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Career Mobility with Interviewing Strategies Panel Melvin A. Lamboy Ruiz, PhD Iowa State University 2012 The PhD Project Accounting DSA Washington D.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Mobility with Interviewing Strategies Panel Melvin A. Lamboy Ruiz, PhD Iowa State University 2012 The PhD Project Accounting DSA Washington D.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Mobility with Interviewing Strategies Panel Melvin A. Lamboy Ruiz, PhD Iowa State University 2012 The PhD Project Accounting DSA Washington D.C.

2 Job Search School Selection Job Applications Interviewing Process Job Offers 2

3 School Selection Coordinate your job search with your advisors. o Dissertation chair or co-chairs o They will write recommendation letters! Sources of job postings: o Position Announcements from The PhD Project o AAA Career Center o SSRN ARN Professional Announcements and Job Openings Recruiting conferences o Examples: AAA FARS Recruiting Dinner Accounting PhD Rookie Recruiting and Research Camp o Ask your ADVISORS about attending those events 3

4 School Selection List and rank the selection criteria. o Research Interest o Teaching interest o Dual Career Program o Mentorship Program o Geographic area o Community o Career mobility o Compensation and Fringe Benefits 4

5 School Selection List the deadlines and submission venues. Discuss the list with your advisors. o Schools in which you are interested o Schools in which you are not interested Submit final list to all your references. o Keep them informed Create (update) your webpage. o Before sending job applications o 5

6 Job Applications Job markets’ deadlines o Spring o Fall Job application package o Cover letter o Job market paper o Curriculum Vita o Teaching evaluations o Other Delivery methods o Mail o Online o Email o Combination of the above Follow Ups …schedule time for this process! 6

7 Interviewing Process Job Interview Invitations o Campus visit o Phone call o Video conference Ex. Skype Rules of conduct Arrangements o Flight or drive o Hotel o Guests o Realtor Interview Schedule (campus visit) o A list of all your appointments during your visit: Meals Interviews Breaks Paper presentation o This is going to be your biggest TOOL to prepare for your interview. 7

8 Interviewing Process Individual “office” interviews o Know your interviewers (see your schedule) Research Teaching Tenure and promotion status o Potential “interviewers” Doctoral students Faculty Dean and/or associate deans Department Chair o Tenure and promotion o Teaching load o Resources o Bring questions for each one of them o Read universities’ written policies for interviews of job candidates 8

9 Interviewing Process Meals o Breakfast o Lunch (before presentation) o Dinners Paper presentation o Practice o Hydrate o Be ready for technological difficulties, bring… printed copy of your paper printed copy of slides wireless mousse laser pointer batteries etc. o Ask someone to take notes for you o Be receptive to comments from the audience 9

10 Interviewing Process “Thank you” emails o Sent within one to two days after interview Be aware that EVERYTHING is part of the interview o University Job Candidate Webpages o Personal webpages o Internet o Emails o Phone calls o Meals o Research Presentation o One-on-one meetings 10

11 Interviewing Process “The interview is as much about the candidate determining if the institution is a fit for them as it is the institution also making that judgment”. “Candidates should also be mindful that campus climate and policies vary among institutions”. …You should prepare questions accordingly! 11

12 Job Offers Written job offers o Term of contract Ex. 8 years with a 3rd year revision o Payroll type Ex. 9 months o Summer Pay o Research funds o Moving expenses o Office equipment Negotiation of clauses o Salary Sensitive issue o Courses and teaching load Ex. 2:2 for a 3:0 teaching load o Resources Ex. Desktop for a laptop Acceptance o Within X number of weeks o Extension of time Ex. If high chance of getting an offer from another university of interest 12

13 Now that you have a job, don’t forget you have a dissertation to defend! Now that you have a job, don’t forget you have a dissertation to defend! Thank you! 13

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