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Impact of aquacultures on the marine ecosystem: modelling benthic carbon loading over variable depth Marko Jusup, Sunčana Geček and Tarzan Legović Ruđer.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of aquacultures on the marine ecosystem: modelling benthic carbon loading over variable depth Marko Jusup, Sunčana Geček and Tarzan Legović Ruđer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of aquacultures on the marine ecosystem: modelling benthic carbon loading over variable depth Marko Jusup, Sunčana Geček and Tarzan Legović Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička cesta 54, Zagreb, Croatia,,

2 Tuna fishfarm near island Kudica, Adriatic SeaThunnus thyunnusMaena smaris (location Fulija)Pinna pectinata & Astropecten aurantiacus (location Kluda)Eupagurus prideaux & Adamsia paliata (location Veli Drvenik)Remnants of Mytilus galloprovicialis (location Veli Drvenik)Tuna fishfarm near island Fulija, Adriatic Sea Photos courtesy of Donat Petricioli, Oikon d.o.o.

3 Random Displacement Model with gravitational settling: Advection-diffusion equation: Random Displacement Model:

4 Test case #1: Schematic view of bathymetry and BCL (in gC/m 2 day)

5 Test case #2: Schematic view of bathymetry and BCL (in gC/m 2 day)

6 Test case #3: Schematic view of bathymetry and BCL (in gC/m 2 day)

7 Test case #4: Schematic view of bathymetry and BCL (in gC/m 2 day)

8 Test case #5: Schematic view of bathymetry and BCL (in gC/m 2 day)

9 Thank you for your attention! Conclusion: Approximating the realistic bathymetry with the uniform bottom can lead to serious error. It is possible to: predict wrong shape of the maximum deposition region, miscalculate its area, give incorrect value and location of the maximum BCL, fail to estimate the total area exposed to particulate waste.

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