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1 Presentation title qualifications are better understood The Bologna Process – An Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation title qualifications are better understood The Bologna Process – An Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation title qualifications are better understood The Bologna Process – An Overview

2 2 - Different education systems across Europe before the Bologna Process - Lisbon Convention and Bologna Declaration - Specificities of the Bologna Process - Country specific examples of adaption to the Bologna reforms - Outlook Content

3 3 Anglo-Scottish Model

4 4 Key Features: First national level assessment taken at the age of 16 in a broad range of subjects Upper secondary qualifications become increasingly specialised and subject choice made at the end of secondary education Considerable autonomy of higher education institutions Students specialise in one or two subjects at degree level Degrees are generally based on independent study and research Anglo-Scottish Model

5 5 The Humboldt Model

6 6 Key Features: Broad university entrance qualification, often taken in streams Generally very academic courses (large volume of study) Long duration Professional rights The Humboldt Model

7 7 Napoleonic Model

8 8 Key Features: Baccalaureate entry for degree programmes Two cycle undergraduate programmes (Licence / Maîtrise) Prestigious Grandes Ecoles especially for engineers State control over institutions and qualifications National standard on exit level – institutions are not autonomous Napoleonic Model

9 9 European education models before the Bologna Process

10 10 Bologna Process – the beginnings Lisbon Convention (1997) –recognition of qualifications Sorbonne Declaration (1998) –transparent European higher education landscape which facilitates mobility and promotes the European higher education sector worldwide. Bologna Declaration (1999) –forming a European Higher Education Area with comparable degree systems, contains concrete changes to implement by all the signatory countries, although not legally binding.

11 11 Content of the Bologna Process Transparent degree system (2 cycles) Use of transparent and transferrable credit point system (ECTS) Diploma Supplement to provide more information about qualifications Quality assurance procedures Provision of national qualification frameworks to contextualise qualifications Recognition of lifelong learning for equal opportunities and social cohesion

12 12 Bologna degree structure Third Cycle of minimum 3 years Second Cycle – 60 – 120 ECTS First Cycle – minimum of 180 ECTS Secondary school leaving certificate required for university entrance

13 13 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

14 14 Example of a Diploma Supplement

15 15 Example of a Diploma Supplement, page 2

16 16 Bologna signatory countries

17 17 “Bologna Europe” – a unitary higher education area? Implementation of changes at different stages within different signatory countries Different interpretation of Bologna changes Only partial implementation of Bologna changes

18 18 Example 1 Switzerland Duration (Years)oldnewLevelECTS 1 Doctorat / Doktorat 3 1 3 1 3 1 Lizentiat / Licence; Diplom / Diplôme; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat 3 1 Master 2 270-300 1 Lizentiat / Licence; Diplom / Diplôme; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat 2 1 Bachelor1180 1 1 1 1

19 19 Example 2 Germany Duration (Years)old new LevelECTS 1 1 Doktorat 1 3 1 3 1 Lizentiat / Aufbaustudium / Zweites Staatsexamen Doktorat 3 1 3 1 Magister Artium / Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen Master 2 3 300 1 Magister Artium / Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen Master 2 3 300 1 Diplom (Fachhoch- schule/Univ. of Applied Sciences Bachelor Master*1 2 3 1 Bachelor 1 180 1 Vordiplom 1 1 1

20 20 Example 3 Duration (Years) Poland old new LevelECTS 1 Doktor 3 13 13 1 Magister / Mag. Inżynier Magister / Mag. Inżynier (long cycle) Magister / Mag. Inżynier Magister / Mag. Inżynier (long cycle) 2 300-360 1 Magister / Mag. Inżynier Magister / Mag. Inżynier (long cycle) Magister / Mag. Inżynier Magister / Mag. Inżynier (long cycle) 2 1 Licencjat / Inżynier 1 240 1 Licencjat / Inżynier 1 180 11 11

21 21 Example 4 Duration (Years) Bulgaria old new LevelECTS 1 Доктор (Doktor) / Doctorate 3 1 1 1 Магистър (Magistar) / Master Магистър (Magistar) / Master (long cycle) Магистър (Magistar) / Master (long cycle) 2 300 1 Бакалавър (Bakalavar) / Bachelor “Бакалавър” (Bakalavar) / Bachelor 1 240 1 Специалист по... (Spetsialist po...) / Specialist in… (to 2007) “Професионален бакалавър по...” (Profesionalen bakalavar po...) / Professional Bachelor in… (since 2007) 1 180 11 11

22 22 Where are we now? –Work in progress –No uniformity –Impact on students –Impact on Europe –Influence on areas outside Europe –What impact might the Bologna Process have on credential evaluators?

23 23 THANK YOU!

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