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Rapid urbanization leading to sharp and discreet changes in District demographic profile. Rapid urbanization leading to sharp and discreet changes in.

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2 Rapid urbanization leading to sharp and discreet changes in District demographic profile. Rapid urbanization leading to sharp and discreet changes in District demographic profile. The migrant population has a distinct problem of residence proof, as people don’t own but only inhabit the residential premises. The migrant population has a distinct problem of residence proof, as people don’t own but only inhabit the residential premises. Migration and high turn over ratio of population in the city posses a serious challenge to continuous updating of the electoral roll. Migration and high turn over ratio of population in the city posses a serious challenge to continuous updating of the electoral roll. WHAT MAKES GURGAON DIFFERENT ?

3 The elite population of the city living in large societies is inaccessible. The elite population of the city living in large societies is inaccessible. In last Lok Sabha election, there were widespread complaints about the missing names in the electoral roll leading to hue and cry and this almost led to law and order problem. In last Lok Sabha election, there were widespread complaints about the missing names in the electoral roll leading to hue and cry and this almost led to law and order problem.

4 PROBLEMS Missing voters to the tune of 1.00 Lac Missing voters to the tune of 1.00 Lac Shifted voters due to change of residence within the city. Shifted voters due to change of residence within the city. Unavailability, inaccessibility and indifferent attitude of BLOs and other election staff members to the problem of voters. Unavailability, inaccessibility and indifferent attitude of BLOs and other election staff members to the problem of voters. Distribution of EPIC cards. Distribution of EPIC cards. Mistakes in EPIC cards. Mistakes in EPIC cards. Low Electoral population ratio. Low Electoral population ratio. Reorganization of the assembly constituency on the basis of the Reorganization Committee Report. Reorganization of the assembly constituency on the basis of the Reorganization Committee Report.

5 Deletion of more than 50 thousand votes due to upgradation of electoral rolls in the year 2008. Deletion of more than 50 thousand votes due to upgradation of electoral rolls in the year 2008. Voters had the EPIC card but their names were missing in the electoral rolls. Voters had the EPIC card but their names were missing in the electoral rolls. There was a mismatch between the English and Hindi addresses. There was a mismatch between the English and Hindi addresses.

6 There were also many cases of family members’ names falling in different polling booths. There were also many cases of family members’ names falling in different polling booths. Electoral - Population Ratio was very low in Gurgaon which was merely 45% against the national average of 57%. Electoral - Population Ratio was very low in Gurgaon which was merely 45% against the national average of 57%. Problem in bordering area of Gurgaon and Badshahpur, as there was ambiguity about which area fell in which constituency. Problem in bordering area of Gurgaon and Badshahpur, as there was ambiguity about which area fell in which constituency.

7 Inter constituency movement. Inter constituency movement. Intra constituency movement. Intra constituency movement. Shifting of booths and identifying new buildings. Shifting of booths and identifying new buildings. Enrolling the missing voters on a large scale. Enrolling the missing voters on a large scale. Error free electoral rolls and EPICs. Error free electoral rolls and EPICs. Generation of interest of the community in the electoral process. Generation of interest of the community in the electoral process. Involving all stakeholders. Involving all stakeholders. Motivating the staff involved in the process. Motivating the staff involved in the process. Being proactive and reaching out to the people. Being proactive and reaching out to the people. Corrective steps required

8 After discussion with ECI it was decided to go for special summary revision for 76-Badshahpur and 77-Gurgaon Assembly Constituencies in Gurgaon district. After discussion with ECI it was decided to go for special summary revision for 76-Badshahpur and 77-Gurgaon Assembly Constituencies in Gurgaon district. Period of special revision was 2-7-2009 to 3-9-2009. Period of special revision was 2-7-2009 to 3-9-2009.  Aim was to add all electors in the roll and solve EPIC related issues at mass level.  The staff deployed for the special exercise was different from the normal and is described in the next slide.

9 Entire A/C was divided into 5 Sectors ERO for the AC (Assembly constituency) +1 nodal officer for AC (Equivalent to ADC) ERO for the AC (Assembly constituency) +1 nodal officer for AC (Equivalent to ADC) 5 sector officers for each sectors. 5 sector officers for each sectors. 15 AERO`s in entire AC for settling claims and objections during the exercise. 15 AERO`s in entire AC for settling claims and objections during the exercise. 39 supervisor employed to help the AERO`s. 39 supervisor employed to help the AERO`s. BLO at each booth +1 enumerator at each booth i.e. around 500 people were deployed as staff for the exercise. BLO at each booth +1 enumerator at each booth i.e. around 500 people were deployed as staff for the exercise.

10 Process followed during special summary revision Door to door survey of the residing electors. Door to door survey of the residing electors. Preparation of Nazri Naksha for each booth. Preparation of Nazri Naksha for each booth. Rationalization of the electors/booth. Rationalization of the electors/booth. Relocation of the voters to the specific booth. Relocation of the voters to the specific booth. Identification and creation of new booths. Identification and creation of new booths. Settling/verification of claims and objections filed by the individual on spot. Settling/verification of claims and objections filed by the individual on spot. Ensuring error free electoral roll. Ensuring error free electoral roll. Preparation and distribution of EPICs to the electors. Preparation and distribution of EPICs to the electors.

11 STEPS TAKEN TO MAKE IT A MASS MOVEMENT:- Publicity using posters, billboards, hand bills, news papers, local cable tv and mobile vans. Publicity using posters, billboards, hand bills, news papers, local cable tv and mobile vans. news papers news papers Booth Level Volunteers (BLV’S) from RWA’s were appointed and allowed to collect various forms for the first time. Booth Level Volunteers (BLV’S) from RWA’s were appointed and allowed to collect various forms for the first time. IEC activities were carried out involving youths, women and other stakeholders in this exercise. IEC activities were carried out involving youths, women and other stakeholders in this exercise. Camps were organised in various locations for community participation in this drive. Camps were organised in various locations for community participation in this drive. Booth Level Agents were appointed to assist BLOs at booth. Booth Level Agents were appointed to assist BLOs at booth. Opening of collection centre at various locations. Opening of collection centre at various locations. Meetings and seminars with SHG’s working with women, Anganawadi workers and Asha workers and NGOs. Meetings and seminars with SHG’s working with women, Anganawadi workers and Asha workers and NGOs. Sensitizing Para Military and Armed forces. Sensitizing Para Military and Armed forces. Setting up of VRIC in various sectors. Setting up of VRIC in various sectors. A special helpline was setup to help the electors. A special helpline was setup to help the electors.

12 Result of the Exercise:- Total no of new voters added during the mass campaign was 151288. Total no of new voters added during the mass campaign was 151288. The Elector - Population -Ratio increased form 494 To 607. The Elector - Population -Ratio increased form 494 To 607. The sex ratio incresed from 848 to 880 The sex ratio incresed from 848 to 880 The electors were rationally shifted to nearest booths The electors were rationally shifted to nearest booths Electoral rolls were printed on schedule to the full satisfaction of the Electors. Electoral rolls were printed on schedule to the full satisfaction of the Electors. EPIC were distributed to all the voters. EPIC were distributed to all the voters. As a special initiative slips mentioning the elector’s name, booth No. and location were distributed to facilitate voters to identify and locate their new booth. As a special initiative slips mentioning the elector’s name, booth No. and location were distributed to facilitate voters to identify and locate their new booth.

13 Problem faced during the exercise:- Lack of Trained and dedicated staff for electoral roll preparation. Lack of Trained and dedicated staff for electoral roll preparation. Accessibility problem especially related to gated communities and high security group housing societies. Accessibility problem especially related to gated communities and high security group housing societies. Non availability of electors during the day time/working hours. Non availability of electors during the day time/working hours. Constraint of time for the entire exercise. Constraint of time for the entire exercise.

14 Impact of the Exercise:- No complaint was received during the entire election process during the assembly elections and the process went of peacefully. No complaint was received during the entire election process during the assembly elections and the process went of peacefully. An error free electoral roll for electors. An error free electoral roll for electors.


16 NO & NAME OF ASSEMBALLY CONSTITUENCY Total Projected Population 2009 Total No of Polling Stations Total No of Electors Elector population Ratio Sex Ratio % Increase of Voters 75-PATAUDI(SC)3064001551571025138868 76-BADSHAHPUR32300824022513669787325 77-GURGAON32953321723089270188739 78-SOHNA29301915115144351787720 TOTAL125196076376457361188024

17 Conclusion A continuous process. A continuous process. New initiatives in the form of ERMS by ECI will address the problem to a large extent. New initiatives in the form of ERMS by ECI will address the problem to a large extent.

18 We can, we shall, we will. We can, we shall, we will. THANK YOU THANK YOU We can, we shall, we will. We can, we shall, we will. THANK YOU THANK YOU

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