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Lindsay Gandulla & Judy Lucyk Unit Portfolio Presentation.

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1 Lindsay Gandulla & Judy Lucyk Unit Portfolio Presentation

2 Students will participate in a creating, operating and making decisions for a classroom store. During this process, students will develop the understanding of money as its value in society.

3 Essential Question What gives something value? Unit Questions How is money valuable? What makes money valuable? How does everyday life affect/impact our understanding the valuable things? Content Questions What are the strategies to count money? What are the different types of money and what are their values? Why do people have jobs? What is the difference between a want and a need? How do wants and needs affect individual’s decision making processes?

4 Identify the value of each coin. Count money with accuracy. Spend money thoughtfully Save money for a purpose. Learn real life uses of money. Learn how to run a class store with peers.

5 Collaborating with peers. Solving problems and making decisions. Communication with others. Make responsible choices. Demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior. Demonstrating a positive work ethic.

6 KWL Chart Brainstorming Prior Money Questionnaire

7 I can use the information from these assessment to:  Learn what concepts of money will be taught.  Plan activities to meet students’ needs.  Gauge students prior knowledge of CFQ’s. Students can use this information from these information to:  Self Correct throughout the unit any misconceptions they may have.  Guide their learning

8 Q. Which assessment activity would be the most effective in gauging our students needs.

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