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T.L. Kennedy Secondary School. ENG 1D0: We provide the foundational skills for the academic-bound English courses. This course covers the skill-set that.

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Presentation on theme: "T.L. Kennedy Secondary School. ENG 1D0: We provide the foundational skills for the academic-bound English courses. This course covers the skill-set that."— Presentation transcript:

1 T.L. Kennedy Secondary School

2 ENG 1D0: We provide the foundational skills for the academic-bound English courses. This course covers the skill-set that will be built upon in following years. ENG1P0: The foundational skills for the college-bound English courses are set up with additional supports and models. ENG1L0: Students are provided foundational skills that are tailored to a workplace environment.

3 “Think with an open mind...try new things.” “English helps your communication skills, and communication is a vital part of high school.” “English has improved my writing skills.” “My favourite class this semester was English!” “English made me a more confident student.” “Very fun and very helpful!”

4 ENG 2D0: This course is the pre-requisite for the university-bound English student. Core skills are developed to ensure success in literary studies. ENG 2P0: This course is the pre-requisite for the college-bound English student. Students develop skills that are geared towards practical application. ENG 2L0: This course builds upon the skills developed earlier, lending greater practical application to the workplace environment.

5 “This course has helped me learn about different aspects of writing.” “This course has helped me understand many things that can help improve my writing skills.” “I learned time management skills.” “I have attained better writing skills, which will help immensely in university.” “This course has inspired me to become a future author.”

6 ENG 3U0: Students develop their literary and analytic skills through an inquiry process centred on context. This is a pre-requisite for university-bound English students. ENG 3C0: Students enhance their literary and media skills through a practical application of analyzing social issues. ENG3E0: This is the senior workplace English course that enhances students’ literary skills to a workplace environment.

7 “The course has really helped me refine my analysis skills.” “I felt that this course has changed my overall perspective and understanding of the world.” “This course has enabled me to further enhance my skills in English.” “When writing essays, always include lots of research.” “ I want to be an author, because I love writing.”

8 ENG 4U0: This final English course emphasizes the cross-curricular nature of literature and media. Foundations in theory, analysis and contextual influences form the basic skill-set studied. ENG 4C0: This course focuses on analyzing non- fiction applications of literature and media. ENG 4E0: This course is tailored to the needs of the student to ensure success in the workplace envrironment.

9 “ “Manage your time well, and remember that writing techniques, conventions, and literary theory must be used in any assignment.” “I’m considering a job in teaching and creative publishing.” “Be open-minded to different ideas and have fun with it. You’ll do great!” “This is a stepping stone to my future plans, because I hope to pursue a career that requires me to apply all the skills I’ve learned in year four.”

10 Writer’s Craft allows students the opportunity to explore the many different kinds of creative writing, as well as the kinds of technical and profession based writing that can lead to career paths. Most importantly, the course promotes a new appreciation of what writers do, and allows you to become a better writer in every way. Creative Writing Fiction: Short stories Children’s Literature Comics Screenplays Plays Poetry: Sonnets Concrete Poems Haiku Dramatic Monologue Elegy Free Verse Professional Writing Film Reviews Journalism Editorials Essays Speeches Advertising Travel Writing Technical Manuals

11 Becoming a Better Writer Learn about the different forms of writing, and the techniques that go into each one Develop your creativity and learn how to turn a small idea into a great piece of writing Learn how to properly use to the revision, editing and proofreading process to create better final products Learn more about grammar, sentence construction and the importance of using the right words

12 “This course has provided me with various techniques and styles that go into writing a short story.” “This course was the best decision, course-wise, that I had made during my time at T.L. Kennedy.” “I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to take such a fun and unique course.” “Writer’s Craft has been a great, unforgettable experience for me...I learned more about writing than I ever will in any other course in life.”

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