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Class #11 (10-29-12) EDCO 500 F 12 Rich Feller School of Education Colorado State University

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1 Class #11 (10-29-12) EDCO 500 F 12 Rich Feller School of Education Colorado State University




5 Homework Read The Principles of Strengths-Based Education on course website Read The Principles of Strengths-Based Education on course website Write your Personal Statement of Strength Write your Personal Statement of Strength


7 Review at your tables How many Abilities exist within the Ability Explorer…and what 2 ways do you develop Abilities?

8 Sample

9 Develop through Activities p. 10 and Courses p. 12

10 Strengths in Search of Personal Excellence Your reaction to the book?





15 Strengths Finder With your signature theme results from 2.0 book With your signature theme results from 2.0 book Write your top 5 on your new name tag Write your top 5 on your new name tag Individually Write your Personal Statement of Strength for homework


17 Behavioral Interviewing 1


19 Ultimate Job Search Kit


21 2



24 I Feel StrongI Feel Weak

25 Myths Realities 1. As you grow, your personality changes. 1. As you grow, you become more of who you already are. 2. You will grow the most in your areas of greatest weakness greatest strength 2. grow the most in your areas of greatest strength 3. A good team member does whatever it takes to help the team 3. A good team member deliberately volunteers her strengths to the team most of the time

26 Marcus Buckingham…one tape *His weakness is “confrontation” “find out what you don’t like doing and stop doing it” “are you making the most of the Strengths you have?” Are you one of the 2 of 10?

27 Run Trombone DVD

28 2 Identify Strengths


30 At your tables Come up with 12 things that would be observable which would let you Come up with 12 things that would be observable which would let you “Tap into your most productive motivations at work” Can be called the new unwritten social contract between employees and employer Can be called the new unwritten social contract between employees and employer

31 Gold


33 Homework Complete StrengthsFinder and bring your report to class and have read your your report to class and have read your 5 chapters 5 chapters

34 Complete the Motivated Skills Card Sort with a Friend…Using Cards and Motivated Skills Card Sort Matrix. Create a discussion around this about “what it means to them” Bring back the Ability Explorer back Completed

35 Context of Career Choice Theory Donald Super Donald Super GEEMD GEEMD Ages and Stages Ages and Stages Re-Cycles Re-Cycles Self-Concept Self-Concept Career Education Career Education

36 Donald Super’s Career Choice Theory G birth to 14 development of capacity, interests, self-concept Exploration 15-24 tentative choices Establishment 25-44 trial and stabilize Maintenance 45-64 Continual adjustment conscious of change/threat Decline 65+ work output issues/ pre-retirement thinking (later called Disengagement)

37 Process Shaped by 5 Concepts 1.Self-Concept… the constant effort to chase your self- concept- implement who you think you are. 2. Career Maturity/Career Adaptability …tasks in age related comparison 3. Developed from studying W M in Middletown NY 4. Added the concept of Repeat and Re-cycle (mini-cycles) 5. Became more holistic …included life roles (Life Career Rainbow)

38 LA #3 Group Job Scan


40 Job Scan Groups Facing Front of Room (front table left) Front table rightMiddle table leftMiddle table right Chris 1Elissa 1Daisie (abs)1 KayeLeah4 Rochelle2Ingrid2Alan2Sylvia5 Hakeem3Lorie3Laura3Mallory6 Back table leftBack table rightOutside in Hallway Crystal4Pedro4Darcy 7 Cam5Rafah 7Kusnandar5 Margeaux7Carrie6Erika6 Each team member (15 mins) with a copy in hand teaches material to two others within their assigned group above. From the triad each person hears 3 reports (two new ones and their own). (Daisie absent)

41 Motivated Skills


43 Highly Proficient Competent Little or No Skill Put Away Lay out Motivation Cards Sort Skill Cards by Motivation Level Restore Competency Cards Sort by Competency Level


45 Strengths Gallup Gallup Not Normative in Capacity Not Normative in Capacity Language of Positive Psychology Language of Positive Psychology


47 Career EducationNCDA







54 Envelopes

55 How much of your day do you use your Strengths? Are You the 2 out of 10?

56 Your StrengthsFinder Results

57 Write Yours using your 5 Strength themes Gold handout

58 Strengths Model 2 You fall off of your strengths path quickly if you don’t navigate away from those activities that weaken you You fall off of your strengths path quickly if you don’t navigate away from those activities that weaken you

59 I Feel StrongI Feel Weak

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