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Stephanie G.. Fast Fact Did you know that in about 3 miles in the earths crust you can find rocks. Platinum, silver and gold are all rare and valuable.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephanie G.. Fast Fact Did you know that in about 3 miles in the earths crust you can find rocks. Platinum, silver and gold are all rare and valuable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephanie G.

2 Fast Fact Did you know that in about 3 miles in the earths crust you can find rocks. Platinum, silver and gold are all rare and valuable. Quartz are common. A kind of quartz. Olivine is rare.

3 Granite is a mineral and is useful to make countertops. In some granite you can see the minerals from eye. They are also useful to collect. Mica = black Quartz = Gray Feldspars=pink and white

4 Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma from deep within the earths crust and upper mantle cools. The two types are intrusive and extrusive. Granite is an intrusive rock, witch means that they solidify within the Earth’s crust and only appear at the surface after the rocks above them have been eroded away. This is a mineral called pitchstone. It is a extrusive rock witch means it is lave from an volcano and then cools on the surface. The pitchstone

5 Rocks that are formed by volcanic activity are in to groups. Plyroclastic rocks and acid and solid rocks. Means fire-broken an apt name for rocks that consist of rock and lava pieces that were shattered apart by exploding gases. A plyroclastic rock. A fact about rocks jumbled pieces are that a force of exspoltion may cause rocks to fragments.! Runny lavas are basically fast- flowing and spread out quickly to spread vast areas. Multi- colored basalt sparkling points in this basalt include green olivine and black pyroxene crystals.

6 Sedimentray rocks are when rocks and minerals are eroded and then beated down to smaller rocks and minerals. The sediment may eventually be carried to a new site often at a sea or river. Usually, the particles will form to new rocks, known as sediments. The Grand Canyon was formed my erosion using red sandstone and limestone. Believe it or not chalk is made out of limestone.

7 Marble is a metamorphosed limestone made of a variety of other rocks. Marble has been used for sculpting practically Greek gods. Believe it or not the Taj Mahal is made out of assorted marble. Art work in Taj Mahal

8 Every year about 19,000 meteorites each weighing about 4 oz. fall on the earth and mostly fall in seas or dessert. They are meteorites that survive their fall from space. The Murchison meteorite feel in Astralia in 1969. This is a sediment of it. 1.The Nakhla Stone 2.The Barwell meteorite 3.The Murchison meteorite


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