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Project Administration VI IABIN COUNCIL MEETING Bayahibe, Dominican Republic July 14-17, 2009 Luisa Fernanda Neira, Olga Morales Department of Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Administration VI IABIN COUNCIL MEETING Bayahibe, Dominican Republic July 14-17, 2009 Luisa Fernanda Neira, Olga Morales Department of Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Administration VI IABIN COUNCIL MEETING Bayahibe, Dominican Republic July 14-17, 2009 Luisa Fernanda Neira, Olga Morales Department of Sustainable Development Organization of American States

2 Project Implementation Plan  US$ 35 million 5-year effort Plan Component US$ 1.Interoperability and Access to Data 8.76 M 2.Data Content Creation13.18 M 3.Information Products for Decision Making 4.25 M 4.Sustainability of IABIN 7.34 M 5.Project Administration 1.40 M 34.93 M

3 Funding US$ 6 million awarded by the GEF US$28.9 million parallel financing from 78 regional / national institutions 8.76 21.94 26.19 33.53 34.93

4 Project Financial Status as of June 09 To date: – Funds Disbursed: US$ 3,341,064.96 – Funds Committed: US$ 1,473,307.78

5 Project Disbursements 2005-2009

6 Funds Executed by Component 2004-2009

7 Project Disbursements 2005-2009

8 Component 1:Interoperability and Access to Data

9 Component 2:Data Content Creation

10 Component 3: Value Added Tools 2 Request for Proposals advertised, 4 proposals selected InstitutionProposalAmount INBio Modeling System for Development of ACTION Scenarios for Possible Threats to Biodiversity $107,298 INBio System for Making Decisions based on Categories of Conservation and Use of Biodiversity $ 88,000 TNC Internet Based GIS Ecosystem Assessment and Reporting Tool for Conservation Decision Making $ 75,000 NatureServe Advancing Joint Roles as Coordinating Institutions for IABIN $ 65,248 Total: $335,546

11 2009 Procurement Plan COMPONENT 1 Contract PurposeAmountLevel of Execution Catalogue -- SAIC Contract to provide search tool for IABIN (BioBot) US$125,00078% Catalogue -- 2 consultancies to translate IABIN Thesaurus into English and Spanish US$10,000100% IT and I3N Technical Working Group Meetings1 Meeting held50% Catalogue -- Extension to SAIC contractUS$50,0000% I3N – Database, improvements and updateUS$35,0000% I3N – Web pages translation into Spanish and EnglishUS$9,2000% PATN – CI Transfer Agreement with UNEP-WCMCUS$127,0000% ETN -- Provide analysis on Database and GIS - Portal maintenance US$10,0000%

12 2009 Procurement Plan COMPONENT 2 Contract PurposeAmountLevel of Execution SSTN, ETN, I3N, Data Content Grants (108 in 5 TNs)US$1,350,00082% SSTN, ETN, I3N, PTN, Catalogue Data Quality Control US$113,2007% PTN -- CI Transfer Agreement amended to include training activities US$127,0000% I3N – 2 Training workshops (Suriname, Honduras)US$14,000100% SSTN – Amendment to CI Transfer Agreement to include training sessions (2 workshops and E- Learning Platform) US$67,71881% SSTN -- Seed Funds for National Workshops (7 workshops carried out) US$26,83328% Catalogue -- TrainingsUS$40,0000% ETN -- TrainingUS$41,0000% PTN – Amendment to CI Transfer Agreement to include training US$90,0000%

13 Co-Financing

14 Co-financing form

15 IABIN Co-Financing by Component 2005-2008

16 IABIN Co-Financing by Semester 2005-2008

17 Administrative Process Prior to Signature 1. Secretariat Advertises the Request for Proposals 2. Coordinating Institution (CI), Secretariat and GS/OAS evaluate and select proposals 3. Based on Proposals CI, Secretariat and GS/OAS define deliverables and disbursements 4b. GS/OAS contacts Grantee to request Certification of Legal Personality Legal Representative Bank Information 4a. GS/OAS Prepares Draft Agreement Legal Approval Financial Approval CI Approval 5a. GS/OAS sends Draft Agreement to Institution Institution Approval 5b. GS/OAS creates Supplier Number 7. GS/OAS and Grantee Sign the Agreement 8. GS/OAS executes First Disbursement yes no 6. GS/OAS Obligates the Funds

18 Data Content Grants – By Thematic Network Thematic Network No. of Grants Accepted FundingTotal Species13 $ 142.708 $ 520.000 Specimens37 $ 361.196 Ecosystems23 $ 245.887 $ 260.000 Invasive Species17 $ 160.000 Pollinators11 $ 119.864 $ 150.000 Protected Areas7 $ 73.539 $ 100.000 Catalogo0 $ - $ 160.000 TOTAL108 $ 1.105.003 $ 1.350.000 82%

19 Data Content Grants Country Participation Country No. of Grants % Argentina1817% Peru1110% Chile109% Brazil98% Colombia98% Uruguay76% Costa Rica66% Ecuador66% Panama66% México55% Bolivia33% Guatemala33% Jamaica33% Paraguay33% Dominican Republic22% Nicaragua22% Venezuela22% El Salvador22% Belize11% TOTAL108 100%

20 Country Funding Granted % Argentina $166,153.0015% Chile $108,079.0010% Peru $100,868.269% Brazil $ 94,764.269% Colombia $ 91,348.108% Ecuador $ 78,546.007% Costa Rica $ 75,000.007% Panama $ 74,057.457% Uruguay $ 68,140.006% México $ 52,000.005% Bolivia $ 30,000.003% Guatemala $ 30,000.003% Jamaica $ 29,911.133% Paraguay $ 24,936.002% Dominican Republic $ 19,700.002% El Salvador $ 19,500.002% Nicaragua $ 17,700.002% Venezuela $ 14,300.001% Belize $ 10,000.001% Data Content Grants Country Participation

21 Web Page by Thematic Network

22 Web Page by Country

23 Grant Agreement Signature Rate by Semester

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