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Working Group 1 : Labour Dimensions of the Summit of the Americas Process Presentation by the Director of the Unit for Social Development and Education,

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 1 : Labour Dimensions of the Summit of the Americas Process Presentation by the Director of the Unit for Social Development and Education,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 1 : Labour Dimensions of the Summit of the Americas Process Presentation by the Director of the Unit for Social Development and Education, Sofialeticia Morales IACML Working Group 1 Meeting Washington D.C. - May 12, 2004

2 Summit of the Americas Process I Summit of the Americas Miami, 1994 II Summit of the Americas Santiago, 1998 III Summit of the Americas Quebec, 2001 Special Summit of the Americas - Monterrey, 2004 Labour and employment in the Summit of the Americas Process

3 20022003200120001999199819971996199519942004 I Summit of the Americas “We will convene high-level meetings to address trade.., labor” “We acknowledge our common interest in creating employment opportunities” II Summit of the Americas Modernization of the State in Labor Matters - to provide high quality assistance for workers and employers. Basic Rights of Workers - promote core labor standards recognized by ILO, as a fundamental component of productive workplaces. FTAA - to consider views on trade from the labor sector. III Summit of the Americas “We instruct the IACML to continue their consideration of issues related to globalization which affect employment and labor.” Plan of Action Chapter on “Labor and Employment”, among other issues: Improved collaboration on the labor dimensions of the Summit of the Americas among Ministries and International organizations Strengthen the capacity of the Min.of Labor to develop and implement effective labor policies. Labour and employment in the Summit of the Americas Process Special Summit of the Americas

4 The Special Summit of the Americas Monterrey, Mexico, January 2004 Economic Growth with Equity to Reduce Poverty It had 3 linked and interrelated objectives: SocialDevelopment Democraticgovernance Qualitative transformation of public administration through modernization - Feasibility Study FTAA will most effectively foster economic growth, the reduction of poverty, development and integration through trade liberalization - WG1 and Declaration of Salvador Promotion of SME to support economic growth and employment creation Sharing best practices on SME development Facilitate incorporation into the formal sector Train human resources, facilitate access to credit and business development services Triple IDB lending for SMEs by 2007

5 The Special Summit of the Americas Monterrey, Mexico, January 2004 Economic Growth with Equity to Reduce Poverty It had 3 linked and interrelated objectives: SocialDevelopment Democraticgovernance Need for integrated economic and social policies. - Interrelations between Min.Labour, Health, Edu Strengthen social security systems, unemployment insurance systems and subsistence income programs. - Plan of Action of Salvador Commitment to ILO principles of decent work - XIII IACML Respect for workers’ rights and dignity is an essential element to achieving poverty reduction Recognize and support work of IACML

6 The Special Summit of the Americas Monterrey, Mexico, January 2004 Economic Growth with Equity to Reduce Poverty It had 3 linked and interrelated objectives: SocialDevelopment Democraticgovernance Recognize the role of civil society and its contribution to sound public administration - COSATE and CEATAL Encourage consolidation and professionalization of the civil service - Feasibility Study Reaffirm the importance of partnerships between government, NGOs, international organizations and civil society

7 First meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Social Development, Santiago, April 2004 Four priority lines of action Investing to improve the quality of human resources. Improving income security: strengthening social protection networks and generating employment opportunities. Strengthening institutions responsible for social policies Transforming social relations - strategies that increase social participation Update the Inter-American Program to Combat Poverty and Discrimination (1997) Present a Hemispheric Project to support small and medium entreprises to FEMCIDI of the OAS. Hold yearly joint seminars - ECLAC, IDB and OAS- on poverty eradication policies.

8 Pending Resolution & Debate on Trade and Integration in the Americas As this draft resolution implies there are still important discussions occurring on the coming FTAA and as such the Labour Ministers may be able to provide vital input domestically and through the IACML. In June, the OAS General Assembly may consider a draft resolution that contemplates: Supporting States, especially small economies, in development of National and/or Regional Trade Capacity Strategies [[Additional analysis of the potential impacts of the FTAA, including those on existing treaty commitments in human rights, the environment, and labour]] Technical assistance that supports domestic efforts to mainstream trade into national plans for economic development and strategies for poverty reduction. [[Drafting of negotiations on compensatory funds to address asymmetries and possible disparities in levels of national development and productivity]]

9 Towards the Fourth Summit of the Americas Argentina, 2005 Reinforce the input of the IACML to the Summit of the Americas process. Convergence of themes from various political and technical forums (CIDES, CIE, IACML..) Strengthen the bonds between the IACML and other sectorial meetings (e.g. Miami - Ministers of Trade meeting) Influence the Declaration and Plan of Action of the Fourth Summit to be knowledgeable of the IACML priorities and actions. Balancing labour and trade priorities. Consider the creation of the Inter-American Committee on Labour

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