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Southern Investing for Health Partnership Neighbourhood and Environment Issue Group Community Energy Efficiency Programme TADA Rural Support Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Investing for Health Partnership Neighbourhood and Environment Issue Group Community Energy Efficiency Programme TADA Rural Support Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Investing for Health Partnership Neighbourhood and Environment Issue Group Community Energy Efficiency Programme TADA Rural Support Network

2 Community Energy Efficiency Programme Aim: ‘Tackle fuel poverty through providing information, advice and referrals, to change the targets groups behaviour and capabilities, to increase energy efficiency in their households’

3  In 2001 the Housing Conditions Survey revealed that 203,300 households in Northern Ireland were in fuel poverty.  Fuel poverty is termed as any household which spends over 10% of its income to achieve an adequate standard of warmth. Some Statistics: 54% of fuel poor people are over 60 years old. 43% of fuel poor households have an income less than £7,000 The rate of fuel poverty remains highest in isolated rural households What is fuel poverty?

4 Community Energy Efficiency Programme Target area: Target Group:  Craigavon and Banbridge – April 2006-March 2007  Newry and Mourne - April 2007- March 2008  Armagh and South Tyrone – April 2008 – March 2009  Older people  Low Income Households  Households with children under five years old.

5 Ongoing work of the Community Energy Programme Community Workshops Community and Voluntary Organisations training Information Seminars Networking events NVQ (level 2) Energy Awareness Training Partnership Work with Council and Energy Advice Organisations

6 Community Seminars and Workshops Workshops Can be tailor made to suit the group and will provide information on: Fuel Poverty Energy Waste Energy Efficiency of your home Energy Saving Hints and Tips Grants and Scheme Available – ‘Warm Homes Scheme’ Workshops have taken place in to date in Craigavon and Banbridge in a wide range of organisations, some examples include:  Chest Heart and Stroke Group, Banbridge Bowling Club  Corcraine Community Centre, Senior Citizens, Portadown  Caterpillar Club, After school group Craigavon

7 Children from the information workshop, enjoying drawing and painting their ideas on how to save energy. 2 pics of children

8 Targeting community organisations already working in the local target areas, ensures community workers and volunteers are practicing energy efficiency and passing information on to their local areas. Chrysalis Women’s Centre staff enjoy participating in the energy workshop. Community and Voluntary Organisations training

9 ‘The information was excellent and very geared to the needs of the group and the centre, practical information and tips bring a reality to the issue’ (Theresa Watson Chrysalis Manager) Picture of staff member putting in energy lightbulb

10 Information Seminars Information seminars bringing together specific groups and associations can be arranged to ensure everyone has access to information. Example: Through securing funds from partner organisations, a seminar was arranged targeting Polish families in the Craigavon and Banbridge area. Picture of group

11 Networking Events Attending networking events, raising an awareness at local level regarding issues of fuel poverty. Example: Attending Country Comes to Town in Portadown, giving out flyers, information and advice, thermometers and energy light bulbs. Over 500 people signed up to receive information on saving energy and an energy light bulb Picture: People stopping to get information on Community Energy.

12 Partnership Work with Council and Energy Advice Organisations  Working in partnership with key organisations is vital to the success of the programme. The programme continues to work and learn from such organisations as; National Energy Action, EAGA Partnership, Energy Saving Trust. Example of partnership work Craigavon Council and the Community Energy Programme. Targeting local community associations, we can conduct a ‘blanket sweep’ of their local residence, giving out energy light bulbs and information. Over 500 people can be targeted in one day through partnership work. Projects are ongoing in Killicomaine Centre Portadown and Tagnavan Centre Craigavon.

13 NVQ (level 2) Energy Awareness Training The Programme:  Offers the opportunity for individuals to become qualified Energy Advisors through accessing NVQ LEVEL 2 Training on Energy Advice.  Training normally costs £700.00 per person, through support offered from the Neighbourhood and Environment issue group, the training is FREE OF CHARGE!  Three places are available to interested community and voluntary workers in the areas of Portadown, Banbridge and Craigavon. And from March 2007 recruitment will begin in Newry and Mourne.  Ensures the continued sustainability of the Energy Programme; This training expands the potential of local organisations, allowing them to develop the skills to tackle fuel poverty and increase the energy efficiency of their communities.

14 Any Questions? For more information on training or to book a workshop Contact Ciara Burns Community Energy Programme TADA Rural Network Tele:028 3888 1157 Mobile:07738972058 E;

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