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RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs Lead Partner PP01 Benjamin Kuscher 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs Lead Partner PP01 Benjamin Kuscher 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs Lead Partner PP01 Benjamin Kuscher 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014

2 Overview: now - then 2 Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx our solution 1.An eco-management consulting internet platform 2.An online tool “My eco-expert” Both will be used to strengthen transparency regarding -qualification, -experience, -competence and -licensees of all consultants The target is to light out the funding jungle Our current situation Each eco-funding scheme in Lower Austria manages its own pool of experts (often the same persons) and wants to keep control. There is a lack of cooperation between the eco-funding institutions. There are already existing search tools but with specific needs for specific institutions – The tools are used only by one organisation. Finding the appropriate external eco- expert or eco-funding scheme is not easy enough Planned actions to be implemented via the RIP: 1st April 2014

3 Key facts on RIP Target of “MY ECO-EXPERT”: Improvement of the effectiveness & transparency of eco-management practitioner networks Improving the cooperation of ALL institutions supporting eco-management and eco-innovation in Lower Austria Identifing synergies between the different funding schemes Organisational issues: Goals of RIP actions are clearly defined Outputs are clearly defined Results are clearly defined Target groups are clearly defined timeline & the to-dos per time and per stakeholder are clearly defined For the pilot action all necessary stakeholders are aware and agreed; Budget for technical realisiation of tools is available Conflicts could not be avoided fully – but conflicts will be reduced when the tool is working (baseless fears will be eliminated) There are no legal changes necessary Training: will be held in 2014 1st April 20143

4 SWOT of LA RIP 1st April 20144 StrengthsWeaknesses Everything is in time (preparation of RIP & Pilot Action; Goals, Outputs, results, target groups, TO Dos, stakeholders of / for RIP & Pilot actions are clearly defined For the pilot action all necessary stakeholders are aware and have agreed; staff for actual setup is available Budget for setup is available staff for future adjustments is not defined Awareness raising campaign not defined yet potential conflicts with stakeholders are identified but not clearly described; Not all outputs are measurable like environmental indicators OpportunitiesThreats Common tool will strengthen transparency regarding qualification, experience, competence and licensies of all consultants in LA. Improvement networks between eco-management practitioners Improvement networks among LA institutions supporting eco-management / eco-innovation New synergies between the diff. funding schemes Improving transparency and services for clients for the future existing of the tool single key stakeholders are missing (aware but not agreed) A similar in house tool has already been used by Chamber of commerce future budget is not defined Strategic & political changes within LA system

5 Successes of future RIP E-mobility strategy of Lower Austria will be adjusted according to the input from Estonia. Ökomanagement will be internationally transferred Ökomanagement takes up strategic promotion activities from IIE in the UK The LA RECOMMEND RIP will be in line with all other RIPs in LA 1st April 20145

6 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region Rafał Modrzewski 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT

7 Output of RIP Developing and supporting clusters (including eco- clusters)  System of clusters supporting  ROP improvement  Increasing of quality  Involving external stakeholders Innovation vouchers  New system of vouchers distribution  ROP improvement  Increasing of quality  Involving external stakeholders  Tightening cooperation business-science 1st April 20147

8 Why was this topic chosen for RIP? Developing and supporting clusters (including eco-clusters)  Comes from the regional strategy  Undesirable effects of cluster initiatives  Continuation of the pilots actions  The only way to increase competitiveness  Promotion of entrepreneurship and economic growth in the region and engaging in actions for sustainable development Innovation vouchers  Continuation of success story  Implementation of new voucher schemes  Promotion of regional R&D institutions and entrepreneurship 1st April 20148

9 What should be improved via RIP? Developing and supporting clusters (including eco-clusters)  instruments supporting cluster- related projects and actions (including eco-clusters);  cluster operator Innovation vouchers  follow-up implementation of voucher scheme (1)  new voucher scheme (2) based on good practice from the South Moravian Innovation Center;  Competition on voucher operator 24.10.20159

10 Effects, synergies for the region? Developing and supporting clusters (including eco-clusters)  entrepreneurs, research entities and other stakeholders interested in the project – striving to create and develop a cooperative relationship  implementation of new pro-environmental solutions,  building up external contacts,  competing successfully on the local, regional and international market,  expanding and strengthening cooperation between enterprises and research entities creating a cluster,  designing a common path of investment development,  increasing the accessibility of business support services,  eco-products, pro-environmental production/ service processes Innovation vouchers  implementation of two voucher schemes  cooperation of enterprises and research entities  new pro-environmental solutions 24.10.201510

11 Who will support the RIP? Developing and supporting clusters (including eco-clusters)  operator chosen in an open competition (expand the range of instruments with which they can foster these processes and help them gain new experience) Innovation vouchers 24.10.201511

12 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP Please state on this page challegnes where you do not have any suitable solution at the moment-> these challenges / threats / weaknesses will be discussed together with project partners; target of this group session is to get new input from outside which might help you to find a solution how to address your challenges 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Law changing 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat R&D entities and entrepreneurs cooperation 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Experienced Operator 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat interest in providing green solutions 1st April 201412

13 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs PP4 – Ekoport Jan Jareš 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014

14 Title & Output of RIP  Title: Pilot innovation voucher scheme  Output / result of RIP:  definition of most promising tools for (eco)innovation uptake in the region of South Bohemia  case studies  design and preparation of pilot innovation voucher scheme  time plan and responsibilities setup  concrete measures in order to ensure sustainability 1st April 201414

15 Key facts on RIP  Why was this topic chosen for RIP?  as a result of regional assessment and SWOT analysis (lack of collaboration between R&D and industry)  What should be improved via RIP?  concrete supportive and operational mechanisms within regional innovation strategy  real and tangible impact of top level decision makers on (eco)innovation development in the region  Effects, synergies for the region?  new supportive scheme / tool in accordance with RIS and S3  Who will support the RIP?  Regional innovation agency, Regional Authority, etc. 1st April 201415

16 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP CH to accelerate collaboration between R&D and industry to encourage local R&D capacities towards applications 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP W inability to integrate “eco” aspects in the very first call 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP T some internal administrative prejudices (e.g. drawing lots) first call failure 1st April 201416

17 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs LEA Spodnje Podravje Uroš Majerič 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT

18 Title & Output of RIP  Title: Bionics Cluster  Output / result of RIP: Establishment of Bionics Cluster 1st April 201418

19 Key facts on RIP  The topic was chosen beacuse of increasing studies in the field of Bionics  A nowel approach to raise eco management and eco innovation in our region 1st April 201419

20 Key facts on RIP What should be improved via RIP?  Members colaboration in the region  Awareness rising in the field of energy efficiency and bionics  Increase of eco innovation it the region 1st April 201420

21 Key facts on RIP  Effects, synergies for the region?  Accelerating the implementation of EMAS, ISO 50001 and ISO 140001  Acceleration of eco-innovations and bionics innovations  Providing LCA assessment for companies 1st April 201421

22 Key facts on RIP RIP Supporters  International Institute for Energy Bionics  College of Bionics Ptuj  STENG Ltd. – National Cleaner Production Centre 1st April 201422

23 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP Please state on this page challegnes where you do not have any suitable solution at the moment-> these challenges / threats / weaknesses will be discussed together with project partners; target of this group session is to get new input from outside which might help you to find a solution how to address your challenges 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Financing issuies 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Attract municipalities 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP 1st April 201423

24 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs PP6 Tartu Regional Energy Agency Martin Kikas 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT

25 Title & Output of RIP  Title: Contest „Eco-friendly company of the year“  Output / result of RIP: Systematic Eco-innovation and environmental management activities launched in Tartu. We expect to see the public and private sectors awareness and motivation to rise and increase the implementation of environmental management systems (e.g. implementation of voucher, data base, cluster, funding system etc.. 1st April 201425

26 Key facts on RIP  Why was this topic chosen for RIP? - Different stakeholders (public and private) have low awareness of eco-innovation and eco-management. Insufficient motivation to implement eco- management systems and eco-innovation tools as it is not seen as a profitable for business  What should be improved via RIP? - We expect to see the public and private sectors awareness and motivation to rise and increase the implementation of eco-innovation solutions  Effect, synergy for region? - To encourage private and public organsations to develop and implement environmental and climate friendly measures 1st April 201426

27  Next steps to be taken before getting RIP signed - The elaboration of the rules and criterias for the contest “Eco-friendly company of the year”  who will sign the RIP? – Member of Tartu City government and board member of Tartu Science Park  Any idea when your RIP will be signed? – September the latest 24.10.201527

28 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP Please state on this page challegnes where you do not have any suitable solution at the moment-> these challenges / threats / weaknesses will be discussed together with project partners; target of this group session is to get new input from outside which might help you to find a solution for your challenges 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Political changes 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Low number/interest of participants 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat 1st April 201428

29 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs PP07 Ascoli Piceno Claudio Carlone 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014

30 Title & Output of RIP  Title: A: ITACA Protocol B: Eco-Management Vouchers  Output / result of RIP: A.Systematic application of the regional system for evaluation and certification of environmental sustainability of buildings B.Transfer and implementation of Eco-Management Vouchers scheme 1st April 201430

31 Key facts on RIP  Why was this topic chosen for RIP?  ITACA protocol is already included in to the Regional Energetic and Environmental Plan;  Eco-Management Vouchers could foster the implementation of environmental and eco-friendly measures (specific focus in energy sector).  What should be improved via RIP?  To raise the awareness about the implementation of eco-innovative solutions  To support practical appllication of eco-innovation 1st April 201431

32 Key facts on RIP  Effects, synergies for the region?  The EEPP (Energetic and Environmental Provincial Plan)-RIP will represents a strategic guidelines for the implementation of regional/territorial efficiency/energy saving & eco- innovation measures.  Who will support the RIP?  Regional and Provincial Authorities  R&D institutions/Universities  Business organisations 1st April 201432

33 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Institutional changes due to political reforms (affecting the Province’s structure) 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Low participation of the private sector 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Lack of funds for Eco-Management Vouchers implementation 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat 1st April 201433

34 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs PP09 Opportunity Peterborough Rod Gilchrist 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT 1st April 2014

35 Title & Output of RIP  Title: Development of Peterborough wide green manufacturing cluster, EMS cluster club and Eco design training  Output / result of RIP: Cluster club established with 50 members, advice support and training to establish EMS systems and Eco design to at least 20 companies. Secure LEADER status/EU funding 1st April 201435

36 Key facts on RIP  Why was this topic chosen for RIP?  Peterborough Economic Development  What should be improved via RIP?  Eco Management and Eco Innovation at SMEs in Peterborough  Who will support the RIP?  Local Enterprise Partnership, Local Councils  Chamber of Commerce and local SMEs. 1st April 201436

37 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP STAFF Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Staff expertise and resource 1 key word Budget External funding 1st April 201437

38 RECOMMEND Status Quo of preparing the RIPs Project Partner UBBSLA Mariana Ivanova 1st April 2014 / Ascoli Piceno / IT

39 Title & Output of RIP  Title: Establishment of scheme of Voucher supporting Energy innovation at local level  Output / result of RIP: Implementation of vouchers for energy saving measures;  Reduction of CO2 emissions, investments in innovation solutions, increasing the energy sustainability, reducing the expenses for energy. 1st April 201439

40 Key facts on RIP Why was this topic chosen for RIP? Energy vouchers are grant with minimum bureaucracy, which will attract the citizens to use it. The voucher will support only measures which will improve the eco- management and eco-innovation.

41 Key facts on RIP  What should be improved via RIP? The second biggest expense on annual basic for a Bulgarian family is for energy consumption. The price of the electricity in Bulgaria is the cheapest in EU, but the households are high energy intensive. On the other side most of the Bulgarians didn’t like to use European money from the Operational programs because of the high bureaucracy and a lot of paper work.

42 Key facts on RIP  Effect, synergy for region? Vouchers for energy innovation will be implemented for the very first time in the Black sea region. The goal is to check how the scheme will work at local level. As a result we expect reduction of CO2 emissions, investments in innovation solutions, increasing the energy sustainability, reducing the expenses for energy.

43 Key facts on RIP  Next steps to be taken before getting RIP signed The awareness raising campaign have to be implemented due to the vouchers schemes is completely unintroduced and unknown at local level. We have to increase the competences of the city councillors, mayor, district mayors, regional governor, local peoples, utility companies, etc.

44 Key facts on RIP  Who will sign the RIP? The desicion have to be adopted by city council and signed by the maoyr of the city.  Any idea when your RIP will be signed? At the end of 2014. 1st April 201444

45 Risks for a successful implementation of RIP Please state on this page challegnes where you do not have any suitable solution at the moment-> these challenges / threats / weaknesses will be discussed together with project partners; target of this group session is to get new input from outside which might help you to find a solution for your challenges 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Lack of understanding– from city consulers, mayors 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Bureocracy – the procedure have to be adopted by the governor 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat lack of strong wish – it is possible to have disapproval from some part of the sociatey 1 key word which describes main challenge, weakness or threat for a successful implementation of RIP Short description (key words are enough) of challenge, weakness or threat Lack of municipality budget – main treat for suceful implementation. 1st April 201445

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