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Community Health organizing concepts. community health professionals must possess specific knowledge and skills.  identify problems,  develop plan to.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Health organizing concepts. community health professionals must possess specific knowledge and skills.  identify problems,  develop plan to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Health organizing concepts

2 community health professionals must possess specific knowledge and skills.  identify problems,  develop plan to attack each problem  gather the resources necessary to carry out that plan,  implement that plan  and then evaluate the results to determine the degree of progress that has been achieved.

3 Community Organizing/Building Each community health worker must master 2 important skills: Each community health worker must master 2 important skills: The skills to organize a community The skills to organize a community and to plan a health promotion program and to plan a health promotion program

4 Definition  Community health organizing is the strategic and proactive process of identifying healthcare needs of a given population and prioritizing services to meet the needs within resources available.  This applies to all services provided by local authority, private sector or voluntary sectors.

5 Process of community health organizing  It involves planning, designing, and implementing a range of services.  Services should meet a population’s healthcare needs fairly, efficiently, and effectively.  Should include prevention and early intervention.

6 Politico-economic climate of health and social care Service user/client focus Knowledge and influence Assessment and analysis Planning and partnership Change and service design Implementation and contracts Outcomes and monitoring

7 Assumptions of community Organizing According to Ross these assumptions should be considered when organizing communities: According to Ross these assumptions should be considered when organizing communities: 1- Communities can develop capacities and skills o solve problems 1- Communities can develop capacities and skills o solve problems 2.People who want change can change 2.People who want change can change 3.People should participate in making, adjusting or controlling the major changes taking place within their communities 3.People should participate in making, adjusting or controlling the major changes taking place within their communities

8 4.Changes that are self developed have a meaning and permanence than those imposed 4.Changes that are self developed have a meaning and permanence than those imposed 5.A holistic approach can successfully address problems 5.A holistic approach can successfully address problems 6.Democracy requires cooperative participation 6.Democracy requires cooperative participation 7.Frequently communities need help in organizing to deal with their needs 7.Frequently communities need help in organizing to deal with their needs

9 The process of Community Organizing 1.Recognizing the issue/ the problem 1.Recognizing the issue/ the problem 2.Gaining entry to the community 2.Gaining entry to the community 3.Organizing the people 3.Organizing the people 4.Assessing the community 4.Assessing the community 5.Determining the priorities and setting goals 5.Determining the priorities and setting goals 6.Arriving at a solution and selecting intervention strategies 6.Arriving at a solution and selecting intervention strategies 7.Implementing the plan 7.Implementing the plan 8.Evaluating the outcome of action plan 8.Evaluating the outcome of action plan 9.Maintaining the outcomes in the community 9.Maintaining the outcomes in the community 10.Looping back 10.Looping back

10 Other approaches  PATCH (Planned approach to community health): Five phases: 1. Mobilizing the community. 1. Mobilizing the community. 2. Collecting and organizing data. 2. Collecting and organizing data. 3. Choosing health priorities. 3. Choosing health priorities. 4. Developing a comprehensive intervention plan. 4. Developing a comprehensive intervention plan. 5. Evaluating PATCH 5. Evaluating PATCH

11 Definition  Public Health assessment PHA is “a systematic method for reviewing the health problems facing a population. Its purpose is to lead to agreed priorities and resource allocation that will improve health and reduce inequities ”(NICE,2005:3).

12 Health need assessment(HNA) focuses on Population not individuals Setting heath priorities& resource allocation Active involvement of service users

13 Five steps approach to HNA Step 1: Getting start: 1.What population? 2.What are you trying to do? 3.Who needs to be involved? 4.What resource are required? 5.What are the risks? Steps 2: Identifying health problem: 1.Population profiling 2.Gathering data 3.Perceptions of needs 4.Identifying &assessing health conditions &determinants factors Step 3: Assessing a health priority for action: 1.Choosing health condition(size, severity)& determinates factors 2.Determining effective intervention/action Step4: planning for change 1.Clarifying aims of intervention 2.Action planning 3. Monitoring an evaluation strategy 4.Risk management strategy Step 5: Moving on &review 1.learning from the project 2.Measuring impact Choosing the next priority.

14 Skills needed to carry out HNA  Project management.  Team building.  Partnership working.  Community engagement.  Population profiling.  Data collection.  Monitoring/ setting indicators.  A multidisciplinary team of public health professionals needs to identify who has which skills and use them to conduct an effective HNA.

15 Assignment  Choose a health problem  Explain how you can use the PATCH approach to organize or build the community to solve the health problem

16 Thank you

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