Research public and private research bodies, universities, science and technology parks, NCPs, Technology transfer offices, Horizon2020 committee members, regional ESFRI roadmaps etc. Different departments, if relevant at different government levels, agencies e.g. for regional development, business advice, public procurement offices, incubators, etc. Public administration NGOs and citizens’ initiatives related to societal challenges for which innovative solutions would be helpful, consumers associations, Talents! etc. Civil society / Users Entrepreneurial in: -Composition and -Spirit: (risk-taking, broader view beyond boundaries …) Entrepreneurial in: -Composition and -Spirit: (risk-taking, broader view beyond boundaries …)

11 Presentation outline S2E introduction and main activities S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies S2E and Synergies S2E next steps 11

12 How to achieve synergies?  Successive projects that build on each other  Alternative funding: Take up high quality project Horizon 2020 proposals for which there is not enough budget available and implement via ESIF  Parallel projects that complement each other  Cumulative funding: Bringing together Horizon 2020 and ESIF money in the same project 12 S2E and Synergies

13 13 Research Development and Innovation Market Capacity Building Horizon 2020 Marie Curie actions ERA-Net Joint Programing initiatives EUREKA/EUROSTAR Joint technology initiatives Public-private partnerships KICs R&I Infrastructures and Equipments KETs Business Innovation Basic research (ERC grants, FET…) Demonstration Pilots Procurement ESFRI Business Advisory services Collaborative projects in KETs Prizes SME instruments Skills (ESF) ESI Funds SME support Pilot lines Financial instruments

14 S2E and Synergies 14 Research Development and Innovation Market Capacity Building Horizon 2020 Marie Curie actions ERA-Net Joint Programing initiatives EUREKA/EUROSTAR Joint technology initiatives Public-private partnerships KICs Business Innovation Basic research (ERC grants, FET…) Procurement ESFRI Business Advisory services Collaborative projects in KETs Prizes SME instruments Skills (ESF) ESI Funds SME support Pilot lines Financial instruments 1. Successive projects from different instruments that build on each other R&I Infrastructures and Equipments Collaborative R&I project SME Pilot line ESIF Grant agreement Horizon 2020 Grant Applied research Demonstration pilots

15 S2E and Synergies 15 Research Development and Innovation Market Capacity Building Horizon 2020 Marie Curie actions ERA-Net Joint Programing initiatives EUREKA/EUROSTAR Joint technology initiatives Public-private partnerships KICs Business Innovation Basic research (ERC grants, FET…) Demonstration Pilots Procurement ESFRI Business Advisory services Collaborative projects in KETs Prizes Skills (ESF) ESI Funds SME support Pilot lines Financial instruments ESIF Grant agreement Horizon 2020 Grant 2. Alternative funding: Projects are evaluated as being excellent, but there is not enough Horizon2020 budget for all shortlisted projects: ESIF grants could take them over SME instruments R&I Infrastructures and Equipments

16 S2E and Synergies 16 Research Development and Innovation Market Capacity Building Horizon 2020 Marie Curie actions ERA-Net Joint Programing initiatives EUREKA/EUROSTAR Joint technology initiatives Public-private partnerships KICs Business Innovation Basic research (ERC grants, FET…) Procurement ESFRI Business Advisory services Collaborative projects in KETs Prizes Skills (ESF) ESI Funds SME support Pilot lines Financial instruments ESIF Grant agreement Horizon 2020 Grant 3. Parallel projects that complement each other R&I Infrastructures and Equipments SME instruments Collaborative R&I project Demonstration Pilots

17 S2E and Synergies 17 Research Development and Innovation Market Capacity Building Horizon 2020 Marie Curie actions ERA-Net Joint Programing initiatives EUREKA/EUROSTAR Joint technology initiatives Public-private partnerships KICs Business Innovation Basic research (ERC grants, FET…) Procurement ESFRI Business Advisory services Prizes Skills (ESF) ESI Funds SME support Pilot lines Financial instruments ESIF Grant agreement Horizon 2020 Grant 4. Projects that cumulate Horizon2020 and ESIF grants R&I Infrastructures and Equipments SME instruments Collaborative R&I project Demonstration Pilots ESIF Grant agreement Horizon 2020 Grant

18 Important Messages Not just about increasing H2020 funding but policy synergies Improve coordination of national and regional policies (avoiding silo effect) Enhance (economic) impact of projects Generate critical mass Strengthen cooperation and complementarity across Europe Strengthen cooperation between innovation actors and policies relevant for innovation 18 S2E and Synergies

19 The Project will include the analysis and implementation of two different types of actions: Upstream preparatory actions (Action 1) analyses to assist R&I actors to use ESIF resources to participate better in Horizon 2020 calls (i.e. sequential funding) and amplify innovation impact of these two funding sources (i.e. simultaneous and/or parallel use) Downstream actions (Action 2) focus on exploitation and diffusion of results from earlier Framework Programmes and Horizon 2020 to MS/regions who joined in 2004, 2007 and 2013. S2E action plan

20 CAPACITY MAPPING-Regional breakdown of FP7 contribution received and structural funds allocated to projects 20 Nuts 2 RegionFP7 EC contribut ion (in €Mln) % of the national total Structural funds (in €Mln) RTDI % of the national total Nord-Vest (RO11)15,5511,4%46,753,6% Centru (RO12)5,474,0%49,653,8% Nord-Est (RO21)16,4812,1%46,723,6% Sud-Est (RO22)4,973,6%36,672,8% Sud - Muntenia (RO31)5,373,9%72,385,6% Bucureşti - Ilfov (RO32)73,6253,9%37,452,9% Sud-Vest Oltenia (RO41)5,033,7%52,374,0% Vest (RO42)9,396,9%41,833,2% Romania (RO)0,710,5%914,2970,4% 136,59100,0%1 298,11100,0%

21 21 CAPACITY MAPPING- FP7 specialisation indicator

22 CAPACITY MAPPING- Main collaboration axis at regional and stakeholder level 22

23 CAPACITY MAPPING- Regional comparison analysis 23 The 10 nearest regions to Vest (ro42) Distance index Nyugat-Dunantul - Hungary (hu22)0.0201 Eszak-Magyarorszag - Hungary (hu31)0.0233 Kozep-Dunantul - Hungary (hu21)0.0247 Lodzkie - Poland (pl11)0.0256 Del-Dunantul - Hungary (hu23)0.0263 Dolnoslaskie - Poland (pl51)0.0263 Podkarpackie - Poland (pl32)0.0271 Zapadne Slovensko - Slovakia (sk02)0.0284 Vzhodna Slovenija - Slovenia (si01)0.0292 Del-Alfold - Hungary (hu33)0.0307 Distance is a composite indicator calculated according to : Geo-demography Human resources Technological specialisation Sectoral structure Firm size Trade openness Institutions/values (governance) More info on :

24 Presentation outline S2E introduction and main activities S2E and the Smart specialisation strategies S2E and Synergies S2E next steps 24

25 S2E next step Provide UE13 regions with FP7/ERDF analysis (Structure of R&D expenditures, specialisation areas, lead stakeholders and International collaboration axis) Provide EU13 regions with concrete case studies of synergies Organise "peer review" meetings (at national level) 25

26 Thank you!

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