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INTERPRETING POPULATION PYRAMIDS You need to know: the characteristics of the 4 types of population pyramids.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERPRETING POPULATION PYRAMIDS You need to know: the characteristics of the 4 types of population pyramids."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERPRETING POPULATION PYRAMIDS You need to know: the characteristics of the 4 types of population pyramids

2 Population pyramids show the age/sex structure of a country Tells you what % of the population is a certain age and gender Groups put into 5 year categories (cohort) Grade 9 Geography Review

3 RAPIDLY EXPANDING Very high birth rate Population growing very fast (3-4% per year) Low income countries

4 EXPANDING High birth rate Population growing (1-2% per year) Middle to low income countries

5 STATIONARY Births replace deaths Population not changing much at all High income countries

6 DECLINING More deaths than births Population shrinking Potential social problems

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