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FUNDAMENTALS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING. Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 THE HAY-McBER STUDY OF TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS (2000) Professional characteristics Teaching.

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2 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 THE HAY-McBER STUDY OF TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS (2000) Professional characteristics Teaching skills Classroom climate

3 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 Time on task Lesson flow Methods and strategies High expectations Planning Pupil management/ discipline Time and resource management Assessment Homework

4 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 Planning and setting expectations Drive for improvement Information seeking Initiative Professionalism Challenge and support Confidence Creating trust Respect for others Thinking Analytical thinking Conceptual thinking Leading Flexibility Holding people accountable Managing pupils Passion for learning Relating to others Impact and influence Teamworking Understanding others

5 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 Classroom climate Standards (behaviour & academic) Clarity of purpose Order/ discipline Fairness Participation Support Safety Interest Environment

6 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHERS Professional values and practice. Knowledge and understanding. Teaching: – planning, expectations and targets; – monitoring and assessment; – teaching and class management.

7 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 AN EFFECTIVE TEACHER... Has secure knowledge Plans effectively Manages discipline Uses effective strategies Monitors and assesses thoroughly Has high expectations Manages resources Manages time Sets useful homework Manages the lesson flow Has professional competence Promotes a positive climate

8 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 questioning listening demonstrating explaining challenging instructing managing praising assessing Learning objectives Learning objectives Additional adults Additional adults Differentiated input Differentiated input Assessments

9 JUDGING EFFECTIVE TEACHING Teaching Teachingstyles Learning Learningoutcomes Students’ Students’responses Levels of Levels ofattainment

10 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 AN EFFECTIVE LESSON PLAN Has clear learning objectives. Activities are timed. Activities relate to the learning objectives. Uses subject-specific language. Matches provision to students’ needs. Says how resources will be used. Uses prior evaluations to inform planning. Sets high expectations of effort, attainment/achievement, progress and behaviour. Uses homework to extend and apply learning.

11 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND POSITIVE ATTITUDES/BEHAVIOUR Work safely, carefully and considerately. Involvement, application and enjoyment. Have pride in their achievements. Respect the views of others. Work independently. Can solve problems. Take responsibility for their own learning. Sustain concentration on task.

12 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 SUCCESSFUL TEACHING IMPROVES STUDENTS’ LEVELS OF ATTAINMENT Assess what students know, understand and can do. Make age-related judgements. Make ability-related judgements. Make like-with-like comparisons. Highlight strengths and weaknesses. Look for patterns (ability, gender, ethnicity). Monitor individual student’s progress over time.

13 OUTCOMES OF LEARNING Compare with Compare with previous attainment Compare with Compare with similar age Compare with Compare with similar ability Look for clear Look for clear evidence of improvement

14 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 SOME SELF-EVALUATION QUESTIONS Are the students’ learning what I’m teaching them? Are they performing as I expected? Are they making satisfactory progress? What aspects of my lesson are effective, and why? Where does my teaching need to improve? Which aspects of the curriculum do they/don’t they understand, and why?

15 Copyright Keith Morrison, 2004 PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES Memorise information. Attain and test concepts. Build and test hypotheses. Extract information. Analyse own values and beliefs. Train themselves in a skill. Problem solve. Be creative. Take initiatives. Cooperate with others.

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