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KAZLOD Programme: EU support to Regional Development in Kazakhstan IV Astana Economic Forum May 3-4, 2011 Aigul Zharylgassova.

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Presentation on theme: "KAZLOD Programme: EU support to Regional Development in Kazakhstan IV Astana Economic Forum May 3-4, 2011 Aigul Zharylgassova."— Presentation transcript:

1 KAZLOD Programme: EU support to Regional Development in Kazakhstan IV Astana Economic Forum May 3-4, 2011 Aigul Zharylgassova

2 Programme overview  Total cost: - € 15 million (EU); - € 2 million (GoK); - € 0,35 million (co-financing grant recipients);  Operational implementation phase: from the entry into force of the FA 60 months;  Project approach: Direct Centralised Management; Joint Management (OECD)

3 The overall Programme objective  To contribute to a more equitable regional development and increasing living standards in the regions through promotion of local economies and the strengthening of responsibilities and capacities of oblast administrations.

4 The specific objectives  To support the design and implementation of a coherent legislative and institutional framework;  To promote improved local development (LD) policies in three pilot oblasts (Mangystau, Kyzylorda, East Kazakhstan).

5 Main strategic axis of the Action  Provision of policy advice;  Support to the development of capacities for local development and the administrative service delivery;  Provision of grant funding for innovative local development initiatives.

6 Component 1 Local development institutions and policies and services

7 Result 1: Institutional framework for LD policies improved  R1.1. LD laws, national strategies, regulations are streamlined and adopted;  R1.2. Information system on performance assessment is operational and consolidated information on LG’s performance is available;  R1.3. Accounts committees at oblast level strengthened;  R1.4. Institutional framework for planning and monitoring of the LD agenda is operational.

8 Result 2: LD policies in pilot oblasts improved and voice of civil society strengthened  R2.1. Oblast and lower tiers of government are enabled to better plan and budget LD policies;  R2.2. Statistical instruments and data collection mechanisms necessary for planning, monitoring and evaluation strengthened;  R2.3. Short-term demand-driven policy advice provided;  R2.4. Specific LD initiatives supported through the provision of a grant facility to pilot oblasts and NSA.

9 Result 3: Improved Management of One-Stop-Shops with a particular focus on pilot oblasts  R3.1. Master-plan for the transfer and effective functioning of OSS developed;  R3.2. Supervisory function at central Government strengthened, incl. through the establishment of adequate performance assessment tools;  R3.3. Access of citizens to OSS improved;  R3.4. Institutional and individual capacities of OSS regulators, supervisors, managers, staff and customers strengthened.

10 Result 4: Capacities of Local Development Actors strengthened  R4.1. National qualification system for LD (incl. OSS) developed, adopted and under implementation;  R4.2. Capacities of LD actors for planning, implementing, monitoring of LD policies strengthened;  R4.3. Exchange with European local authorities, exchange among pilot oblasts enhanced;  R4.4. Regional Training Centres for pilot oblasts administration staff training enabled to provide adequate training for LD actors.

11 Component 2 Competitiveness of local economies (implemented by OECD and co-funded by GoK)

12 Result 5: Local economies in pilot oblasts strengthened  R5.1. Investment promotion plan for pilot oblasts established and under implementation;  R5.2. Institutional framework and capacities for investment attraction and SME development improved;  R5.3. Dialogue at pilot oblast level between competent authorities and private sector organizations enhanced;  R5.4. SME management capacities increased through linkage with FDO.

13 Thank you for your attention!

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